Morristown-HamblenHigh School West
Classroom Discipline Plan
Dr. Jeff Moorhouse Robert Haun
PrincipalAssistant Principal
Jennifer LasterJeff S. Kinsler
Assistant PrincipalAssistant Principal
Course: English IIITeacher: Mrs. Hannah Lane
Classroom Discipline Plan:
In order to insure the excellent learning climate that each student in our school deserves, I will be using the following discipline plan in my classroom this school year.The class rules will be developed through a social contract created by the students of each class.
School Philosophy
We believe that all our students can behave appropriately. We cannot accept any behavior that stops us from teaching and /or prevents any student from leaning.
Make-up work
If you are not in class for any reason, YOU WILL MISS SOMETHING! The make-up policy is that students have the same amount of days to make-up work as the number of days missed. I will not accept work that is more than one week late. The student is responsible for obtaining the information he or she missed. Students may get notes from classmates. If a student misses on a test day, the test will be taken on the day he or she arrives back to school. Make up work will be placed in the folder for that class at the end of each day. Students will need to check the folder before or after class to get the necessary make up work for class. I will work with anyone who has to miss school for an extended period of time. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss these situations with me.
Redo Policy
The junior English teachers have created a redo policy for student work that does not meet a level of mastery. This is to ensure that all students are accomplishing objectives and meeting standards for this class. Please refer to the separate sheet discussing the redo policy. If a student is asked to redo work he or she must do so promptly. Students may be required to meet outside of the regularly scheduled class time. I am available before and after school for tutoring. I am available daily until 4:00 pm without appointment. Students need to be prepared to make accommodations for tutoring. Your education is important to me; it should also be important to you.
Food and Drink
Food and drink will not be allowed in the classroom unless given to the students by the teacher. Only bottled water with a lid will be permitted.
Our time is very precious, and there really is no reason for you to be late. If you absolutely need to be late, please check with me first. Otherwise, you will be considered tardy. Being tardy for class will result in an administrative detention to be served on Thursdays after school. The length of time to be served is one hour regardless of the time missed from class.
About Class
I expect everyone to participate in class. This means that you are not sleeping. You are listening actively and taking notes. Please do not leave your mess when you leave class. I am here to teach you not to clean up after you. Please ask questions and feel free to discuss class matters with me. On assignments that will be turned in, please do not write in strange colors of ink that will be difficult to read.
*Students at WestHigh School will be treated with respect by peers and teachers.
*A student will not engage in a behavior that will distract others from reaching their potential in this room.
Grading in this class is standards based. Students in junior English are expected to meet goals in the following categories as required by the state ofTennessee:Language,Communication, Writing, Research, Logic, Informational Text, Media, andLiterature. You may review these standards by visiting:
I am looking forward to this school year. This is a great opportunity for learning, fun, and personal development. I hope that we can make the best of this year. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact me at school if you have any questions or concerns. 581-1600 ext. 1059. My planning period is from8:00-9:25.Parents and students, please feel free to contact me via email at any time. This is expedient and convenient. You may email me anytime at .
Thank you,
Mrs. Hannah Lane
Please fill out this sheet, sign, date and return it to Mrs. Lane as soon as possible.
Student Name: ______
Parent(s)/ Guardian(s) Name:
Home Telephone Number:
My planning time is 8:00-9:25. I am also available to discuss student progress after school. If I should need to discuss your son or daughter’s progress when is the best time for you to be reached?
Name:relationship to student
Place where I should callarea code and phone number
If you would like to use email for updates on your students’ progress please include your email address:
I have read and discussed this packet and its contents with my son or daughter and know what will be expected of him or her this semester.
I have read and discussed this packet and its contents and I know what will be expected of me this semester.
______Signature date
Student email______