Kilkenny County Council Arts Office
2nd October 2009Kilkenny County Council Arts Office Partner Local Authority of the ArtLinks Programme www.artlinks.ie
Arts Office Activities
Dear All,Welcome to the e-bulletin from Kilkenny County Council's Arts Office. Each bulletin is packed with the latest information on Kilkenny Arts Office activities, county events as well as news and opportunities for arts practitioners from around the country.
This service will be provided fortnightly. The next e-bulletin will be circulated on 16th October 2009. To include an item please send your info to before 14th October 2009.
The e-bulletin will be archived at www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/services
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of our information, we strongly advise readers to verify all details to their own satisfaction.
Niamh Finn
Arts Administrator
T: 056 7794138
W: www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/
W: www.no72artistsresidency.com
W: http://rhymerag.blogspot.com
Kilkenny County Council Arts Office Partner Local Authority of the ArtLinks Programme www.artlinks.ie
(Image: Anthony Pilbro exhibition image)
•Kilkenny County Council Arts Act Grants 2009
•Explore your sense of Aural space with 'Orchranoplan 1'
•Kilkenny County Council Arts Office exhibiting opportunities for 2010
•Arts Office Exhibition at the Watergate Theatre, Upstairs Gallery: ‘Days and Nights of Strangers’ by Anthony Pilbro - Last chance to see it!
•ArtLinks Courses
Any organisation or individual based in the Kilkenny administrative area involved in activities, which promote, develop the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts is eligible to apply for the Arts Act Grant.
The Arts includes:
Visual Arts, Music, Theatre, Film, Artistic Craftsmanship, Literature, Dance, Photography, and Multi-disciplinary events.
The grant divided into three categories:
1. Groups and Organisations promoting the Arts
2. Equipment Purchasing Grant
3. Individual Artists – all art forms - to enable them to pursue their practice and to develop within their chosen discipline, including Professional Development and the purchase of equipment.
Closing date for receipt of completed applications is no later than 4pm on Wednesday 4th November 2009.
For further details and application forms regarding the Arts Act Grant please collect contact:
Mary Butler / Niamh Finn
Arts Office, Kilkenny County Council
T: 056 7794138
Please see www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/Arts or www.artlinks.ie for details and application forms.
No. 76 John Street, Kilkenny County Council Arts Office will play host to Orchranoplan 1. All you have to do is come in, take a seat, close your eyes, and let your ears dance around the room. The Orchranoplan is a project aimed at exploring our sense of Aural space and seeing if it has any place in music. We all have a very developed sense of aural space, it is a sense we rely up every minute of the day. Its how we know how far away a car is, how fast it is moving, or even which direction it is travelling. We can tell whether a room is big or small, whether it is made of hard or soft material.
The music consists of five studies for a thirty two part choir in the round. They are experiments rather than finished musical works and make up the first steps towards developing a language for a choral music in the round. The listener sits within a circle of eight speakers. Each speaker has a bass, tenor, alto and soprano voice allocated to it. The voices are not recorded as individual ‘part’ or ‘lines’ but are made up of hundreds of samples triggered by computer. This allows the composition of the piece to be like a pointillist painting, adding notes and sounds here both in time and space.
The music was composed and recorded in the studio by sequencing banks of samples recorded by members of the Kilkenny choir. Each singer very patiently recorded the five vowel sounds across their full range plus fourteen spoken consonants. The specific sounds used are based upon Rudolf Steiner's lectures on Eurhythmy as Visible speech. For example ‘ah = wonder’, ‘r = rolling revolving and ‘h = the wafting process’. This is the first step and these first experiments begin to show how music could be developed with space. Jonny’s goal now is to follow up with experiments with a live choir. To find out what is possible and see just how far sound can move.
Jonny Pumfrey is a musician and architect living in Kilkenny; he teaches Saxophone and plays with the Bluebird Quintet. He was the recipient of the 2007 ArtLinks Award enabling him to continue to develop and compose a new form of choral music. He has been working towards making this orchranoplan a reality for many years but it wasn’t until he was awarded this bursary that things really began to happen. Jonny would also like to say a huge thank you to the choir for taking part.
This experience is available to the public at no. 76 John Street from Monday October 12th until Saturday October 17th. 10am – 5pm daily
For further information please contact the Arts Office on 056 7794138
e-mail: or
The variety of media available to artists to express themselves is one of their greatest assets and one which should not be taken lightly or overlooked. Therefore Kilkenny County Councils Arts Office is inviting proposals for its 2010 exhibition programme at the Watergate Theatre, Upstairs Gallery, Parliament Street, Kilkenny. As a gallery it captures an unwitting audience, a visit to the theatre is enhanced by an exhibition.
We are looking to encourage groups and individuals, both established and early career artists, to submit proposals that will promote diversity. Also ideas that will introduce capture and appeal to old and new audiences. The annual programme will potentially consist of a variety of solo, group and dual exhibitions.
Artists are advised to visit the space prior to making a submission.
Opening times for the Watergate are:
Monday to Friday 10am – 7pm and Saturday 2pm – 7pm.
To apply please call or e-mail the Arts Office for proposal forms and a map of the exhibition space. All necessary information can be found at www.kilkennycoco.ie/eng/Services/Arts or www.artlinks.ie .
Your application must include a written proposal, 10 / 12 visuals of current work, your CV, and supporting documentation. No applications accepted by e-mail. An independent assessor’s decision is final.
Arts Officer Mary Butler
Arts Administrator Niamh Finn
Tel: 056 7794138
Closing date for receipt of proposals is
Wednesday 4th November 2009
Mayo based artist Anthony Pilbro will present Days and Nights of Strangers in the Watergate Theatre, Upstairs Gallery from Friday 21st August until Friday 9th October 2009.
In this exhibition the depiction of scenes from everyday life are shown under the title
The Days and Nights of Strangers. The work, being part of an ongoing theme that the artist has been pursuing over a number of years - places before the spectator the dilemma of that innate theatricality of human endeavour. The inspiration for this exhibition has come from the poem The Watchers by W.H. Auden.
The artist wants you, the spectator, to read the exhibition as a frieze, moving though the work in a stream of consciousness – perhaps dream like - glimpsed from the corner of the eye, when walking past - half remembered - some incidental happening. The viewpoint constantly changes through an emotional and visionary experience of continuous drama.
Exhibition Days and Nights of Strangers at the Upstairs Gallery, Watergate Theatre, Kilkenny, 21st August – 9th October 2009. Opening hours: Monday–Friday 10am–7pm, Saturday 2pm–7pm. For further information or sales, contact the Arts Office.
ArtLinks Courses
There have been some changes to the ArtLinks course programme. ArtLinks will now be announcing all new courses by email, to save on costs and in effect be able to offer more. Please help the ArtLinks programme by telling others and feel free to forward this information to people who may not be aware of the courses.
ArtLinks had earlier announced the popular ‘Building a Business of Your Art’ by Padraig McCaul in Dungarvan, at the Old Market House Arts Centre on Mon 19 Oct 2009. It will also be held in Wexford, Sat 7th Nov at Wexford Campus, IT Carlow, Summerhill Rd, Wexford.
I am also including information on the first ArtLinks Literary Courses run in partnership with the Kilkenny and Waterford Arts Offices. These have been developed by the Kilkenny Arts Office who hosted Grace Well's on a writer’s residency earlier this year. A very popular tutor, places will no doubt book fast. Also a reminder about the upcoming ‘Building Communities of Culture’ course in Borris - an important course for anyone in the South East wanting to develop and sustain arts activities in their areas.
If you are interested in these courses can you please reserve a place now at the ArtLinks Course Reservation Page. See www.artlinks.ie You can also see details on all courses in the third section of this e-bulletin below.
Arts News from Kilkenny and beyond!
In this e-bulletin:Kilkenny Events
•Exhibition: 'Karl Fitzgerald - Selected Works'
•KOZO Papermaking weekend Workshop & Artists Talk
•West End Phantasy Show
•Book Launch ‘Windows 9’
•Poets on Board with Kilkenny Libraries
•Savour Kilkenny
•Music in Kilkenny - Autumn 2009 Programme
•T.A.S.K. Print Sale
•Visual artists’ workspace minor capital grant
Education / Training
•VAI presents ‘Approaches to Public Art’ Seminar
•The Arts Council & Create presents ‘Vital Signs | Arts & Health in Context’
•‘YOUTH in Action’ Programme 2007-2013
•Some Blind Alleys Banner Competition: Call for Submissions
Call for Submissions
•Golden Fleece Award: Call for Submissions
•'Build Your Audience’ Arts Audience Pilot Project: Call for Submissions
•RUA RED Galleries: Call for Proposals & Space for Hire
•Basement Project Space Residency: Call for Proposals
News / Events
•Choral Singing is good for your mental health!
•Arts Council Newsletter
•Funding Website – The Wheel
•Assisted publishing for authors and writers
Kilkenny Events
Exhibition: 'Karl Fitzgerald - Selected Works'
'Karl Fitzgerald - Selected Works' will open on Friday 2 October 2009 at 2.30 pm at the Watergarden Gallery in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. The exhibition of paintings will be on show until 2 November 2009.
Living in County Kilkenny, Karl studied art for three years on the KCAT Art Courses and then went on to join the Studio in 2002. His work has been sought after for a variety of commissions including a series of painted glass windows installed in the Quiet Room at Carlow Regional Hospital. Karl paints freely using colours taken directly from his travels and landscapes seen in Greece, Tenerife and America. Driven by a strong work ethic, Karl has a prolific output, which has resulted in several recent sold out shows.
For more information please contact
Kilkenny Collective for Arts Talent
KCAT Art & Study Centre
Mill Lane
Co. Kilkenny
tel 056-7755115
KOZO Papermaking weekend Workshop & Artists Talk
Bookings are currently being taken for a Papermaking Weekend Workshop and Artist Talk with tutor, fibre and paper artist Tunde Toth that will take place at The Studio in Bennettsbridge, Co. Kilkenny, on 17 and 18 October 2009. On Saturday the course will cover Hand Papermaking techniques and on Sunday the course will cover Silk Fibre Papermaking. Suitable for complete beginners and those with some experience in papermaking. A selection of natural fibres, handmade paper samples, paper and fibre art works will be on display at the Studio and basic materials and starter packs will be available for sale.
The weekend programme also includes a talk and slide show on Tunde's visit to Tasmania, where she participated in the 20th IAPMA Congress. Fee: E85 per workshop (incl. all materials and refreshments) or E150 for the full weekend. For further information and bookings please contact:
T: 087 2543362
West End Phantasy Show
A tribute to the Phantom of the Opera and other West End Musicals will be staged at Starlight Studios, Wallslough Village, Kilkenny on Friday 16th of October. Tickets are available from Starlight on 085 770 5239 and cost € 10.00. The show starts at 8.30pm and runs until 10.15pm.
Book Launch ‘Windows 9’
The launch of ‘Windows 9’
an anthology of poetry, prose and art
will take place in
The Set Theatre, Langton’s, Kilkenny
om Monday Oct. 5th 2009 at 8pm.
Kilkenny is represented in the anthology by local poet, Michael Massey.
Music provided by Ger Mulvey
Admission: free
Everyone welcome
Poets on Board with Kilkenny Libraries
As part of the celebrations of All Ireland Poetry Day 2009, Kilkenny County Council Library would like to invite local poets (who have been born or are based in Co. Kilkenny) to submit a selection of their work for showcasing in John’s Quay Library.
We invite well-crafted, stimulating poems of interest to the general public.
Poetry will be displayed on boards in John’s Quay Library.
No more than 3 poems should be emailed to by 15th of each month. Selection will then be made and poems displayed from 1st of the following month.
We hope to develop this initiative over time, with a view to eventually offering selected poets and exclusive month's display on the boards.
Although Kilkenny County Library Service is not in a position to pay writers for submitted and selected work, we would like to support local writers in gaining a wider audience for their poetry.
Anyone wishing to submit poems for display during the month of October should email them to the above address before Friday 25th September.
For further information, please contact City Library on 056 7794174
Savour Kilkenny
Programme for this year is now online at www.savourkilkenny.com