




Directions: read each of the following sources. Using the “HIPP” method, 1) determine if the source would be reliable and 2) explain your answer using at least one of the “HIPP” components – Historical Context, Intended Audience, Purpose, and Point of View.


“Samuellis the worst school in the world. They treat student unfairly and punish students all the time for nothing! I once saw a student thrown out of a window because he was out of uniform…. That student later died of his injuries.”

- Bubba Johnson, expelled in 2009


“Mr. Daisey is one of the most amazing people I have ever known. He is a phenomenal teacher and one of the smartest people I have ever known. Mr. Daisey scored a “5” on every AP exam he took. He also graduated from Purdue University with honors. The most intellectual and interesting conversations I have ever had in my life have been with Mr. Daisey”

-Jennifer Daisey (mother), 2016


“The STAAR EOC was a very difficult exam. I studied hard for the exam and I was well prepared but the exam really challenged me. I had to remember everything from the entire year! Thankfully, I had really good US History teachers and I completed all of my classwork and homework assignments. My Senior year was so easy because I didn’t have to take any more EOCs. My hard work really did pay off. I’m so excited to go to college in the fall!”

-Daniel Sanchez, class of 2016


“Ford trucks are just better than Chevy trucks. When I go to football games I can fit ten people in the back of my Ford F250. My buddy has a Chevy, but can only fit five people in the back of his truck. Also, my Ford never gets suck when I go muddin’. In fact, I usually have to tow out my buddy’s Chevy when it get stuck – which is all the time! But you know what the best part is? My dad own the Ford dealership by Mesquite… I hardly had to pay anything to get my F250. I don’t know why anyone would want to buy a Chevy!”

-Juan Diaz, 2015


“Move to one of the fastest growing cities in the United States, Dallas, TX!!! In Dallas you will find modern apartments and beautiful homes, great schools, excellent public transportation, good paying jobs, and some of the friendliest people you will ever meet!”

-Dallas Chamber of Commerce, 2017


“The 1920s were a time of drastic social change. Women’s fashions and roles in society changed very quickly, as exemplified by the “flappers.” African Americans, during the Great Migration, moved from the deep South to Midwest and Northern cities. Modern technologies like the radio changed how people accessed information. The automobile changed where people lived and worked. New music, like jazz, changed how people danced and socialized. And finally, new ideas, like socialism and communism, greatly challenged traditional American democracy.”

-Professor Smartypants, A Brief History of 1920s America, 1997


“Well, my friend, Karl, told me all about it last night. I guess he was driving too fast and this thing ran out in front of his car. He hit it, whatever it was. His whole truck was all *%$# up. When he pulled over to see what it was, it was dark, he screamed. My other friend, Becky, got out of the truck to see what was wrong. It was a Chupacabra! He threw it in the back of his truck and took it to the University of Texas to be examined. It’s crazy to think Karl discovered a new species!”

-BoJack the Horseman, interview with Dallas Morning News, 2005


“We lost that game because of the refs. They were calling the game for Spruce the whole game. We outplayed Spruce and were up by 21 points at half time. It all started to fall apart when the refs said Spruce recovered their onside kick, but the ball didn’t even travel ten yards…. Later they ruled that Spruce scored a touchdown even though the running back went out of bounds. We had a chance to win at the end, but on the last play they called holding on one defensive end…. No way it was really a hold. We’re disappointed, but we’ll get them next year.”

-Coach Faith, 2016