MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Trustee Amy Mann, Trustee Dave Porter, Trustee Maureen Fellows,
Trustee Fritz Koennecke
ALSO PRESENT: Jim Stokes, Mike Hayes, Bill Carr, Whitney Denison, Olivia Weiler, Maddie Filkorn, Bob Lucas
Upon a motion by Trustee Mann, seconded by Trustee Koennecke the Board approved the minutes from the November 7, 2016 Village Board Meeting by a vote of 5-0.
In a response to a request from the Town of Nelson, the Village Board discussed entering a mutual aid agreement with Nelson in which our police could be dispatched to their Town office building in the event of an emergency.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler and seconded by Trustee Koennecke, the Board passed the following resolution by a vote of 5-0:
Whereas, the Town of Nelson is concerned about the safety of its employees working within the Town of Nelson Office Building at 4085 Nelson Road in the Town of Nelson, given the public nature of the building and the threats potentially posed by angry citizens and others, and
Whereas, at any given time, the Village of Cazenovia police may be the closest police unit available to respond to an emergency situation at the Town of Nelson office building, and
Whereas, the Town of Nelson has requested that the Village of Cazenovia enter into a memorandum of understanding that would have the Village of Cazenovia Police Department notified by the Madison County 911 Center to respond to any emergency situations posing a threat of personal harm to any employees or individuals at the Town of Nelson office building.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVEDthat the Village of Cazenovia agrees to the Town of Nelson’s request to enter into a memorandum of understanding for a mutual aid notification to the Village of Cazenovia Police Department to respond to any emergency situations posing a threat of personal harm to any employees or individuals at the Town of Nelson office building, and it is hereby further
RESOLVED, that the Mayor be, and hereby is authorized to execute such a memorandum of understanding providing for a protocol to be followed by the Madison County 911 Center, pursuant to which the Village of Cazenovia Police Department will be called, along with the “closest car” available from any other police agency, to respond to any emergency situation posing a threat of personal harm to any employees or individuals at the Town of Nelson office building. The final language of said memorandum of understanding shall be as approved by the attorney for the Village.
Dated: December 5, 2016
The Cazenovia High School Government students returned to update the Village Board on the progress made with different ideas of things they would like to see happen in the Village including a request for repairs to damaged street signs, installation of a bike rack at the new Creekside Community Park and installation of a piece of public art in place of the defunct pay phone which is to be removed.
Trustee Fritz Koennecke gave his monthly report:
Lake Watershed Council- Lake Summit was on December 3rd.
- Once again there was a great turnout- around 60 attendees
- Panel discussion mostly centered on the treatment plans for the Lake
- Harvester worked well but still was not able to keep up with the milfoil
- Milfoil is back to pre-treatment levels
- Desire is to use Renovate in 2017 and 2018- fundraising underway
- Police Report
- Reviewed costs to date and we are running very close to budget
- Planning a meeting Thursday morning with the employees to answer questions and start sign ups
Police Report
The following report reflects statistics from 11/01/2016 through 11/30/2016
1.MAJOR INCIDENTS: Any case that is a felony or is information that is needed to ensure to public safety.
2. ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS: Currently we have six open cases that is actively being investigated along with one active warrants.
3. CALL REPORT: For the above dates we had a total of 52 calls for service, 1 misdemeanor arrests, 3 violation offense, and 1 warrant arrest, 28 vehicle and traffic tickets written, 8 MVA’s investigated and 29 parking tickets issued and zero immobilizations.
4. TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS: 7 speeding, 4 uninspected, 2 license violations and 2 AUO (operated with license suspended or revoked) and 13 other violations.
5. BUDGET REPORT: Nothing to report
6. MISC:
Motion made by Trustee Koennecke seconded by Mayor Wheeler to pass the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.
RESOLUTION # 27 – BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby authorizes Mayor Wheeler to sign the Three-Way Confidentiality Agreement, the Business Associate Agreement, the Service Agreement and Appendix A – Fees and Charges with Lifetime Benefit Solutionsupon review by the Village Attorney to set up a Health Reimbursement Account.
Trustee Maureen Fellows gave her monthly report:
Youth Recreation
Working with Elizabeth Digiacomo to construct a realistic budget to support the growth in the Summer Youth Recreation Program. Will be meeting with Cazenovia College to discuss partnerships.
Parks: Cazenovia Lake Summit Saturday, December 3, 2016
In general, usage patterns are similar to previous years. Highlighted Statistics from Village Report regarding Boat Launch included:
20 fewer documented inspections in 2016 - 1763 in 2016, 1783 in 2015
Resident Passes – 17 fewer in 2016
2015 - 415
2016 – 398
Non-resident Passes – 13 more in 2016
2015 – 173
2016 – 168
Daily Passes
47 daily passes provided Tuesday – Thursday
Boat Launch Usage by Day of the Week
Saturday 21%, Friday 18%, Sunday 15%, Wednesday and Thursday 13%, Tuesday 11% and Monday 9%
Boat Launch Usage by Out of Town Residents
Syracuse 24%, Manlius 20%, miscellaneous towns with fewer than 20 visits 21%, Canastota 6%, Erieville 5%, Pennsylvania residents 5%
Last Body of Water Visited
71 different prior bodies of water recorded
7 sites from out of New York State
Oneida Lake was the most frequent prior body of water last visited (48 visitors)
Inspections by Month
July 26%, June 23%, May 21%, August 19%, September 9%, October 2%, April 1%
Type/Size of Boat
Over 100 HP 43% in 2016, 40% in 2015
Village Court Receipts
November 2016
Judge Moore: $5320
Judge Fischer: $15
Annual Court Audit performed December 5, 2016. No discrepancies noted.
Resolution made by Trustee Fellows, seconded by Trustee Koennecke and passed by a vote of 5-0 to have the Village Board accept the audit as presented. (see below)
CACDA Report for the December Village of Cazenovia Board Meeting
- Lakeland Park planning project funded by NYS Parks - prepared final disbursement request
- Kayak/canoe launch at Lakeland Park funded by NYS Canal Corp and a NYS SAM grant - construction documents underway; installation planned for spring
- Development of Creekside Park funded by CNY Community Foundation - planning to continue through winter; installation of park features planned for spring
- Grant application submitted to L.L.Bean’s Charitable Giving Foundation for matching funds for kayak/canoe launch at Lakeland Park - $25,000 - pending
- Development of documents for the Municipal Restructuring grant program is ongoing; draft submitted to NYS DOS
Town of Cazenovia –
- Implementation of recommendations made under the Farmland Protection Plan funded by NYS Ag & Markets - work is ongoing
- Additional turbine and interpretive features for the New Woodstock micro-hydro site funded by a Common Grounds Challenge grant and a grant from the CNY Community Foundation - under development and will be installed in the spring
- Development of documents for the Municipal Restructuring grant program is ongoing; draft submitted to NYS DOS
CACDA Initiatives
- Main Street committee is exploring strategies to recruit new businesses to the historic district.
- RecDesk was launched recently with facilitation from Common Grounds
- Planning is ongoing for the trolley initiative; seeking NYS grant funding
Motion made by Trustee Fellows seconded by Trustee Koennecke to pass the following resolution by a vote of 5-0.
RESOLUTION # 28– BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, herebyaccepts the review of the Village Court records done by Trustee Maureen Fellows and Court Clerk Kerry Bishal to comply with Section 2019-A of the Uniform Justice Court Act for the year ending December, 2016.
Trustee Amy Mann gave her monthly report:
The Tree City USA application for the 2016 calendar year will be filed by month-end. I will share a summary of our 2016 work at our January meeting after the application is filed.
Hartgen was in the park last week and completed the archaeological work that is required by SHPO for the launch project. They did several small corings which revealed fill of differing layers in key areas, which is good news because it shows we will not be disturbing previously undisturbed land. Ted Bartlett has supplied them with the necessary historical information, so this step is well on its way to completion.
Saratoga supplied us with the first draft of the expanded drawings for the launch shortly after our November meeting. Ted and I met along with Jocelyn Gavitt to review these. Ted summarized our comments and shared them with Saratoga in a conference call on November 22, and Jocelyn had a separate conversation with them about drainage, so Saratoga has what it needs to continue their work. Very tentatively Ted and Jocelyn seemed to think the drawings should be complete in approximately 6 weeks, and that we should hopefully be able to go out to bid in January. This timeline is all dependent on permitting. We are pleased with the progress and where things are headed, and will hopefully have more news next month.
Ted met with National Grid in the park last week to further explore the location of electric service to the park; a portion of this meeting included Brian Coughlin from the Caz Club to look into possibly re-routing their service lines which cross the park. This latter project definitely looks possible, and I am meeting Ted tomorrow morning to further discuss the rest.
Also tomorrow I will be meeting with Paul Brooks and Ted to nail down a potential site for the John Lincklaen statue. The statue no longer includes a horse and has changed profile somewhat, so we would like to revisit our previous thought that it would be located in the parking loop.
Finally, last month I had briefed the board on a potential retail use for the barn. To update everyone, further review by Jim Stokes has revealed that this use is not currently allowable and that any use needs to be closely aligned with park use. We are still very hopeful that we can find an alternate solution for this business to bring it back to Caz. Lauren has been working very hard to look for other options. As a side note, we did have a preliminary discussion with Elizabeth DiGiacomo and Parks and Rec Trustee Maureen Fellows to see just how crucial the barn is to the Rec Program, in the event that another use does ultimately present itself, or also if the upcoming launch construction makes the barn area unusable. This is Maureen’s area, but the talk did reveal that the program has swelled to the point where other sites may need to be explored in the future anyway.
I attended another meeting of the interested stakeholders in a potential community YMCA on November 16, again hosted at the college. The group expanded to include Maureen Fellows, Tom Driscoll from the Town, and Lauren Lines from CACDA. As a group we further reviewed the proposal from the consultant who would do the feasibility study. There was lots of good input on desired data collection from our community and other angles, and unanimous support for continuing to roll out the concept publicly and to start thinking about how to fund the study. Dave Bergh will be following up, and also requesting copies of studies done for other communities so we can get some sense of what we might get for the fee.
See Bill’s report below:
BuildingsFenner Street Tree has had new lights installed.
Benches and tables have been removed for the winter
StreetsLeave and brush pickup has been completed.
Crosswalk signs have been removed for the winter.
Christmas Decorations have been place throughout the Village.
Snow plowing and snow removal continues.
Cemetery 1 Burial
Also, the sale of the F550 snow plow truck that we approved last month fell through. The truck was re-listed automatically and we have a new bid of $ 22,600 that I would like to move we accept.
Upon a motion by Trustee Mann and seconded by Mayor Wheeler, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0:
RESOLUTION # 29 BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Cazenovia through its governing body, the Board of Trustees, hereby accepts the high bid of $ 22,600 for the excess F550 plow truck by a vote of 5-0..
Mayor Wheeler commented he liked the location of the Christmas Walk this year. It was very well received and he suggested the same plan be used next year. The Mayor received many compliments during and after the walk about the change.
Trustee Dave Porter gave his monthly report:
- Water pumped last month was 6.92 Mgal > 231 kgal/day – historic ave is 8.3 Mgal for month of November. Water usage was 7.1Mgal for previous five years.
- Reported last month: Two test wells installed at water treatment plant site. Water encountered at 40 ft (test well B-1) and 50 ft (test well B-2). Report from John Dunkle recommends that a new 12-inch diameter well be installed at test well location B-1 north of existing treatment building. Depth of well is estimated to be between 80-90 ft. Bill Carr to proceed with obtaining proposals for installation of this well.
Fire Dept:
- New Fire Dept. member applications: none this mo.
- The Fire Department is currently evaluating options for purchasing fire fighting equipment that might combine two vehicles into a single hybrid vehicle. Also, the vehicle replacement schedule that was developed in the past needs to be adjusted based on actual wear and tear on equipment. Email from Chief Arnold forwarded to Village Board.
Lake Watershed Council:
- Lake Summit: Conducted on Saturday, Dec 3rd.
- Solarize NY project: The Solarize NY project has been put out to bid. This is a collective bidding process and we hope to see installation cost savings as a result of this bid process. The entire RFP package may be accessed online on the CNY RPDB website: Notification of the RFP was sent directly to ~50 companies that responded to the Request for Information; it was also posted on the New York State Contract Reporter and Legal Notice will be published in The Caz Republican this week. RFP responses were due by today at 5:00 pm EST.
- National Grid has recently announced a program for replacing existing street light fixtures with LED fixtures (letter dated May 24 forwarded to board members). Amanda Mazzoni from the CNYRPDB prepared a cost benefit analysis for the Village under this program. Bill Carr will completed the necessary background info for CNYRPDB.
- SmartWatt Energy Performance Project: Since National Grid’s recent buyback rates for street lighting fixtures, SmartWatt has revised their proposal for an Energy Performance Contract. Chris Carrick from CNYRPDB met with SmartWatt last week to review their program.
- John Lincklaen Statue Project: No meetings since July. Paul Brooks has been in contact with Amy Mann and Ted Bartlett to coordinate the possible location for installation of the future stature at Lakeland Park.
Upon a motion by Mayor Wheeler Mann and seconded by Trustee Porter, the Board approved the following resolution by a vote of 5-0:
WHEREAS, Solarize campaigns are short-term, local grassroots efforts that bring together groups of potential solar customers through widespread outreach and education, and
WHEREAS, the SolarizeCNY campaign is a regional effort which serves an area including the Village of Cazenovia and is administered by the Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board with support from municipal and community partners, and
WHEREAS, Solarize campaigns help customers choose a solar installation company that is offering competitive, transparent pricing, and
WHEREAS, historically, Solarize campaigns lower the cost of solar 10 to 20 percent, and
WHEREAS, SolarizeCNY has assisted more than 300 customers to install solar over the last several years resulting in more than three (3) megawatts of new solar capacity in the five-county region, and
WHEREAS, the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) provides technical assistance and other tools and resources of SolarizeCNY.