Teacher: Rebecca Stallings/
Wanda Adams/Marie Carlisle/
Lisa Gaines/Jenny Love-Jones / School/District: Homewood Middle School
Subject(s): Language Arts / Grade Level(s)/Course: 7th grade

Lesson/Unit Outcome:

Lesson/Unit Duration:

/ Students will create a technological real estate brochure using persuasive and descriptive language to sell the "House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe.
3 days
Academic Standards Addressed
Technology Standards Addressed / Alabama State Course of Study-English Language Arts-7th grade
1.  Construct, interpret, and evaluate meaning by applying appropriate strategies to materials across the curriculum.
11.  Refine general listening behaviors.
16.  Develop and use an extended vocabulary through reading, listening, viewing, writing, speaking, and presenting.
17.  Use available computer technology to enhance reading and writing skills.
21.  Exhibit proficiency in the use of the writing process.
25.  Organize content of written composition with attention to basic characteristics.
27.  Compose and present in many ways using different techniques for various audiences and occasions both formal and informal.
I.S.T.E. Standards:
5.  Apply productivity/multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, group collaboration, and learning throughout the curriculum.
6.  Design, develop, publish, and present products using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts to audiences inside and outside the classroom.
Teacher-Led Activity
(Anticipatory Set) / 1.  Review literary concepts of theme and mood as they relate to the short story.
2.  Expose students to a variety of works by Edgar Allan Poe.
3.  Show "Edgar Allan Poe: A Mystery" video by Arts and Entertainment Biography Channel.
4.  Discuss correlation between Poe's life and work.
Student-Centered Activities / 1.  Students will listen to the audiotaped short story, "The Fall of the House of Usher" by Edgar Allan Poe.
2.  Students will view the video "The Fall of the House of Usher."
3.  Students will compare/contrast the short story vs. the movie using a Venn Frame.
4.  Students will discuss theme and mood of the story noting word choices of Poe in describing the house.
5.  Students will examine newspaper advertisements and real estate brochures to find examples of persuasive language.
6.  Students will use the writing process to write, edit, rewrite, and publish in describing and selling the house of Usher.
7.  Students will use computer program of choice to create a real estate brochure selling the house of Usher. (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, The Print Shop, etc.) Students may insert graphics from a digital camera, scanner, or the Internet.
Resources Needed / Content resources (books, articles, speakers, etc.):
Real estate brochures
Real estate booklets / Software/Web Resources (CD-Rom, URL’s, etc.):
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Publisher
The Print Shop
/ Other media (video, satellite, etc.):
"Edgar Allan Poe: A Mystery" Biography from Arts and Entertainment Channel video
"The Fall of the House of Usher" audio tape / Hardware (computers, TV, VHS, etc.):
Digital camera
Tape recorder
Student Assessment
(Please attach copies of rubrics) / Rubric