Basic Reports in ServicePoint

Updated 12/08/09

This is a guide to running simple reports for checks and balances purposes to make sure that your agency’s data is correctly entered. You can also see what clients show as currently in your program or activity for a particular time period. If you have any questions please contact your HMIS Specialist.

Step 1: log on to ServicePoint and click on the “Reports” tab.

Step 2: scroll to the bottom of the reports page and you will see a section labeled “custom reports” click on “ReportWriter”.

Step 3: a new window will open and you will be on the “tables” tab. You will see three columns of check box options. Select “clients” in the second column, 5th option down, and select “Entry Exit” in the last column, 5th one down.

Step 4: click on the “Fields” tab at the top. This is where you will select the data fields that you would like to show in your report. For this example we want to know client names and entry and exit dates.

Step 5: You will see two drop down boxes under the fields tab. In the left hand box select: client ID, First Name, and Last Name. (Tip: hold the control key to select multiple options)

In the right hand box you will select: Entry Date and Exit Date

All of your selections will be highlighted in gray if they are selected correctly.

Step 6: click on the “Filters” tab at the top of the page. This will help you sort your agencies data from the rest of the database.

Step 7:you will notice that there are two default filters that are already listed at the top of the page, leave them there. You will see two drop down boxes. The right hand box select “provider name” and click “add”

A new screen will appear. Select “equals” and then your agency/program name. click “add”

It will bring you back to the previous screen and you will see 3 filters listed now.

Step 8:At this point you will be able to see every client that was ever entered for your program.Simply click the first tab at the top labeled“preview”

If you would like to narrow your results to a specific month or year go back to the “filters” tab and we will add another filter.

Step 9:Go to the“filters” tab; If you want your report to show what clients came into your program during a particular month you will select the “entry date” under the entry exit column on the right side. Click “add”

Then you will see a new screen, select “is between and including” then enter the dates for your desired time period. Then click “add.”

Step 10:Now go to the “preview”tab. Your results will be narrowed down to your specifications.

Additional Information:

You can also sort the data in reports by going to the “options” tab at the top of the page. You can select the order of the columns and select the column and criteria for sorting.

When you are satisfied with your report after seeing it in the preview tab, you can click the download link at the top of your report and it will ask you to password protect the document and it will save it as an excel file. You must use the password to open the document.It is suggested you download tugzip (a software that enables file compression and creating and opening password protected documents)

Please feel free to play with these reporting tools and make them fit your needs. If you need further assistance please let us know. This is a basic reporting tool and is only good for very basic reports.

Report Writer Steps1