Patricia M. Bamonti, p. 1


Mail Address:Office Address

West Virginia UniversityWest Virginia University

Department of PsychologyLife Sciences Building

PO Box 6040Room #2216

Morgantown, WV 26506-6040


StateUniversity of New YorkCollege at Brockport 2005-2008

Brockport, NY

B.S. in Psychology

Minors: English and Women and Gender Studies

Summa Cum Laude (3.78)


Alpha Chi (NationalCollege Honor Society)

Psi Chi Member



Epstein, R.M., Duberstein, P.R., Feldman, M.D., Rochlen, A.B., Bell., R.A., Kravitz, R.L., Cipri, C., Becker, J.D., Bamonti, P., Paterniti, D.A. (2010) “I didn’t know what was wrong:” How People With Undiagnosed Depression Recognize, Articulate, and Make Sense of their Distress. Journal General Internal Medicine, 25, 954-961.

Duberstein, P.R., Chapman, B., Tindle, H.A., Sink, K.M., Bamonti, P. Robbins, J., Jerant, A., Franks, P. (in press). Personality and Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease in Adults 72 Years of Age and Older: A Six-Year Follow-Up. Psychology & Aging.

Bamonti., P.M., Heisel, M.J., Topciu, R.A., Franus, N., Talbot, N.L., & Duberstein, P.R.(2009). Association of alexithymia and depression symptom severity in adults 50 years of age and older. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 51-56.


Duberstein, P.R., Bamonti, P.M., Tu, X.M., Ma, Y., Heisel, M., & Lyness, J. (March 2009). Detection of depression in older adults by family and friends: gauging the eye of the beholder. Poster presented at the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, Savannah, GA.

Bamonti, P.M., Lyness, J.M., Tu, X.M., Ma, Y., & Duberstein, P. (November 2009). Detection of depression in older adults by family and friends: gauging the eye of the beholder. Poster presented at The Gerontological Society of America Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

Bamonti, P.M., Coletta, M., Miller, S., Nickels, M., Duberstein, P., O’Malley, W. (June 2009). A profile of readiness to change, motivation, and mood regulation in bariatric surgery candidates. Poster presented at the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery.

Epstein, R., Duberstein, P.R., Kravitz, R.L., Becker, J.D., Bamonti, P., & Parerniti, D.A.(2009).Overcoming barriers to care-seeking for depression: recognizing, naming and explaining patients’ distress. Poster presented at the Academy of Health Annual Research Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Wininger, S.R., Bamonti, P., Bridges, R., Pociask, S., & Gieske, D. (August 2008). The Relationship Between Attentional Focus and Aerobic Activity Outcomes: A Meta-analysis. Poster presented at the annual 2008 APA conference, Boston, MA.

Janda, J., Chelonis, J., Howarth, M., Bamonti, P., Brown, M.M., Forzano, L.B. (March 2008). Relationship Between Motivation, Impulsivity, Procrastination, Saving and Delay Discounting. Poster presented at the annual Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.


Bamonti, P., Oren, K.V., King, D., Duberstein, P.R. (March 2010). Prospective Association Between Burdensomeness and Meaning in Life in Older Adult Outpatients. 8th Annual Collier Day Mental Health Research Poster Session.

Bamonti, P., Chapman, B., King, D., Talbot, N., Franus, N., Duberstein, P.R. (March 2009).Learning From Our Patients: a preliminary profile of treatment preferences in older adults seeking mental health treatment. 7th Annual Collier Day Mental Health Research Poster Session.



2008-2010Late-Life Depression Course & Treatment Decisions: Psychosocial Influences5K24MH072712-04

PI: Paul R. Duberstein

Co-investigator: Deborah King

Department of Psychiatry

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY

  • Examine the effectiveness of outpatient mental health treatment for adults ages 60 and older.
  • Explore predictors of treatment adherence.
  • Research Coordinator:
  • Create all advertisement material for the study including posters and brochures.
  • Review medical charts for eligibility criteria.
  • Organize, schedule, recruit and interview participants.
  • Manage IRB renewals and amendments.
  • Present study progress at a weekly Lab of Personality Development meeting with post-doctorial students and junior and senior faculty members.
  • Liaison between clinic staff and research staff.
  • Scan and prepare data for scientific papers, abstracts and presentations.
  • Run preliminary descriptive and correlational analyses on data for NIMH Annual Progress Reports.

2008-2010Characteristics and Outcome Predictors of Patients GoingThrough Bariatric Surgery 5R25MH074898-04

PI: Paul R. Duberstein

Co-investigator: Maria Coletta

Department of Psychiatry

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY

  • Examine the effectiveness of bariatric surgery on patients with severe obesity.
  • To establish psychosocial and psychiatric characteristics of those patients undergoing bariatric surgery.
  • Attempt to establish reliable assessment tools to identify those patients who will benefit from bariatric surgery in terms of sustained weight loss.
  • Research Assistant:
  • Create all advertisement material for the study including posters and brochures.
  • Organize, schedule, recruit and interview participants.
  • Manage IRB renewals and amendments.
  • Present study progress at a weekly meetings with study coordinator.
  • Scan and prepare data for scientific papers, abstracts and presentations.
  • Run preliminary descriptive and correlational analyses.

2008Association between alexithymia and depression symptoms severity in adults 50years of age and older

Summer Training on Aging Research Topics-Mental Health Program (START-MH) in San Diego, CA (Summer 2008)

PI: Paul R. Duberstein

Department of Psychiatry

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY

  • Created a presentation based on study findings and presented to peers and faculty at the University of California San Diego.
  • Manuscript in press.

2008-2009Targeted and Tailored Messages to Enhance Depression Care 5R01MH079387-03

PI: Richard Kravitz

Co-investigator(s): Ron Epstein and Paul Duberstein

Department of Psychiatry

Community & Preventative Medicine

University of Rochester,

Rochester, NY

  • Part of a four-member qualitative data analyses team coding data for a multi-site study on the recognition and management of depression in primary care
  • Coded data from 15 focus groups made up of self-identified depressed participants.

2006The Relationship Between Attentional Focus and Aerobic Activity Outcomes: A Meta-analysisResearch for Undergraduate Experience (REU)funded by the National Institute of Health in Bowling Green, KY.

PI: Steven Wininger

Department of Psychology,


  • Performed literature review and coded for a meta-analysis on how attentional focus affects selected outcome variables (i.e. performance on aerobic activities) and how selected independent/moderator variables affect attentional focus.
  • Presented meta-analysis at the end of the summer for Department Faculty.
  • Presented poster at the American Psychological Association 2008 in Boston, MA.



August 2010-PresentGraduate Student Therapist

Location: West Virginia Geropsychology and Insomnia Clinic at WVU of Dept. Family Medicine

Supervisor: Amy Fiske, Ph.D.

Duties: Served as a supvervised therapist treating adult insomnia and late-life depression using cogntitive-behavioral therapy.

August 2010-PresentGraduate Student Therapist

Location: Sundale Nursing Home, Morgantown, WV.

Supervisors: Amy Fiske, Ph.D. & Paula Prentice, M.S.

Duties: Served as a supervised therapist treating depression and anxiety using cognitive-behavioral therapy.



Aug 2010-Present Instructor

West Virginia University, Department of Psychology

Course: Introduction to Psychology


Equal Opportunity Program, SUNY Brockport

Courses: Principles in Psychology, Behavioral Statistics, and Abnormal Psychology


Department of Psychology, SUNY Brockport

Course: Behavioral Statistics



Eastern Psychological Association

Gerontological Association of American



Rape Crisis Advocate (2008-2010)

Rape Crisis Service through Planned Parenthood of the MonroeCounty, NY



Paul Duberstein, Ph.D.

University of Rochester Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry
300 Crittenden Boulevard
Rochester, New York14642-8409
(585) 275-6742

Deborah King, Ph.D.

University of Rochester Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry
300 Crittenden Boulevard
Rochester, New York14642-8409
Telephone: (585) 275-3612
Fax: (585) 273-1117

Steven Wininger, Ph.D.


225 Tate Page Hall
1906 College Heights Blvd. #21030
Bowling Green, KY 42101-1030
Phone: (270)745-4421

Melissa Brown, Ph.D.

SUNY Brockport

124 Holmes Hall

Brockport, NY14420

(585) 395-2488