HAY ABSTRACTS [all these items need to be copied in their entirety and transcribed fully]
Bedford County, PA Will Book 1, p. 368. 1813. Valentine HAY. Abstract.
Woodberry Twp.
Beloved Wife Catharina
27 pounds of money which she brought to me shall be paid out of my estate to her children when my plantation shall have been sold
the child with which my wife is now pregnant
I appoint George Hartle and John Hay executors, both of Woodberry Township
Signed 22 April 1813
“I further will and ordain that my Executors shall build a house for my beloved wife on the fallow meadow at the upper end of the field to a spring…”
“A true translation of the original (German)”
Witnesses: Hermon Dick, Simon Hay, swear 28 August 1813
Letters Testamentary granted to George Hartle and John Hay, executors, on 28 August 1813
Note: There are also estate papers that pertain to this estate
Bedford County, PA Will Book 3, p. 82. 1836. Simon HAY. Abstract.
Greenfield Twp.
My body to be interred in the Burying Ground of George Lowey [Lowry?] in Woodberry Township
My three children: Eaveagrate my eldest daughter, Reachel my second one, Susanna
My granddaughter, Susanna Smay, but now Susanna Green
I appoint John Walter Senior executor
Signed 24 December 1833
Witnesses: Matthias Walter, Joseph Stiffler
Sworn and Subscribed 20 May 1836
Note: There are also other estate papers and these should be copied in full.
On one of the pages, his signature reads Simon Höh (which in German would sound like “Hay”)
Bedford County, PA Orphans Court vol. 3, p. 77. Abstract.
April Court 1816.
Petition of Catharine Hay, widow and relict of Valentine Hay late of Woodberry Tp.
Husband died intestate leaving your petitioner his widow and five children to wit:
Mary, Catharine, Margaret, Valentine and Simon, the last three of whom are minors under the age of 14 years and have no guardians to take care of their persons and estates
April 3, 1816, court appoints John Ulery guardian over Margaret, Hermon Dick guardian over Valentine Hay, and John Lower guardian over Simon Hay, minor children of Valentine Hay.
Note: “See release of Simon G. Hay to Guardian Record Book T, p. 273” [did not copy, must get a copy whenever possible]
April 3, 1816 came into court Mary Hay minor daughter of Valentine Hay, dec’d., above the age of fourteen, and chooses Conrod Martin as her guardian.
April 3, 1816 came into court Catharine Hay minor daughter of Valentine Hay, dec’d., above the age of fourteen, and chooses Herman Dick as her guardian.
There’s another Valentine Hay who seems to have died slightly later -- confused about his identity.
Bedford County, PA Orphans Court 3, p. 408
April Term 1824
Barbara, widow of Valentine Hay late of Woodberry Township deceased. Her husband left four children who are yet living and three of whom are under 14 and have no guardian, their names are Elizabeth, Catharine and David. She recommends Conrad Martin as a fit person to be assigned as guardian.
April Term 1824: Petition of Daniel Hay, son of Valentine Hay late of Woodberry Twp., who is a minor above the age of 14 -- court appoints John Stoner as guardian.
April Term 1824: Petition of Jacob Hay, son of Valentine Hay late of Woodberry Twp., who is a minor above the age of 14 -- court appoints Frederick Nicodemus as guardian.
Several deed references (need to get full copies of all these)
Bedford County, PA.
2 February 1805: between John Martin and beloved wife Mary of Woodberry Twp. and Simon Hay of same place. Sold tract of land to Simon Hay, in Morrison’s Cove, for 5 pounds, the tract’s first warrant dated 14 Mar 1785, second warrant dated 6 June 1791.
28 September 1811: between Simon & Eve HAY of Woodberry Twp., and George HARTLA of same place
7 December 1818: Felty & Easter HAY of Woodberry Twp., and Conrad Martin, mentions estate of Michael Hay late of Woodberry Township, deceased, who died intestate
22 July 1816: John Hay, executor of last will & testament of Valentine Hay late of Woodberry Twp., and George Hartle.
12 April 1822: Jacob Hay of Frederick County, Maryland sendeth greeting -- mentions Andrew Baker of Woodberry Twp., Bedford Co., mentions Michael Hay who died with property seized bounded by lands of John Mortice, James Blake, and Simon Hay. Jacob Hay claimed 1/5 of the land, hereby released to Andrew Baker.
There are probably more HAY-related deeds, these need to be diligently searched and copied.
“Valentine Hay, Esq, Editor of Somerset Democrat married Miss Libbie A Weimer of Akron OH on May 11, 1865 in Akron OH.”
(Source: Bedford Gazette May 26, 1865)