
CIPHI – NL Branch Executive Meeting

September 23, 2010

9:30 am Teleconference

Attendance: Sara Timpa, Janine Strickland, Karen Hann, Sharon Williams, Terry Battcock & Darryl Johnson

1.0Call to Order

1.1ST call to order

2.0Approval of Agenda

2.1TB add membership list to new business

2.2DJ made the motion to accept the agenda with changes SW seconded the motion

2.3Action: ST get most current membership list and email it to TB

3.0Approval of Minutes from July 15, 2010 Meeting

3.1KH motion to approve minutes and JS second the motion

4.0New Business

4.12010 Branch Conference

DJ got quotes from comfort Inn(3990), Ramada and Capital hotel (3790)

Action: DJ will provide summary of the cost of hotel.

4.1.1Specific dates & Location

Looking at possible dates after second week of November from the 15th on. St. John’s will be the most appropriate location. Either Nov 16, 17 & 18 or Nov 23, 24, & 25.

4.1.2Abstract submission requests

National collaborating center presentation

Action: DJ will email a summary

Action: email and telephone calls re presentations

Topics, bed bugs and wildlife management. Action: SW will send Chris’s contact information to DJ.

Continuing Core Competency

Day one stream of educational sessions, day two morning general education session and afternoon core competency and CIPHI info.

Action: DJ will have a tentative agenda today and email

Action: ST will contact epidemiologist to do a presentation

4.1.3Annual General Meeting

Schedule for evening of the first night on Tuesday

One to two minute chat by Mr. Vokey to talk about the opportunity of being able to go to national conference

Action: KH have financial report available for AGM

Action: ST to prepare presidents report for AGM

Gift to all conference participants. We have reusable bags that ST aquired at CIPHI conference. Water bottles were purchased at CIPHI conference.

4.1.4Members and non members (list)


Elections will take place and vote for the president first and then vote central position.

Pat as elections and nominations chair, will send out the nominations. Action: ST will contact Pat to send out nominations.

4.3Face to Face Meeting

Executive supper for the night of meeting to hammer out a few details prior to the meeting.

4.4Open Discussion

SW has first newsletter prepared and ready to roll out. Add to registration package at AGM.

DJ nominated Douglas Howse for a national food award

Action: ST send email on the award Douglas Howse received

Action: Everyone to submit any items to SW for the newsletter.

Action: ask DH to create a CD of all photos and items on the website

Action: ST to send website updates to DH.

Fundraiser for Sierra Leone, think of some ideas.

Action: KH to get a 50 50 draw and Liquor store gift car tickets up and running once into conference

Action: ST to get Sierra Leone presentation

5.0Next Meeting/Adjournment

5.1Next meeting tentative October 22, 2010 9:30am

Action: DJ to get call in information for meeting.

SW Motion to adjournment TB seconded the motion