The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Hampshire
Winchester and Eastleigh
Local Duke of Edinburgh Committee
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting
held on Wednesday 11th May 2011
at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church
Attendees: Tom Nell (Chairman); Tony Ayres (Vice-Chairman & Winchester College); John Leeks (Treasurer); Caroline St Leger-Davey (Secretary); Richard Mendelsohn (Chairman Elect & Winchester College); Kevin Brown (Treasurer Elect & 1st Chandlers Ford Boys Brigade); Teresa Monks (Field Officer & Winchester Open DofE Centre); Bill McPhee (Kings’ Open DofE Centre)
Apologies were received from Martin King; Gill Spratt; Philip Reid; Sarah Brown
The Chairman thanked The Methodist Church for their hospitality and Kevin Brown for organising the evening.
1. Minutes of AGM held on 13th May 2010 at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church
There were three amendments:
Teresa Monks had been present at the AGM.
All instances of “DoE” should read “DofE”.
Under 4) Osbourne House should read Osborne School.
Subject to these amendments the Minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Tony Ayres and seconded by Teresa Monks. The Chairman signed the Minutes.
2. There were no matters arising.
3. Chairman’s Report
The Chairman’s Annual Report had been circulated before the AGM. The Chairman added his thanks to the committee and to all volunteers who contribute so much to DofE and to its young people. He called attention to the rising cost of training and the possible knock-on effect on finding new trainers.
4. Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report and Accounts are attached. There is approx £1,400 available in the account.
There are additional costs for the award ceremony photograph folders which are outstanding, but we are also expecting a donation of £250 from the Royal Navy.
We received a donation of £300 from Eastleigh Borough Council (£50 less than last year) for which we are very grateful. We no longer receive a Community Chest Grant from Winchester City Council. Teresa will send the Treasurer a list of funding opportunities given by various organisations and charities which may help us.
The accounts were accepted, proposed by Kevin Brown and seconded by Bill McPhee. The Chairman signed the accounts. A copy of the accounts will be sent to the County Treasurer, Peter Tudor.
5. Adoption of the LDC Constitution
As the minimum quorum for changing the Constitution is 3 committee members the committee was quorate. The committee confirmed the adoption of the Constitution version 0.2 from September 2009 originally adopted at the last AGM meeting.
The Chairman explained that as all DofE matters are overseen by the Hampshire Forum, we shall send them a copy of our Constitution for ratification. The Secretary will email the Constitution to the Forum Chairman, David Allan.
6. Election of the Committee
Tom Nell resigned as Chairman and the Vice-Chairman assumed the Chair. Richard Mendelsohn stood for election as Chairman and was elected unanimously. The new Chairman took the Chair and gave his deep thanks to his predecessor Tom Nell and spoke for the Committee in saying how fortunate we had been to have had such an incomparable Chairman.
It was proposed that Tony Ayres remain Vice-Chairman and Caroline St Leger-Davey remain Secretary. The proposal was carried unanimously.
John Leeks resigned as Treasurer, and Tom Nell gave his thanks on behalf of the whole committee for John’s many years of service as Treasurer. Kevin Brown stood for election as the new Treasurer and was elected unanimously.
The new Chairman took over the Chairmanship of the rest of the meeting.
7. Date of the next AGM
The next AGM will take place on Wednesday 9th May 2012, again at Chandler’s Ford Methodist Church.
8. AOB
Now that the Chairman and Treasurer have been newly elected, all the current account signatories will have to be changed. The new signatories will be the Chairman Richard Mendelsohn, Treasurer Kevin Brown, Vice-Chairman Tony Ayres, and Secretary Caroline St Leger-Davey. It was decided to continue the practice of having two signatories for cheques. The account books and cheque book will remain with the Treasurer.
Contact: Secretary Caroline St Leger-Davey 01962 865716 or
County Award Office, Clarendon House, Monarch Way, Winchester SO22 5PW
Tel: 01962 876323 Fax: 01962 876352 E-mail: