Head with Neck Model
- Frontal bone
1a. Frontal sinus
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bone
- Zygomatic bone
- Maxillary bone
- Nasal bone
- Cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
- Sphenoid bone
9a. Sphenoid sinus
- Mandible
- Clavicle
- Manubrium of sternum
- Rib 2
- Spine of Scapula
Connections of Skull Bones (Internal)
a. Coronal suture
b. Squamous suture
c. Lambdoid suture
Openings of the Skull (External)
d. External acoustic meatus
e. Nasolacrimal canal
f. Infraorbital foramen
g. Mental foramen
Muscles of the Head
1. Temporalis muscle
2. Superior auricular muscle
2a. Anterior auricular muscle
3. Posterior auricular muscle
4. Occipital belly of Occipitofrontalis
4a. Frontal belly of Occipitofrontalis
5. Temporoparietalis
6. Orbicularis oculi
7. Palprebral part of orbicularis oculi
8. Levator labii superioris
8a. Zygomaticus minor
9. Nasalis
10. Zygomaticus major
11. Buccinator muscle
12. Risorius muscle
13. Masseter muscle
14. Depressor anguli oris
15. Orbicularis oris
16. Depressor labii inferioris
17. Mentalis muscle
Muscles of the Neck
18. Trapezius
19. Sternocleidomastoid
20. Posterior belly of digastric
21. Stylohyoid
22. Splenius capitis
23. Levator scapulae
24. Posterior scalene
25. Middle scalene
26. Anterior scalene
27. Thyrohyoid
28. Sternohyoid
29. Sternothyroid
30. Mylohyoid
Muscles of the Shoulder
31. Supraspinatus
32. Infraspinatus
33. Rhomboid minor
34. Rhomboid major
Blood Vessels
a. Common carotid artery
a1. External carotid artery
a2. Internal carotid artery
b. Superior thyroid artery
c. Maxillary artery
d. Facial artery
e. Transverse facial artery
f. Superficial temporal artery
f1. Frontal branch (superficial temporal artery)
f2. Parietal branch (superficial temporal artery)
g. Posterior auricular artery
h. Occipital artery
I. Concha of auricle
II. Parotid gland
III. Submandibular gland
IV. Zygomatic arch
V. Hyoid bone
a. Superior nasal concha
b. Middle nasal concha
c. Inferior nasal concha
d. Cartilaginous part of pharyngeotympanic tube
e. Oral cavity
f. Tongue
g. Genioglossus muscle
h. Geniohyoid muscle
i. Septum of the tongue
k. Epiglottis
l. Median thyrohyoid ligament
m. Cuneiform cartilage
n. Corniculate cartilage
o. Transverse arytenoid muscle
p. Ventricular fold (false vocal fold/cord)
q. Ventricle of the larynx (space)
r. Vocal fold (true vocal fold/cord)
s. Thyroid cartilage
t. Cricoid cartilage
u. Oropharynx
v. Esophagus
w. Trachea
A. Cerebrum
B. Cerebellum
C. Midbrain
D. Pons
E. Frontal lobe
F. Parietal lobe
G. Temporal lobe
H. Occipital lobe
I. Lateral sulcus
K. Central sulcus
L. Insula
1. Corpus callosum
2. Genu of corpus callosum
3. Rostrum of corpus callosum
4. Splenium of corpus callosum
5. Septum pellucidum
6. Fornix
7. Interventricular foramen
8. Thalamus
9. Anterior commissure
10. Interthalamic adhesion
11. Posterior commissure
12. Pineal body
13. Tectum
14. Third ventricle
15. Forth ventricle
16. Cerebral aqueduct
17. Cerebral peduncle
18. Optic nerve
19. Pituitary gland (Hypophysis)
20. Mamillary body
21. Arbor vitae of cerebellum
22. Superior cerebellar peduncle
23. Flocculus of the cerebellum
24. Tonsil of the cerebellum
25. Spinal cord
26. Dura mater
Cranial Nerves
28. Olfactory bulb
29. Optic chiasm
30. Oculomotor nerve (CN III)
31. Trochlear nerve (CN VI)
32. Trigeminal nerve (CN V)
33. Abducens berve (CN VI)
34. Facial nerve (CN VII)
35. Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
36. Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
37. Vagus nerve (CN X)
38. Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
39. Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)