TO:Juniors and their Parents

FROM:Mrs. Linnell and Mrs. Kerfoot

DATE:February 4, 2015

SUBJECT:ACT test and other news

Share this newsletter with your parents; it is also available on the school website in the Counselor section.

AMERICANISM ESSAY CONTEST: The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors an Americanism Essay Contest for grades 9-12. This year’s essay title is: What Does Freedom Mean To My Family? Class V open to grades 11-12; 450-500 word essay, typed. A cover page must be included as well as student grade level and verification of your grade level with a signature from the counselor. Sponsored by American Legion Auxiliary #73. See one of us or Mr. Dunk for an information sheet. Due March 16th.

There is also a Poppy Poster contest for Class V which includes students in grades 10-11. Please see one of us for a list of poster requirements, as well as additional essay information. Due March 16th.

MarkApril 28 on your home calendar, cell phone and day planner. This is the CORRECTED date. This is the day all juniors will take the ACT test at NTCHS at no cost. This is a great opportunity to get a jump start on your future. Be sure to avoid any appointment conflicts on that day.

Visit the ACT website at This website will give you test question samples and practice tests online. It would be good to spend some time preparing for this test. Check the FREE practice tests for ACT, school searches and financial aid at

To start a search, go to, click on MCIS, and use your account to sign in. See for scholarship and college searches, career planning, and other useful information.

In addition, you are being provided a free ACT Prep Online system with a variety of activities and evaluation tools. You will have your own account to track your progress on this site. I will come to one of your classes soon to help you establish your individual account. I encourage you to use this site repeatedly to better prepare for this test.

Remember you will use the ACT scores to apply for colleges and scholarships as seniors. You can retake the test later, but cost is over $50 and you will have to go on Saturdays to Shelby, Cut Bank, or Great Falls.

With this newsletter, you are receiving the “Preparing for the ACT” booklet. Look it over to see the required calculator you will need, strategies to prepare, and full-length practice tests, including the Writing Test.

MedStart Camps: Each year the AHEC (Area Health Education Center) sponsors 4 MedStart Camps throughout the state. MedStart is a week-long summer camp for sophomores and juniors interested in pursuing a career in the medical field. The camps are held on college campuses in Butte, Billings, Missoula, and Great Falls. The students stay in the residence halls and participate in job shadowing, hands-on activities, health science symposiums, financial aid information, recreational/social activities, and medical facility tours. There are scholarships for students who are lower income, first generation college bound students, minority groups, or from rural settings; instructions for scholarships are in the application. Students may also come to camp by paying the $500 tuition fee. Applications available online at Deadline to apply is March 20. Applying earlier is recommended as some locations fill up early.

Schwanke Honors Institute for high school students who will be either juniors or seniors next fall. The Summer 2015 Institute will be on the UM-Missoula campus from June 14-26. Students will live in campus residence halls and take courses from faculty members. Students will choose one of three courses for 2 semester credit: CHMY 191 – Potions 101; ENCR 191 – Introduction to Creative Writing; or JRNL 191 – Global Journalism. Participants will have a wide range of extra-curricular and recreational activities from which to choose. Some need-based financial assistance is available. Visit website at for more information or see me. Application deadline is April 1, 2015.

Montana Wilderness School is currently enrolling 16-18 year old youth for the expeditionary courses in the summer of 2015. MWS provides empowering educational experiences where students deal with physically and mentally challenging situations that develop character, promote competence, and help instill a love for the natural world. It offers a Wilderness First Aid Certification and Leave No Trace training to youth as part of every courses. There are two 20 day courses and one 25 day course; scholarships are available. Go to:

Paid Summer Job Opportunity: If you are looking for a great learning experience and enjoy working outdoors, check out the website at or call 406-587-2606. This is a 4 week experience for students to work outdoors, work with others on small teams, and earn money for postsecondary training. Application can be downloaded from the website.

NEXUS: All students are encouraged to apply for a NEXUS card, which is a trusted traveler program which allows pre-screened travelers to travel to and from Canada. Applicants submit one application online via the Global Online Enrollment System (GOES). Applicants receive an email instructing the applicant to schedule an appointment for an interview and issuance of a photo ID card at the Port of Sweetgrass. If your class takes a senior trip to Canada, this may speed the process of crossing the border. The benefit of the card over a passport is the difference in cost. The cost of the NEXUS card is $50 for adults but there is NO fee for persons under 18.

Samsung American Legion Scholarship – high school juniors who are a direct descendant, i.e. child, grandchild, great-grandchild, or a legally adopted child, of a U.S. veteran who served during a period of war AND is delegate to either an American Legion Boys State or American Legion Auxiliary Girls State program. Application must be completed online at Scroll over the “Programs” headline at the top of the page, and in the drop-down box, click on “Scholarships”. Deadline is usually when you arrive at the Girls or Boys State program in Helena; check your information packet for other information. A copy of the scholarship is available from my office.

The Rural Montana Saves Program is helping families with limited incomes save for college or job training. For every $1 saved, the Rural Montana Saves program matches it with $3. Save up to $400 and you will be eligible for the maximum match of $1,200. Plus, participants may be able to access $1200 in ‘quick start’ payments to begin an education or training program. For more information contact Rural Employment Opportunities (REO) at 1-800-546-1140 or email . You can also check out frequently asked questions at

Contributions to 529 Savings Plan: if your parents or grandparents are looking for a tax-advantaged option for higher education savings, check into 529 Savings Plans. Montana’s 529, Montana Family Education Savings Plan, has a variety of options for growing your college savings. Contributions are deductible from state income taxes, up to $3000 per individual or $6000 for those filing married, joint returns. Earnings in 529 plan grow tax free and distributions used for higher education expenses are also tax free. Learn more at or call 1-800-888-2723.


“Chance favors the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur

  1. Your grades in high school DO matter.
  2. Get involved in school and community.
  3. Record your efforts – keep your resume updated.
  4. Don’t burn your bridges.
  5. Start researching colleges and scholarships now.
  6. Take practice ACT tests – several times & take the ACT test.
  7. Look into job shadowing.
  8. Start & build a college fund.