What is PEBS?
Positive Effective Behaviour Support is the application of a behaviourally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occurs.
The purpose of school-wide PEBS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behaviour is the norm. PEBS is not a pre purchased program. It is an initiative that helps schools create a positive, safe, and learning rich environment. PEBS is not just for students! It is for everyone: teachers, administration, secretaries, students, bus drivers, custodians, parents, playground supervisors, community etc.
PEBS is building a culture of respect and providing support for those that need it the most. PEBS looks at what our students CAN DO and ARE DOING rather than what they SHOULDN’T DO!
Why is PEBS so effective?
Instead of using a patchwork of individual behavioural management plans, a continuum of positive behavior support for all students within a school is implemented in all areas, including the classroom and non-classroom settings (such as hallways, restrooms).
What does PEBS look like at BMHS?
BMHS PEBS Behaviour Matrix
The behaviour matrix was developed by staff to teach appropriate and positive behaviours in all settings in the school. These expectations are displayed in each of the settings and taught explicitly by staff.
BMHS Behaviour Code
A behaviour code has been developed by BMHS. The behaviour code is displayed in every classroom and has been referred to by the classroom teacher as review.
School-Wide Rewards System
Teachers are rewarding students who exhibit positive behaviours in class and around the school as one way of reinforcing our PEBS behaviour matrix and behaviour code. GOTCHAs are handed out at the teacher’s discretion. Students must turn them into the office. GOTCHAs are drawn regularly for prizes and recognition of positive behaviour.
BarringtonMunicipalHigh School
School-Wide Behaviour Expectations Matrix
“The ROLES of All Students”
Respect for Others, Learning, Environment and Self
Self / Respect for
Others / Respect for
Environment / Respect for
SETTINGS / All Settings / Project a positive self- image.
Dress appropriately.
Remain positive.
Be proud of BMHS and participate fully.
Always think safety first.
Exercise self-control. / Be courteous and respectful of others.
Be a good listener.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Use appropriate language and volume.
Be considerate and cooperative.
Be a good role-model. / Keep all facilities clean.
Respect all facilities by not causing any damage.
Respect others’ belongings by not touching anything that does not belong to you.
Reduce, reuse and recycle. / Keep an open mind.
Always be ready to learn something new.
Take advantage of every opportunity to participate.
Listen to and learn from others.
Be well organized.
Classroom / Attend all classes and be on time.
Dress appropriately.
Remain positive and put forth your best effort. / Listen carefully to your teacher.
Be courteous and respectful of others.
Use appropriate language and volume.
Be helpful and supportive of others. / Keep classroom clean and organized.
Respect others belongings by not touching anything that does not belong to you.
Respect the facility by not defacing desks, walls, etc.
Finish food and drinks before entering the classroom. / Attend all classes.
Be on time.
Put forth your best effort in class.
Bring all necessary resources.
Do your homework.
Ask questions when you are unsure.
Be responsible for the time you miss from class.
Hallways & Foyer / Have a positive attitude and remain courteous.
Walk through hallways.
Keep your locker locked at all times.
When resting in hallways please sit on benches.
Use stairways safely.
Dress appropriately. / Respect space of others.
Use appropriate language.
Be aware that there are visitors in our school / Put all garbage in appropriate bins.
Keep book bags and personal items in lockers.
Do not damage walls, benches, plants, etc. / Do not be in hallways / foyer during class times without permission.
Be aware that classes / meetings are often in session. Be considerate.
Respect for
Self / Respect for
Others / Respect for
Environment / Respect for
SETTINGS / Cafeteria / Take time to eat and relax.
Use manners and be cooperative.
Go to cafeteria in a timely manner.
Remain in cafeteria for early lunch until the bell rings. / Show patience when waiting in line.
Return your chair under the table when finished.
Be respectful of peers and all staff.
Speak at an appropriate voice level. / Clean your eating space when finished.
Use recycling and garbage bins. / Use the cafeteria only during appropriate times.
Be respectful of nearby classes.
Gym / Participate and be physically active.
Be safety conscious.
Be responsible for your own
Take care of personal hygiene and keep clothes clean. / Use appropriate language.
Show good sports etiquette.
Be conscious of others.
Play fairly.
Be positive and encouraging of others. / Finish your food or drink, other than water, before entering gym.
Wear appropriate footwear at all times.
Use equipment appropriately.
Help protect the gym floor and equipment. / Listen closely to all instruction.
Dress appropriately for gym class.
Participate daily in all activities.
Participate to the best of your ability.
Library / Use library with permission or during free times.
Take advantage of library resources to enhance your learning. / Use quiet voices.
Enter and exit quietly so not to disrupt others.
Be respectful of librarian and follow all library rules and procedures. / Take care of library books.
Return all books on time.
Use computers carefully and not to cause damage. / Take advantage of library resources to enhance learning.
Use library during free times.
Computer Labs / Work safely by using software and programs only as directed by teacher.
Ensure that usernames and passwords are kept up to date and private.
Use technology to learn by giving your best effort and remaining focused. / Work quietly and keep volume levels low on computer.
Respect the work space and privacy of others.
Remain positive, helpful and patient.
Use appropriate web sites that do not demand large amounts of bandwidth. / Finish your food or drink, other than water, before entering labs.
Be careful to use computers carefully and not to cause damage. / Follow all instructions carefully.
Come to class prepared with all necessary resources.
Use computer designated by teacher.
Respect for
Self / Respect for
Others / Respect for
Environment / Respect for
SETTINGS / Bus / Sit in designated seat.
Remain positive and cooperative. / Be polite and courteous to others.
Remain seated respecting the personal space of others.
Be respectful of the bus driver and not distracting.
Use appropriate language and volume / Keep the bus clean and damage-free.
Place all garbage in the garbage can or take it with you when exiting. / Get to the bus on time.
RLC Room / Sit in designated seat.
Dress appropriately.
Remain positive and put forth your best effort.
Exercise self-control. / Be courteous and respectful of others.
Use appropriate language and volume. / Keep classroom clean and organized.
Respect others’ belongings by not touching anything that does not belong to you.
Respect the facility by not defacing desks, walls, etc. / Bring all necessary resources.
Keep busy, when finished with assigned work, get work from teacher boxes.