Hilliard Darby Music Boosters

February 10, 2008


Julie Cooper called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.


The minutes of the January, 2008 meeting were distributed and reviewed. Doug Manger made a motion to approve the minutes. Cheryl Vassaux seconded the motion, which was passed.

Treasurer’s Report

Jenny Harmon was not present at the meeting. Financial reports are available on the HMB website. Doug Manger noted that in the future, the treasurer’s report should be available on the website no later than 3 days prior to the chapter meeting. He also mentioned that there have been an unusual number of returned checks lately and that Jenny will try to determine if these have come from a particular program or group.

Director’s Reports

·  Mr. Burke

o  Thanks to all who helped with the Solo & Ensemble contest. There were many compliments from the directors who attended. There were 47 events by Darby students. Of these, 30 received a Superior rating. The other 17 were rated Excellent.

o  Two students from the Darby band were selection for OMEA All-State Band. They are Sarah Cooper and Peter Woodruff. Doug Manger noted that a picture of Sarah and Peter has been placed on the website.

o  The District Band Contest is March 14 & 15. Mr. Burke has requested at Friday evening time slot to avoid any conflicts with the choir’s scheduled time on Saturday.

o  Dates for the away band camp have not yet been determined. This year’s calendar is making it difficult to schedule since August 1st is a Friday and school begins on August 19, several days earlier than last year.

o  The percussion ensemble has attended several competitions recently (see below).

·  Mr. Riegel

o  The Chamber Orchestra had a successful trip to Bowling Green State University where they participated in clinics and master classes, and received a tour of the campus. There were 3 orchestras present at the festival—each gave an individual performance and then participated jointly.j

o  Solo & Ensemble contest went well. The Chamber Orchestra performed.

o  The orchestra hosted 8th graders from Heritage and Memorial for the first time. The 8th graders learned about the Darby orchestra program, played along with the orchestra and enjoyed pizza with the Darby students.

o  The Symphony Orchestra will perform at contest on February 23, at 1:40 pm at Westerville South High School.

o  At the OMEA conference in Cincinnati, Sarah Robinson was presented with the Ohio String Teachers Association award for “Young Teacher of the Year”. Cindy Goldhaber of Davidson High School was named “Administrator of the Year”. Doung Manger offered to put a link on the website to the Hilliard City Schools news article about these awards.

·  Choir – no director present

o  The Symphonic Choir will take part in a workshop with Eric Whitacre at Capital University on March 2.

o  Choir student, Meredith Franklin, was selected for the OMEA All-State Choir.


§  Great Lakes Scrip – Sue Woodruff will get some information together for the website and for the 8th grade parents night on February 13.

Indoor Percussion – Brian Lewis

§  Brian gave Doug Manger a list of dates for the website. There are several competitions coming up before the championships in April. This competition will be held in the Dayton area.

§  The pasta dinner fundraiser will take place on Thursday, April 3rd. Food is being donated by Carraba’s. The drumline will perform at 6:10 and 7:20 pm. The Jazz Ensemble will also perform. Tickets have been donated by a printing company. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the percussion students. The cost is $8 for adults and $5 for students and children. There is no charge for kids under 3 years of age. The goal is to raise $1,700 at this event.

Committee Reports

Advocacy Committee – Sue & Jerry Woodruff

§  Jerry sent invitations to the Solo & Ensemble contest to the members of the Board of Education, the HCS administrators and the Darby administrators. Several of them were present at the event. Jerry also sent an email with pictures from the All-State band performance to Michelle Fessler, the HCS communications director.

§  Sue suggested that HMB send letters of congratulation to Sarah Robinson and Cindy Goldhaber regarding their awards (see above). Sue will draft the letters.

Transportation – No report

Nominations – Leslie VanLaningham

§  Leslie is looking for names of people to fill positions for next year. She would like to involve choir and orchestra parents as much as possible. She sent an email to Lisa Galvin asking for names of interested parents and will forward it to the other middle school directors as well.

Other Business

§  Doug Manger spoke about the conflict between the April meeting date and the 6th grade band concert. The Executive Committee is considering a change in the meeting date.

§  Cheryl Vassaux suggested that the Boosters make a contribution to the scholarship fund that has been started in memory of Dennis Lewis, a band student at East High School who was killed recently. Doug Manger stated that, according to our by-laws, we would have to set up a fund specifically for this purpose. It would be simpler to collect individual contributions and forward them on to the scholarship fund.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Doug Manger. Jerry Woodruff seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.