Banner Web Time Entry

Approver Manual

Table of Contents


Definition of Terms03

LoggingOn to Banner04

To Begin Approval Process06

Approving OPS Time09

Submitting Hours for Past Pay Period15

Requesting Payment for Past Pay Period Hours16

Editing/Correcting OPS Hours17

Setting Up Supervisor or HR/Payroll Liaison as Approvers18Changing Approver 18

Terminating OPS Employees18


Web Time Entry is the time keeping method for OPS employees at Florida Gulf Coast University. OPS Employees are responsible for entering and submitting their hours worked every pay period in accordance with the Payroll Calendar deadlines. The Payroll Calendar is available on the HR web site. The supervisors of OPS employee are then responsible for approving the hours worked. Once the supervisor has approved the hours, HR/Payroll Liaisons approve the hours worked on the Banner PHADSUM Form. HR/Payroll Liaisons will also check for time not approved on the PHADSUM Form.


Definitions of Terms

Approver / The Primary Approver is a university employee (Supervisor or HR/Payroll Liaison) who isresponsible for checking the accuracy of OPS employee’s time records and then approves them so that they are submitted to Student Payrollfor processing.
Pay Number / The Pay Number is the number assigned to the Period for which
OPS employees may submit time. This can be found by reviewing
the Payroll Calendar.
Pay Calendar / The Pay Calendar clearly defines the days included in each pay
period, and the days for which each pay period is open to accept web time updates and approvals.
Pay ID / The Pay ID identifies the OPS Payroll cycle. The typical Pay ID for OPS employees is BH.
Proxy / A Proxy Approver is a university employee that is identified by the Primary Approver to approve OPS employee’s time sheets in the event of the Primary Approver’s absence. (HR/Payroll Liaison’s Backup)
OPS Employees / Non-Benefit Earning Employees/Student Workers that are paid on an hourly basis will be required to submit their hours at the end of every pay period for the approval of their supervisor.
Apply All Actions / This is your electronic signature. It certifies that the hours submitted were an accurate representation of the hours that were worked. This process is legally binding. Falsification of hours worked will be subject to discipline up to and including termination of employment with the university.

LoggingOn to Banner

To Logon to Banner, type in your Browser’s address line and hit “Enter”. Then under Internet Native Banner [INB], double click on Production (fgpo) .

Enter your assigned Username and Password and click on Connect.

To Begin Approval Process

To begin the approval process, enter form name PHADSUM in the GoTo box.

Message if Timesheets Awaiting Approvals

If timesheets are awaiting your approval, a screen will appear with the following message:

Click the Yes button.

If “Yes” is selected, then another screen will appear asking do you wish to be notified of new transactions during the current session.

Click Yes.

Approving OPS Time

In the Approval of field, select Time Sheetfrom the drop down menu.

Enter appropriate Time Sheet Orgnwhere indicated(Should be the department’s Org number from the FOAPAL employees are being paid).

Select Pending in the Transaction Status Field.

Enter BH in the Pay ID: Field

Enter the Pay Period Number in the Pay Numberfield

You can query by clicking on the Flashlight. Click on list of pay numbers in my queue. (This may remind you of the pay number) Don’t hesitate to call payroll if you are not certain.

Next, Ctrl-Page Down or click Next Block button

The ID, Name, Position Number, Queue Status, and Required Action for each submitted OPS employee time sheet should all be displayed at this time. Use the Scroll bar at the right of the form or the up/down cursors to view more time sheets if they exist.

As the OPS employee’s ID is highlighted, a brief summary of the hours that were entered for that employee is displayed at the bottom of the form in the Earnings Block.

To view a detailed account of hours worked click on Options then select View/Change Time Detail.

NOTE: Changes to OPS employee time sheets can only be made on this form.

NOTE: All changes must be documented and approved by Supervisor in View or Enter Comments.

If an OPS employee submitted comments the Comments Exist box will be checked.

To document changes or view OPS employee comments, go to Options and click on View or Enter Comments. To make comments on the time sheet, enter comments in the Current Comments box that is provided.

After changes are made, go to Options—select Approve Time

(Look at the bottom of your screen; it will let you know if the time sheet is approved successfully)

After Approval is completed, you will be taken back to the PHADSUM screen where you can check your Status Queue.

Timesheets can also be approved by checking the Approve or Acknowledge box on Department Summary Form. (PHADSUM)

This is not recommended for HR/Payroll Liaisons who have signed timesheets from supervisors and will not make changes to employee’s timesheet, as this form does not show detail of hours and days worked.

When all necessary Approve or Acknowledge boxes have been checked, go to Options and click on Apply All Actions.


Submitting Hours for Past Pay Periods

In order to be paid on the scheduled check date, OPS employees are to submit hours for the pay period according to the pay schedule. Therefore, the need to submit hours for a past pay period should be rare.

However, forOPS employees who fail to submit time as scheduled will receive their paychecks on the next scheduled pay date. If there is an administrative error, consideration will be taken in issuing an on-demand check.A $25 Admin fee will be charged to departments that fail to approve timesheets etc., resulting in an on-demand check.


Requesting Payment for Past Pay Period Hours

It will be the responsibility of the primary approver or his/her proxy to submit a request for Past Pay Period hours to be processed. The request can be made either by submitting a signed paper timesheet, memo or email. Hours for Past Pay Period will not be accepted directly from the OPS employee. The memo must include the following:

  1. OPS Employee Name
  2. Employee UIN #
  3. Pay Number
  4. Banner Index
  5. Date(s) and Hours Worked
  6. Justification of the reason that the hours are being submitted late and not during the scheduled pay period.

Editing/Correcting OPS Hours


In the Approval of: Field, select Time Sheet

Enter appropriate Banner Index code in the Orgn: Field

Select Pending in the Transaction Status: Field

Enter BH in the Pay ID: Field

Enter the Pay Period Number in the Pay Number: Field

Ctrl-Page Down or Click Next Block Button

Select desired OPS employee time sheet.

Go to Options and click on View/Change Time Detail. You will be taken to the PHATIME screen.

Click and highlight the amount of hours worked on the day that needs to be modified.

Change, add or delete hours worked. Remember all changes made must be documented in the View or Change Comment screen.

After all desired changes have been made to the OPS employee’s time sheet, click Save. The new hours should be updated on the form and should be verified.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the approver or proxy/HR/Payroll Liaison to verify all hours and make corrections prior to Payroll Processing.

Setting Up Supervisor or HR/Payroll Liaison as Approvers

Before setting up Supervisor, HR/Payroll Liaison or backup payroll approver, the Departmenthead or designee must email the Payroll Department requesting that the Supervisor, HR/Payroll Liaison or backup HR/Payroll Liaison be added as an approver for their department. The Supervisor, HR/Payroll Liaison or backup payroll approver’sUniversityUIN number (if known), User Name, and the department’s Org(s)must be included in the request.

Changing Approver

In order for a department to change the Supervisor, HR/Payroll Liaison or backup payroll approver, an email must be sent to the payroll department requesting the change, and the user name and University UIN of both the current and future approvers must be in the email. The reason for the change must also be included in the email.

Terminating OPS Employees

You may enter a termination comment when you are approving the employee’s last submission of time, however, this does not terminate the employee. To terminate an OPS employee, please contact Human Resources or submit a Termination EPAF.