RH 330

Technical Communication

Final Report--Potential Readers

Student A:

  • sophomore
  • knows basic engineering principles
  • no experience with the subject of the report
  • using report as material for research paper or to gain knowledge on the subject
  • needs definitions for some technical terms
  • primary or secondary

Needs?How Met?

Student B:

  • senior
  • has more advanced knowledge of engineering
  • limited experience with the subject of the report
  • using report to familiarize him/herself with subject area
  • possible employment
  • no time to read
  • primary or secondary

Needs?How Met?

Engineer, New Employee:

  • new hire at a company
  • degree in engineering
  • using report as a source of information/reference
  • looking for an introduction to the subject area
  • wants to get "up to speed" because her boss told her to
  • concerned with technical details
  • reads at a high technical level
  • primary or secondary

Needs?How Met?

Engineer, Boss:

  • employed for over 10 years
  • degree in engineering
  • using report as a source of information/reference to familiarize himself with developing technologies
  • concerned with technical details
  • reads at a high technical level
  • primary or secondary

Needs?How Met?


  • considering buying this product if the report information demonstrates that the product meets her needs
  • engineering degree
  • practical focus--costs, ease of implementation
  • little time to read
  • primary or secondary

Needs?How Met?

Government Employee:

  • House staffer who must do research on the topic so he can inform his boss (Representative) for his work on a committee
  • degree in political science but extensive experience with government issues
  • limited time to read the report
  • secondary reader only

Needs?How Met?

Enthusiast in the field:

  • general reader
  • little formal technical background (no engineering degree)
  • practical focus
  • tinkers in the garage with projects
  • reads technical magazines avidly
  • secondary only

Needs?How Met?

Human Resources employee:

  • humanities degree
  • recruits graduating engineers for his company
  • reading report to determine abilities of the author as an effective communicator
  • little time or interest in reading the complete report
  • secondary only

Needs?How Met?

Prospective Employer:

  • degree in engineering but now focusing on management duties
  • reading report to determine your abilities as an engineer and a communicator
  • possesses engineering knowledge but no direct knowledge of this topic
  • little time to read entire report

Needs?How Met?

Member of the Community:

  • general reader
  • your topic will have a direct impact on his daily life
  • very interested in the topic
  • no direct experience with the topic
  • little technical background

Needs?How Met?