February 9, 2017


Brantford City Hall

100 Wellington Street

Charlie Ward Room

Keri Korfmann in the Chair

Annette Wawzonek – Recording Secretary

1.  ROLL CALL/CALL TO ORDER – 7 needed for quorum



Keri Korfmann – Chair

Darren McCormack – Vice Chair

Michael Harrington – Secretary

Dwight Rose

Cathy Oden

Bill Keighley (left at 9:29am) – quorum was lost

John Utley – Councillor


Tina Wolak – Treasurer

Brian Xurieb


Mayor Chris Friel

John O’Neill

Brian Van Tilborg – Councillor


Annette Wawzonek – DBBIA Executive Director

Sgt. Randy Batson – Police Services

Danette Dalton – Policy Planner – City of Brantford

Barry English – TDG Marketing

Mandy English – TDG Marketing

Jennifer Middleton – Community Events Coordinator – City of Brantford

Karen Towler – Conestoga College

Robyn Jardine – Blue W




Moved by Bill Keighley

Seconded by Dwight Rose

THAT the Agenda for February 9, 2017 BE APPROVED.


3. DELEGATIONS/PRESENTATIONS (10 Minutes each including Q&A)

3.1 Robyn – Blue W Initiative

Robyn handed out a package with information about the Blue W program (Healthy Kids Community Challenge).

Blue W is a national network of shops, restaurants and businesses that are willing to let people refill their reusable bottle with tap water. Participating locations are given a window sticker and are promoted through the Healthy Kids Community Challenge network, as well, there is a downloadable app. Visit for more information.

3.2 Karen Towler – Conestoga College

Presentation attached to Minute file


Moved by Cathy Oden

Seconded by John Utley


THAT the following Minutes BE APPROVED

5.1.1  Downtown Brantford BIA Board of Management – January 12, 2017


THAT the following Statements BE APPROVED

5.2.1 December 2016 Income Statement and Year to Date


THAT the following Reports/Minutes BE RECEIVED

5.3.1 January 2017 Staff Report

5.3.2 Town and Gown Committee Minutes from December 7, 2016

5.3.3 Downtown Action Committee Meeting Minutes from December 13, 2016

5.3.4 Special Events Advisory Team Meeting Minutes from December 14, 2017

5.3.5 Economic Development Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes from November 23, 2016 (No Quorum)

5.3.6 Tourism Advisory Committee Minutes from November 22, 2016


Reminder to Committee representations/liaisons on External Committees to send in approved Minutes


6.1  DBBIA Communications/Marketing Committee Recommendations and Updates – Darren McCormack:

6.1.1 2017 Marketing Budget Breakdown

THAT the DBBIA Marketing Committee RECOMMEND that the DBBIA Board of Management ACCEPT the following breakdown guidelines for the 2017 Marketing Budget.

2017 Marketing Budget / 2017
Marketing & Promotion Expenses
Billboards / 6,000.00
Print Advertising / 4,500.00
Digital Advertising / 6,500.00
Committed Advertising:
The Sputnik / 570.00
The Expositor - Tunes Ad / 300.00
What's On / 500.00
Directories and Guides / 1,000.00
Downtown After Hours (Printing/Postage) / -
Crawl in the Core / 1,600.00
Marketing Consultant / 27,600.00
New Business Welcome Gift / 1,000.00
Events - Title Sponsor / 6,000.00
Events - Sponsorship / 5,000.00
Flyer and & Printing Expenses / 1,000.00
Merchandise Certificates / 800.00
Website Expenses / 240.00
Promotional Products / 1,000.00
Member Event Support / 500.00
Social Media / -
Honorarium for Volunteers / 2,300.00
Total Marketing and Promotion Expenses / 66,410.00

Moved by Cathy Oden

Seconded by Dwight Rose

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management ACCEPT the breakdown guidelines for the 2017 Marketing Budget as recommended by the DBBIA Marketing Committee.


6.1.2 Chili Willy Sponsorship

THAT the DBBIA Marketing Committee RECOMMEND the approval of a $500 sponsorship for the 2017 Chili Willy event to be used for entertainment.

Moved by Cathy Oden

Seconded by John Utley

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management APPROVE the recommendation from the Marketing Committee for a $500 sponsorship for the 2017 Chili Willy event to be used for entertainment.


6.1.3 Brantford International Jazz Festival

THAT the DBBIA Marketing Committee RECOMMEND the approval of a $1,000 sponsorship for the Brantford International Jazz Festival and a full-page ad in the Jazz Festival brochure in the amount of $1200.

Moved by Dwight Rose

Seconded by Michael Harrington

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management APPROVE the recommendation from the Marketing Committee for a $1,000 sponsorship for the Brantford International Jazz Festival and a full-page ad in the Jazz Festival brochure in the amount of $1200.


THAT the DBBIA Marketing Committee NOT RECOMMEND a sponsorship of $375 for the Brantford Downtown Jazz Concert Series.

Moved by Cathy Oden

Seconded by Michael Harrington

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management APPROVE the recommendation from the Marketing Committee to NOT sponsor a Downtown Brantford Jazz Concert.


6.1.4 Brantford’s Got Talent

THAT the DBBIA Marketing Committee RECOMMEND the approval of $350 in Merchandise Certificates for prizes for the 2017 Brantford’s Got Talent event.

Moved by Michael Harrington

Seconded by Cathy Oden

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management APPROVE the recommendation from the Marketing Committee for a $350 in Merchandise Certificates for prizes for the Brantford’s Got Talent event.


Keri Korfmann reported that the DBBIA now has a co-op student from Assumption College. She will be working for 2 hours per day and will be connecting with businesses and organizing the Downtown Clean-Up.

6.2  Parking – Dwight Rose

Moved by Dwight Rose

Seconded by Bill Keighley

THAT the Downtown Brantford Business Improvement Area Board of Management RECOMMEND that the City of Brantford proceed with a paid parking system in the downtown core (DBBIA area) and offer one-hour free parking and that we SUPPORT the 2014 Parking Task Force objectives.


6.3  Vacancy Rebates – Keri Korfmann

Staff updated the Board regarding changes that the Province will be making to allow Municipalities to change the rules around Vacancy Rebates.

Moved by Dwight Rose

Seconded by Darren McCormack

THAT the Ministry of Finance’s January 2017 correspondence regarding Vacant Unit Rebate and Vacant/Excess Land Subclasses BE RECEIVED; and

THAT the Downtown Brantford Business Improvement Area Board of Management BE REQUESTED to lead a public consultation process in March 2017 with the local business community, involving the Chamber of Commerce Brantford-Brant, the Brantford-Brant Business Resource Centre, the Economic Development Advisory Committee, members of the broader business community, the public and staff from the City’s Finance Department, Planning Department and Economic Development and Tourism Services Department, to obtain their input into the possible implementation of changes to the vacant rebate and reduction programs in our community, considering the potential impacts that the proposed changes may have on local business; and

THAT the finding of the public consultation process BE SHARED with the City’s Manager of Revenue/Tax Collector no later than its June 4, 2017 meeting in order to meet the Ministry’s July 1, 2017 deadline.


6.4  OPEN DISCUSSION/Questions/Announcements (2 minute limit for each topic)


(Please submit updates and reports electronically so they can be attached to the Minute file)

7.1  TDG Marketing Updates – Barry English/Mandy English

-  Dining Guide – looked at by the Marketing Committee – tent card

-  Video Script – 20 second commercial – done and up by March 10th

-  New blog – approved – Free WIFI

-  Updating look of the website – end of March creative will be done

7.2  John Utley/Brian Van Tilborg - City Council Updates

-  Garbage situation is being reviewed – presentation at the next Board meeting

-  Downtown Parking Task Force meeting – February 16th at 2:00pm

-  Brantford Public Library – new façade coming – updating Strategic Plan

-  Keri Korfmann asked about Safe Brantford – Attending April Board meeting

7.3  Kathryn Goodhue – Brantford Public Library Update

-  Not in attendance

7.4  Mae Legg – BRC/Economic Development

-  Not in attendance

7.5  Jennifer Middleton - Community Events Coordinator, City of Brantford

-  Para Sports this weekend, 11 sports, one of the biggest events held in Brantford.

-  Watch the news tomorrow as there will be a big announcement.

-  Frosty Fest next weekend – Saturday road closure starts at 6PM.

-  Chili Willy, February 26th – 10th year

7.6  Beth Gurney, Associate Director – Communications and Public Affairs for Wilfrid Laurier University

-  Sent regrets

7.7  Karen Towler, Manager of Operations & Program Planning, Conestoga College – Brantford Campus

-  Nothing additional to report

7.8  Danette Dalton - Downtown Updates/Downtown Master Plan

- A new project relating to billboards in the downtown in underway. The project aims to identify areas where billboards should not be located in the downtown. A map highlighting the areas where billboards are currently permitted was shared. A request was made to indicate on the mapping where billboards should not be permitted.

- Two re-investment grants were approved by Council on January 31, 2017. The two projects are for the purchase of downtown street furniture and for the removal of the single stair case at the parkade plaza. Another map was shared highlighting the current inventory of street furniture. A request was made to indicate where new street furniture items should be placed.

The downtown revitalization program did not receive its $100,000 allocation for 2017.

-New parking machines have been installed in the City surface lots. The newspaper advertisement was shared.

- The 2016 Safety Night Walk list of issues was shared.

- A 2017 downtown event list was provided to the BIA.

- A request for Michelle Connor to present at the April BIA meeting about Safe Brantford

- Working with Jennifer Middleton, Randy Batson and Tom Sliwinski to re-establish the Downtown Neighbourhood Association. A welcome meeting will be held sometime in March. A kick-off event (Street Furniture) with Brantford Police will be held onApril 12, 2017. Hoping to organize a spring clean-up as well in conjunction with the downtown BIA.

7.9  Sgt. Randy Batson – Stats/Downtown Activity

- International Police Hockey Tournament – February 23rd and 24th

7.10 External Committee Updates (if any)

- Economic Development Advisory Committee (John O’Neill)

- Tourism Advisory Committee (Keri Korfmann)

- Brantford Heritage Committee (Darren McCormack)

- Downtown Brantford Performance Grant Advisory Committee (Keri Korfmann)

- Downtown Action Committee (Annette Wawzonek)

- DAC Subcommittee: Downtown Parking Task Force (Dwight Rose, Annette Wawzonek, John O’Neill)

- Brant Cultural Advisory Committee (Annette Wawzonek – as needed)

- Town and Gown Committee (Annette Wawzonek)

- SEAT Committee (Annette Wawzonek)

- TCO Meeting (Keri Korfmann)

- Transit Liaison Advisory Committee (Keri Korfmann)


9.1 Reminder: The next regular meeting of the BIA Board of Management will be held on

March 9, 2017 at 8:00AM at City Hall in the Charlie Ward Room.

9.2 Downtown Brantford Marketing Committee Meeting – February 23, 2017 at TDG Marketing (233 Colborne Street)


The meeting adjourned at 9:55AM.

Moved by: John Utley

Seconded by: Michael Harrington

THAT the DBBIA Board of Management meeting be adjourned.