KRHS Band Booster General Meeting
October 6, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Meeting was called to order at 7:11pm by Kathy Fine, President
Members Present: Robin Byus, Brenda Wiese, Jennifer Schumacher, Claudia Ablaza, Mike Ablaza, Betsy Whiting, Dawn Rivera, Tom Sharp, Mark Hunter, Jenny Hunter, Sharon Hanlon, Jen Robinson, Mindi O’ Connor, Jacquelin Pinilla, Diane Searles, Liz Deavers, Paul Yates, Patti Kim
Special Announcement: Mr Malloy, KRHS AP, announced Ms. Liz Deavers as our new band director, replacing Mr. Yonkey. A substitute teacher, Mr. Tester, has been contacted about teaching band classes until January while Ms. Deavers continues to teach orchestra classes. Principal Warner will know in a few days if Mr. Tester is going to accept the long term sub position. If all goes well, in January Mr. Tester will teach orchestra classes while Ms. Deavers will teach band classes.
Band Director Report: Matthew Yonkey
• MB State Assessment (VBODA) is scheduled on 10/22/2016 at Rock Ridge HS.
• Homecoming game is tomorrow 10/7/16. MB will perform a post game show instead of a half-time performance.
• Competition at Hanover HS is scheduled on 10/15/16. This competition is near Richmond, VA. MB will perform at 2:00 pm.
• Senior Night, our last regular season home game, will be on 10/21/16.
• Jazz Cruise students continue to rehearse every Thursday night.
• Superintendent Jeck requested KRHS Jazz Band Ensemble to perform on 11/18/16 in Williamsburg at the VA State School Board Meeting. The County will pay for hotel and meal costs. Preliminary plans are that Jazz Band students depart KRHS at 11:00 am on Thursday 11/17/16. Students will perform on Friday 11/18/16 at 9:00 am and arrive KRHS by 2:00 pm. Mr. Yonkey has secured a couple of chaperones for this event. More detail will follow.
• Veterans Day performance 11/11/16. Choir will perform this year.
• All-District Band Auditions will be on 12/10/16, hosted by the Rappahannock School District. Auditioning music will be available 6 weeks prior to the auditions.
• Christmas Parade - more information to follow.
Secretary's Report
• September minutes were approved.
Treasurer's Report
• Motion passed to approve September monthly report.
Fundraising Report: Kathy Fine/Jacquelin Pinilla
• Tag Day A Huge Success! Students did a great job! $15,202 raised for the band. Thank you Kathy Fine for coordinating with help from Matt Yonkey, Val Kenney & Mindi O’Connor. Thank you to our drivers and host houses. The students did a great job!
• Attraction Guides now selling thru October 31st. If you sell 5 books, your child keeps 1 free. Please keep the original sample until the end of October. There’s an option to pay on-line. Kathy will send a Remind regarding due date.
• Wreaths Across America. December 17th is the National Wreath Laying Day. Our kick-off date TBA. It will soon be determined which National Veteran Cemetery to go to for wreath laying. More details to follow.
• Christmas Ornament Sales. More details to follow.
• Nate Hunter’s Eagle Scout Ceremony - Jacqueline Pinilla and other board members attended this event.
• Friday nights. This Friday dinner will be purchased from Ledos. For Senior Night, separate meals will be provided for all seniors - Diane Searles will coordinate this. We will need help from non-senior parents as senior parents will be busy walking their students onto the field.
• Working on setting up more Spirit Nights - Sara McFarland is working on Chipotle, Moe’s and other places.
President’s Report: Kathy Fine
• New MB uniforms look great! A GREAT BIG thank you to Jean Macari & Mindi O'Connor for all the coordination needed to quickly organize & fit all those students into their new uniforms. Also, thank you to our seamstresses -- Brenda Wiese, Robin Byus, Tish DeVere, Sharon Hanlon, and Patti Kim. You ladies make our band look so good!
• HUGE effort from parents working as pit crew & chaperones. Thank you for all your hard work on behalf of the band!
• A GREAT BIG thank you to our Hospitality Coordinator, Jacquelin Pinilla, and her group of parents serving up Friday night dinners & keeping the MB happy! Thank you Robin Honnick for ordering all the food!
• Yonkeyfest - Mr. Yonkey's going away party. 11/13/16 @ 2:00 - 5:00 pm. Will be held at the Fauquier Co. Fairgrounds. Pot luck, live music, presentations will be made. Each section will be making center pieces for the tables. BYOB event; booster will provide water, lemonade and tea. We discussed gift ideas such as each section preparing a small memorable thank you gift and a larger group gift for the Yonkey family.
• A word from Ms. Deavers. Ms. Deaver introduced herself and shared her background with the parents. Parents engaged in lively conversations with Ms. Deavers and welcomed her as our new band director.
Upcoming Events
• Homecoming Game - 10/7/16
• Competition at Hanover - 10/15/16
• Senior Night (last reg. season home game) - 10/21/16
• Assessment - 10/22/16
• Veterans Day Performance - 11/11/16 (choir not band)
• VA State Sch. Bd. Mtg. in Williamsburg - 11/17-18/2016
Jazz Band departs KR @ 11am on 11/17, perform @ 9am on 11/18 and return to
KR by 2pm. Jazz Band will have dinner with Dr. Jeck on 11/17.
• Warrenton Christmas Parade - 12/2/16
• All-District Band Auditions - 12/10/16 @ Rappahannock County
• Winter Concert @ 6:30 pm - 12/14/16
• Wreath Laying - 12/17/16
Meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.
Monthly Band Booster Mtgs. are held the 1st Thursday at 7:00 pm in the band room.
Next Booster Meeting: November 3, 2016 at 7:00pm
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