We help on-site waste water re-use business people succeed through advocacy, representation, information and professional resources.
P.O. Box 8542, Santa Fe, NM 87504 (505) 989-7676
Dear wastewater professional,
We invite you to join or to renew your membership with the Professional Onsite Wastewater Reuse Association of New Mexico. If you have been a member, we thank you very much for your past support and involvement with us. We understand there are some other individuals in New Mexico forming an association of onsite wastewater people. We would like to take this opportunity to distinguish POWRA from this other incipient group, and present you with some reasons you should join POWRA. What are the values and benefits for you to join POWRA?
PROFESSIONALISM – the word ‘professional’ in the name distinguishes us from other groups in that we hold high professional standards for people in our industry. Part of our mission is to raise the image and level of respect for people who work in this industry, as competent, certified professionals who are not only providing a critical service but also contribute to the protection of the environment. We seek to raise stricter professional standards from the governmental agencies who regulate us and we offer sources of continuing education to offer our members to keep their certification and maintain their licensing. POWRA successfully brought the first NAWT inspector certification classes to New Mexico in 2008 and 09 and we plan to continue to coordinate with NAWT in bringing more classes in the future. Leaders of our association are top flight professionals, well recognized in their field for superior service and state of the art products.
ADVOCACY – POWRA has been actively lobbying the State Legislature every year for the past 8 years, since its inception in 2003. POWRA representatives have also followed and participated in every meeting and hearing of the Environment Department’s Liquid Waste Division and the Environmental Improvement Board (EIB) on the Liquid Waste Regulations and other regulatory and licensing issues, such as the confusion between CID and NMED licensing requirements. POWRA monitors the activities and expenditures of NMED’s Liquid Waste Fund, which is funded by permit fees of New Mexicans applying for septic system permits. POWRA played a huge role in the final development of the current Liquid Waste Regulations, giving input from people actually working in the industry, as the only voice from onsite wastewater practitioners.
POWRA was instrumental in the introduction and enactment of many pieces of legislation in the State Legislature, including the Septic Tank Assistance Fund, the Cesspool Elimination Assistance Act, and the Underground Utility Markings Act, to name a few. We have built solid relationships with many key legislators who continue to work with us. To our knowledge, there is no other group composed of people from the onsite wastewater business actively monitoring and lobbying State Government on your behalf.
MEMBER PROMOTION AND SERVICE – POWRA offers its members exposure within other in the industry and to the public through website promotions. All new members have their profiles registered and listed on our website with a photo/or logo of your business and are offered a free 30-day promotion on our home page and a link to your business website. We offer member discounts for classes we offer.
NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES – Every member of POWRA is given a log-in i.d. on the website roster to have access to contact information on other people in the business, members and non-members. At our classes, we also have member exchange-of-information opportunities, displays of business products and services. We also have a page on the website for people to send in information to share with others or ask questions.
Our association has grown from an embryonic stage to a stable, on-going active voice for the onsite industry in New Mexico. Since we started sponsoring NAWT certification classes, the association reached a new level of capability. In order to be able to continue our advocacy, representation and professional support to people in the industry, we need to build and retain our membership base.
We face some real challenges to our industry in New Mexico at this time. We challenge the New Mexico Environment Department to do some things that they are required by law to do to serve the public. We have called attention to administrative issues with respect to the Department which has unfortunately put us in adversarial situations. We have had to file law suits and filed our own petition to change the liquid waste regulations. We have also been asking questions about how the liquid waste permit funds have been used by NMED, and the status of the fund.
At this critical time, we ask you to renew your association with us and help us continue to fight for a better business atmosphere, for more professional support to people who work in this industry and for better opportunity to provide service to the community while improving the environment.
A simple membership form invoice is provided on the next page. You may use it to join or renew your membership. We have added a check-off box for a voluntary donation to our legal fund, to help pay for the legal work that is being done on our behalf. We would be most thankful for a donation from you, in addition to your membership renewal.
Also, please note that there is a category of membership for additional employees or subcontractors from your firm who are eligible to join POWRA as associate members, at half price, when the owner/manager of the firm is a professional member.
Thanks very much for your past support and I hope you will continue to be a member of this association which is growing and serving you. You could also enroll on the website, .
Thank you,
Ralph Baker Dotson, President Bill McKinstry, Executive Vice President Eugene Bassett, CEO
We help on-site waste water re-use business people succeed through advocacy, representation, information and professional resources.
P.O. Box 8542, Santa Fe, NM 87504 (505) 989-7676
Membership Registration/Renewal Invoice
Yes, I want to join or renew my membership in the association for the next 12 months. I am joining/ renewing as a:
Sustaining member ($500 per year) – investors interested in supporting the association and its mission with contributions of $500 or more on an annual basis. Sustaining members are recognized as such on the POWRA-NM website and are honorary members of the Board of Directors.
Professional member ($150/year($12.17/mo) any individual business person, sole proprietor, partner in a partnership or officer in a corporation, in a business establishment engaged in the business of on-site waste water re-use, licensed or certified by the State of New Mexico in fields where certification is required. Individual professional members receive all association communications and have voice on the Association policy board. Annual investment: $150/year, which includes a quarterly subscription to the POWRA newsletter/bulletin.
I would like to enroll additional employees/associates from my firm as associate members, @$60/year ($5/month) Associate members – individuals who are employed by or contracting with professional members or affiliate businesses, who wish to be included on mailing list and invited to association conferences and events may join as associate members. $60/ year. Associate’s Employer or contracting firm must already be a member.
Name(s) of any associate members: ______
I would like to make a contribution to the legal fund, to help pay for costs of litigation and advocacy on behalf of wastewater professionals.
I will contribute (please check your level of support):
__ $50 __ $100 __ $150 __$250 __ other (state amount:_____)
Total amount , membership renewal and other contributions: $ ______
My Name: ______
Name of my Company/business ______Type of business: ______
Address: ______City: ______State ____ Zip ______
Email address: ______Business phone ______Cell phone ______
Make check payable to:
Professional On-Site Wastewater Re-Use Association of New Mexico (POWRANM)
P.O. Box 8542, Santa Fe, NM 87504 (800)638-8569 or give credit information below:
Credit card: ______
name on card address where card billing statements are mailed
card type ______card# ______exp date______3 digit code on back _____
Visa, MC, AmX
authorization signature