Steering Agenda Item / Description
Moment of Silence / The meeting came to order at1:25p.m. Location: Paterson Public Library, 250 Broadway Ave.,Paterson, NJ.
There was a quorum. The Chair welcomed the members of Steering and welcomed new PC Attorney, Kenyatta Stewart.
Moment of Silence: The Chairman, Gregory Kelly,asked that members remember those infected & affected with HIV/AIDS.
Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Roll Call
Attendance / Present:
Jerry Dillard,Eduardo Elizondo, Gregory Kelly, Karen Walker,Anjettica Boatwright
Guest: Nick Kubisky and PC Attorney, Kenyatta Stewart / Not Present:
Troy Love and Linda Smith
Motion # 1:Karen Walker Movedand Eduardo Elizondo2nd, to approve the September 22, 2015,Minutes with any necessary corrections. The minutes were approved with closing of noAction Items.Vote: 4 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstain. Three Actions were Closed.There was no October Steering meeting.
Actions to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Report of the Chairman
Gregory Kelly / Report of the Chairman, Gregory Kelly:
1. The HRSA Call was 11/23/15. HRSA is planning a follow-up site visit between March – June. They will review results to the actions sited during their Dec. 2014 Site Visit. The Chairman will secure from Sera of HRSA, the outstanding action items from the 12/2014 Site Visit. The Chairman stated that one item of concern was the PC membership, which should be 33.
2. The Chairman will try to attend the December 14th, Part A, B, & C Collaboration Meeting of the NJHPG Issues Committee. Location will be announced.
This ended the Chair’s Report
Actions to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Secure open Site Visit Action items from HRSA / Gregory K / 11/17/15
Office of the Grantee
Not present / Office of the Grantee (OG)
Millie Izquierdo, who was unable to attend the Steeringmeeting, sent, via the Admin, a draft of a changed MOU between the Planning Council (PC) and the Office of the Grantee (OG); which she had done. It was to be used today in the discussion of the revision of the new MOU.
Karen Walker,
Chair / P&D (Planning & Development) Committee Chair, Karen Walker
Karen Walker stated that there was no report from P&D, because P&D had not met in October and November.
This concluded P&D Chair, Karen Walker’s report.
Actions to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Eduardo Elizondo,
Chair / CDC Committee Chair, Eduardo Elizondo, provided the following:
  • The Day of Capacity was a success, receiving positive feedback on the Evaluations. The CDC was concerned with the attendance. So many were sick and ill. Those in attendance gave ratings of 90-95% of excellent or good of the activities and presentations of the Day.
  • World AIDS Day, Tuesday 12/1/15 – there will be anHour of Silence 8a.m. – 9 a.m. on the steps of Paterson City Hall. The Multi Hispanic Center is having a large affair with many vendors. The CDC will represent the Planning Council at this affair. More brochures were needed from CAPCO to be placed into the bags the CDC will distribute. The CDC Chair will request that Director Ivy do a Citywide broadcast. The PC banner and posters will be displayed during this Hour.
  • Currently there are 30PC members (33 membership is the capacity).PC will have 31members bynext month or so, leaving two vacancies on the Council.
This ended CDC Chair, Eduardo Elizondo’s report.
Actions to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Memorandum Of Understanding between the Mayor and the City Council of Paterson, NJ and the Planning Council and the Grantee/Administrative Agency, Paterson-Bergen County – Passaic County Ryan White CARE Act Part A Program
Kenyatta Stewart, Esq. / The meeting continued with the drafting of the new MOU.
Memorandum of Understanding Discussion – Conducted by Attorney Stewart,
The Steering Committee reviewed and compared the 12-1-04 MOU with the drafted revision 11-17-15 sent today by Director, Millie Izquierdo. Because there was no electronic version provided, thesewere the changes from the Admin.
(See Attachment A)
The meeting ended with the drafting of the revisions to the MOU. More time will be needed to complete.
Announcements / There were no Announcements.
Adjournment / Motion # 2: Anjettica Boatwrightmoved, Karen Walker2nd to adjourn. Vote was unanimous. Meeting was adjourned.The next Steering meetingwill be January 26, 2016.


Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Check on Survey Monkey for Provider Survey and check with David Lardier. 9/22/15 Check w/Michelle Thompson Newman, 973-972-1293 who does NEMA’s Admin Mech. / Admin/
Chairman / 8/25/15
Revise the MOU Agreement per HRSA. Prepare a draft, 9/22/15 Karen will send copy of MOU to MJ for distribution to Steering. / Frank Covello 9/22 changed to Chair/
Grantee / 12/16/14
Start March 1 timesheets, Admin will turn in timesheets by Committees/Council. Review submitted timesheets / Admin/Steering / 2/26/13 / ongoing
Post monthly PC minutes to the website / Admin / 11/20/13 / Ongoing
Forward any received HIV/ACA information to MJ for distribution / All / 9/24/13 / Ongoing
Provide PC summary minutes going forward / Admin / 11/20/13 / Ongoing
Request that the PC take the last three (3) minutes to complete the Meeting Evaluations and then he will accept a motion for adjournment. MJ is to provide a basket for completed Evals. / Chairman, Gregory Kelly / 11/18/14 / Ongoing

CLOSED ACTIONS atNovember 17, 2015 Meeting

Action to be Taken / Responsible Party / Open / Closed
Provide 2016 Comp Plan due date to Steering (9/20/16) / M. Izquierdo / 9/22/15 / 11/17/15
Send out reminder of Standard review/comments due by Thursday 9/24/15(Standards approved at 10/6/15 PC meeting) / 9/22/15 / Admin / 11/17/15
Contact OG for the status of Legal for PC (New Attorney, Kenyatta Stewart) / PC Chair / 8/25/15 / 11/17/15


Memorandum of Understanding Drafting Discussion – Conducted by Attorney Stewart

  1. Purpose Statement

3rd bullet – last sentence: program – and benefit individuals and families infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.

  1. Roles and Responsibilities of the Mayor in Relation to City Council, Grantee, and the Planning Council
  1. Mayor as Chief Elected Official (CEO)
  2. Receives grant(s)
  3. I don’t know where this goes: The Management of grants received through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009.
  4. ……. For Part A (Change all Title I to Part A)
  5. ……..of other political jurisdictions (Bergen/Passaic Counties) that serve at least 10%.....HIV/AIDS cases in the TGA
  6. Ensures that the Planning Council has appropriate policies and procedures and carry out its legislated responsibilities.
  7. Locally specified responsibilities
  8. ADD A, B, C from 12-1-04 document.
  1. Ensures that program administration, procurement, and expenditures adhere to local legislation and policies.
  2. Approves and signs contracts to service providers based on the Department of Health and Human Services’ established procurement process
  3. Ensures preparation of appropriate budget documents, resolutions, and ordinances for submission to City Council


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