Data Collections!

1)  Special Education Child Count (SECC)

a.  Reports all students eligible for special education services

b.  Collection date – as of December 1, 2016

c.  Collection Window opens November 17, 2016

d.  Collection Window closes December 19, 2016

2)  June Exit Special Education Collection

a.  Reports all students eligible for and exited from special education services

b.  Collection dates – July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017

c.  Collection Window opens May 25, 2017

d.  Collection Window closes July 3, 2017

3)  Child Find Collection (Indicator 11)

a.  Reports all students who were evaluated to determine special education eligibility (even if student was found not eligible!!)

b.  Collection dates – July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017

c.  Collection Window opens May 25, 2017

d.  Collection Window closes July 3, 2017

Submission Instructions

File Submission

1.  Create a submission file with the Data Manager or follow your data system instructions.

2.  Log on to the District website at

3.  Select “Consolidated Collections” from the Applications list.

4.  With the computer mouse, hover over “Student Collections” on the top menu bar, then:

a.  Hover over “Special Ed Child Find (Indicator 11) 16-17” or “December Special Education Child Count 16-17” or “June Special Education Exit 16-17”

b.  Hover over “Data Submission”

c.  Select “File Upload”

5.  Select “Browse” to locate the submission file.

6.  Select “Upload” to load the records file.

Check the Status of the Submission File

1.  With the computer mouse, hover over “Student Collections” on the top menu bar, then:

a.  Hover over “Special Ed Child Find (Indicator 11) 16-17” or “December Special Education Child Count 16-17” or “June Special Education Exit 16-17”

b.  Hover over “Error Management”

c.  Select “Review Queue”

2.  The file selected to upload will be displayed in the Review Queue. Once the file has been validated and posted, be sure to check for errors.

3.  The ODE Helpdesk will send an email with a subject line of “Process information on your data” when the submitted file has posted (uploaded).

Check for Errors

1.  With the computer mouse, hover over “Student Collections” on the top menu bar, then:

a.  Hover over “Special Ed Child Find (Indicator 11) 16-17” or “December Special Education Child Count 16-17” or “June Special Education Exit 16-17”

b.  Hover over “Error Management”

c.  Select “Review Errors”

2.  Fix all identified errors.

3.  Go to “Review Errors” again to verify all errors have been fixed.

a.  When the message “No errors found for Special Ed Child Find (Indicator 11) 16-17” or “December Special Education Child Count 16-17” or “June Special Education Exit 16-17”appears, all identified errors have been fixed.

Review and Approval of Verification Reports

1.  Click on the Status Tracking tab.

Make sure the school year field contains the correct school year (16-17). The dates will be different during ECRs for Child Find and June Exit.

a.  Click on the arrow left of the due date for “Special Ed Child Find” or “December Special Education Child Count 16-17” or “June Special Education Exit 16-17”

2.  Review each report to ensure the count of records is correct.

Reporting sections for Child Find include:

i.  Initial Referrals

ii.  Initial Referrals by Race/Ethnicity

iii.  Initial Referrals by PHC

iv.  Range of Days over the 60 day timeline by Reason Timeline Not Met

v.  Initial Referral by Grade

There are five reports to be reviewed and verified for the December Special Education Child Count and June Special Education Exit collections.

To review each report:

a.  Click the Select box for each Report. Compare this year’s submission against last year’s report.

b.  Select “Approve Report” if all data reports are correct.

3.  After reviewing and approving all reports, green checkmarks will appear next to each report under Current Status. The App User should be populated with the name of the person submitting the data. The process is finished after all reports are approved. ODE recommends printing reports out for your records.

4.  There is an addition step for the December Special Education Child Count and June Special Education Exit collections. Once the five verification reports have been approved the Final Submission Form button will appear.

a.  Open and print a PDF version of the final submission form by clicking on the “Final Submission Form” button.

b.  Sign the Final Submission Form and mail the original signed form to ODE as the final step in completing the submission process.

How does the data get collected?

One of two ways;

1)  Create the data file at the district (either through an existing special education database or manually) and upload to ODE

2)  Utilize Data Manager to create the data file (either through uploading data from an existing special education database or entering the data manually) and upload to ODE

There are two File Formats;

1)  Special Education Child Count & June Special Education Collection

2)  Child Find Collection

Attached are the file layouts, code tables, and business rules for each (hint: don’t read the business rules unless you’re really bored…).

It is recommended to utilize Data Manager to reduce possible data errors!

More extensive information regarding each collection is available in the manuals located in the back of the binder.

Data Manager Overview

Data Manager is a stand-alone program (downloadable onto your desktop) which contains all required fields for special education reporting.

Multiple options for use:

1)  Record keeping? District does not utilize a separate special education database program and keeps all required data in Data Manager. Data is updated manually throughout year and validated before uploading to ODE.

2)  Validation only? District maintains required data in a special education database or student information system. Data is maintained in separate system throughout year, then uploaded to Data Manager and validated before uploading to ODE.

More extensive information regarding Data Manager, including screen shots, can be found in the Data Manager User Guide in the binder.

What happens next?

After data is uploaded to ODE, the Data Unit will perform validations to detect any remaining possible errors. An error correction window will open approximately 1-2 months after data is uploaded to allow districts to correct data, if necessary.

Data is corrected within the Consolidated Collections in the district website portion of the ODE website. All audits (possible errors) must be reviewed to ensure submitted data is accurate.

After audits are reviewed and corrected districts must verify counts, then print, sign, and mail the Final Submission Form to ODE for the December Special Education Child Count and the June Special Education Exit data collections. There is no final submission form for the Child Find data collection.