SHARE Special ProjectsInitiation and Planning

Request for Certification and Release of Funds to Implement a Project Under SHARE

Project Governance

SHARE Special Project Name

/ Cash Management Remediation
Date / August 17, 2012
Facilitating Agency / SHARE - DoIT
Requesting Agency / DFA
Other Agencies / STO, DoIT

Requesting Agency Executive Sponsor

/ Ricky Bejarano, State Controller
Requesting Agency Head / Tom Clifford, DFA Secretary
Requesting Agency CIO/IT Lead / Lee Malmo, Acting CIO
Requesting Agency Project Manager / TBD
SHARE Special Project Manager / Susan Steinberg

SHARE Special Projects

A SHARE Special Project (SSP) is a project performed under the auspices of the SHARE organization in the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) at the request of, and in cooperation with, the Requesting Agency(s) or other stakeholders. DoIT is the Facilitating Agency on a SHARE Special Project.

SHARE is the Statewide Human resources, Accounting and management REporting system, a Commercial Of the Shelf (COTS) PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource and Planning (ERP) system the state purchased and implemented. A SHARE Special Project may be deemed lower risk than typical custom developed systems or new systems implementations as the SHARE systems infrastructure, including all hardware and systems and application software, are already implemented, and are maintained and enhanced under DoIT oversight including the Project Certification Committee (PCC) and the Technical Architecture Review Committee (TARC).

SHARE Special Projects enhance an agency’s participation in the SHARE system by extending additional capabilities to the agency(s), or by making necessary configuration and code changes to SHARE, to better meet the agency’s needs. SHARE Special Projects leverage the SHARE infrastructure and do not require additional hardware or system software.

Other factors reducing the risk associated most with SHARE Special Projects include the following provided by the SHARE organization:

  • Guidance in estimating, budgeting and other processes required to successfully implement a SHARE Special Project
  • SHARE cooperation and assistance in associated funding and appropriations requests
  • Assistance in preparing for and obtaining all necessary approvals from DoIT and DFA including any associated PCC and TARC meetings
  • Guidance in identifying, selecting, negotiating and contracting optimal vendor services, when required, following all state, DoIT, DFA and Procurement policies and codes
  • Vendor contracts are with SHARE directly and are based on the approved DoIT SHARE contract templates and Terms and Conditions
  • Project Guidance including Project Management assistance and oversight by SHARE for the full project lifecycle.
  • Assistance in evaluating the quality and acceptance of vendor deliverables
  • Assistance with Vendor Relations and Contract Management over the full project lifecycle
  • Full involvement and support from the SHARE organization to ensure proper integration of project required changes in SHARE
  • Assistance with all project testing, including appropriate regression testing, to ensure the implementation meets requirements and does not negatively impact the rest of the SHARE systems
  • SHARE provides change control processes and migration quality gates to ensure the reliability and data integrity of the SHARE systems.
  • SHARE provides dedicated environments as necessary to ensure an optimal low risk implementation

ASHARE Special Projectmay warrant an abbreviated process whereby funds for the project may be certified in a two gate PCC process beginning with a combined Initiation & Planning gate, and then the Implementation gate. The outcome of the completed project will of course be presented to the PCC in the standard Closeout gate.

As a SHARE Special Project implemented under the auspices and oversight of the SHARE organization and DoIT, the PCC may consider an exception to the requirement to contract external Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V). The project may require external IV&V should the project deviate from the planned schedule and cost. Exceptions will be evaluated based on budget, schedule, risk and other extenuating factors.

As a SHARE Special Project the status of this project will be presented to the PCC quarterly, included in the regular quarterly SHARE status reporting to the PCC. For larger SHARE Special Projects, or where a project has deviated from the planned schedule and cost,or where significant risks or other circumstances warrant, the PCC may request additional,more frequent and/or different status reporting.

Project Abstract
(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project)
In order to improve financial data processing functionality and system integration the Department of Finance and Administration and the State Treasurer’s Office have begun a project to remediate the current implementation of the SHARE Treasury module. Accurate and timely reconciliation is required for the State and agencies to record cash and the corresponding accounting system balances. There are a significant number of manual processes and system customizations that were implemented in an attempt to address audit issues and findings. Several reconciliation re-tooling efforts have been undertaken since the original SHARE implementation in July 2006 to improve processes and procedures. Inconsistent business processes across agencies increased the complexity of the reconciliation.
Commencing in FY10, STO and DFA worked to address audit findings, including those pertaining to cash reconciliation via the Streamlined Banking Project. STO identified a list of over 30 issues which they wanted to address during the Streamlined Banking Project. The project was initiated with the goal of improving business performance while taking advantage of SHARE software functionality. These changes, while providing a remedy for some of the audit items, did not address the root causes of the issues.
The State Controller commissioned a diagnostic report in June 2012 with the purpose of assessing the current state of cash reconciliation and determining recommendations for remediating the remaining system and business process issues pertaining to the book to bank processes. The recommended approach involved addressing the issues identified as findings in the report in order to improve the book to bank reconciliation, increasing the speed and accuracy of the processes, and reducing the amount of manual intervention by re-deploying the functionality delivered in the SHARE Treasury applications. This includes implementing the Treasury application functionality not currently deployed in SHARE. The focus will be to automate processes, remove manual activities, and provide improved controls over cash and the reporting of the State’s cash position on the balance sheet. This effort would also assist with the preparation of SHARE and the users for the planned SHARE Financials 9.X Upgrade.
Planned Start Date / September 1, 2012 / Planned End Date / Dec. 7, 2012
Requested amount this Certification / $146,000.00 / Remaining Appropriation not Certified, if any / $0.00

Certification History (Include any previous project or phase certifications)

/ Amount / Funding Source(s) (use specific citations to laws, grants, etc.)
Aug. 22, 2012 / $146,000.00 / Laws of 2012
Chapter 19
Section 5
Item 7

Appropriation History

(Include all Funding sources, e.g. Federal, State, County, Municipal laws or grants)

Fiscal Year
/ Amount / Funding Source
FY13 / $146,000.00 / Laws of 2012
Chapter 19
Section 5
Item 7
Proposed Major Deliverable Schedule
Performance Measure

Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

/ Budget /

Due Date


Project Phase

Define Business Requirements. Determine project goals and deliverables, Begin development of Project Management Plan. Perform software functionality assessment. Prepare and conduct workshops. / $20,000.00 / Aug. 31, 2012 / Initiation
Completion of Project Management Plan and Project Schedule. Define requirements, fit-gap, and business processes. Functional and technical design. / $126,000.00 / Oct. 19, 2012 / Planning
PMP updates, Project Schedule updates, Project Reporting / $40,000.00 / Various / Implementation
Configuration/reports. Unit and integration testing. Training. UAT and regression testing. / $180,000.00 / Jan. 2, 2013 / Implementation
Perform Knowledge Transfer, Create Job Aids, Develop resolution approach remediation, Go-Live / $120,000.00 / Jan. 2, 2013 / Implementation
DoIT Closure Report andLessons Learned Post Mortem, Post-Implementation Support / $60,000.00 / Feb. 15, 2013 / Closeout
Total / $546,000.00

FY12 & Prior

/ FY13 / FY14 / FY15
Staff - Internal
Consulting Services / Deloitte Project Management and Treasury Consultant / $546,000.00
Total / $546,000.00

Independent Verification & Validation Option

X This SHARE Special Projectrequests an exception to use DoIT and SHARE oversight in lieu an external IV&V vendor.
This SHARE Special Project will contract for external IV&V.

Independent Verification & Validation DetailsStatus

Significant Risks and Mitigation Strategy

Risk 1:Reliance on outsourced resources to accomplish project goals

Mitigation 1:All critical tasks assigned to state personnel. Closely monitor and manage outside contractor teams. Monitor costs closely.

Risk 2: Staff resource availability

Mitigation 2:Hiring of additional support staff

Risk 3:Maintaining project focus as a priority

Mitigation 3:Limit configuration of expanded functionality to only those enhancements

Risk 4: Multi-agency project with different approaches

Mitigation 3: Close communication between Executive Sponsor and Project Team. Clearly stated project methodology and change definition.


(If applicable, describe how this project interfaces with existing systems/Applications Outside of standard SHARE interoperability)

SHARE has been designed for interoperability with State agency legacy applications
Transition to Operations
(IF the project involves operations not covered by SHARE, describe agency plans to migrate Non-SHARE Special Project solutions to production. include plans to fund and maintain Non-SHARE portions of the project after deployment. )
This project will follow the standard SHARE migration standards (Development to Test to Quality Assurance to Production). The migration standards require regular reviews and sign-off procedures and have been used in all upgrades and enhancements to SHARE.
There are no additional funds required to maintain this project once it is in production.

Required Supporting Project Documentation

X The SHARE Special Project Charter
X The SHARE Special Project Management Plan

Revision: 2012-08-17All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement CodePage 1