Principal’s Newsletter

August 28, 2014

Dear Families,

“We are a pilgrim people, we are the Church of God. A family of believers, disciples of the Lord.

United in one Spirit, Ignited by the fire

Still burning through the ages,

Still present in our lives.”

The words of this hymn are especially appropriate as we take the next step in our pilgrimage as members of the St. Dorothy School family of believers.

The torch of education – both spiritual and academic – continues burning as we strive to pass on to our children the legacy of the Catholic faith and to help them develop academic skills which will enable them to be capable, productive


As parents and teachers we train our children to live moral lives, contribute to the good of society, and be conscious of the needs of others. As educated Catholic adults, they will continue their pilgrimage and accompany and support those they meet on their journey.

May the Holy Spirit be with us as we travel this school year together.

School Opening

Classes begin for students in grades 1-8 on Tuesday, September 2, at 7:50 a.m. Tuesday through Friday of that week are full days. Our Kindergarten students will have their orientation on September 2 and they will begin classes on Wednesday, September 3.

Back-to-School Nights

Parents of students in grades K-4 will meet their child/children’s teachers on Monday, September 8. The meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the gym. The meeting for parents of students in grades 5-8 will take place on Monday, September 15, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the gym.

School Calendar

We will not be printing hard copies of the calendar. You may download it from our school website

New Teachers

Please join me in welcoming Miss Caroline McShane as the new 8th grade teacher, Mrs. Lauren O’Doherty as the new 6th grade teacher, and Miss Joanne Dougherty as the new Kindergarten aide.


Please advise your child/children of any change in dismissal in the morning before school. If you call school at the end of the day with a change in dismissal , we cannot guarantee the message will be delivered, so please finalize your plans in the morning.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

Following is the procedure for dropping off students in the morning:

-  Use the lane that is marked to drop off

-  Students in the lower grade should be dropped off on the driver’s side of the car, so that they can go directly into the gym

-  Students who are dropped off on the passenger’s side, must walk to the teacher on duty and he/she will cross them.

-  If you wish to park your car and walk your child/children in, please park in the farthest lane from the school. The lanes between are for parishioners who attend daily Mass

-  No students may be dropped off in front of the school building

Students in grades 1-4, who will be picked up at the end of the day, will dismiss to the gym. Parents may wait by the gym door closest to the back of the school. When students are ready to be dismissed, a teacher will open the door for parents.

Students in grades 5-8 will be dismissed via the gym door closest to the main school door where they will wait for their parents to pick them up. No student is permitted to walk across the parking lot during dismissal.

Cell Phone Policy

We recognize the value of cell phones in keeping parents aware of their children’s whereabouts at all times, therefore, students may bring them to school. The cell phones must be kept in the student’s backpack and may not be brought out during the school day. If a student is found with a cell phone on his/her person, it will be taken from the student and put in the school office. A parent will be required to come to school to retrieve the phone. If a student commits this infraction a second time, he/she will not be permitted to bring a cell phone to school.

In addition, students may not bring cell phones on field trips.

Lateness Concerns

It is essential that all students arrive on time to school. The school bell rings at 7:50 a.m., and all students are expected to be in the gym at that time so that they can participate in Morning Prayer, which is an essential part of their day. We assemble together to offer our day’s work to God and to ask His blessings on us. It is also a time when we celebrate the students’ birthdays, with a special blessing, and their accomplishments.

When a student is tardy, he/she misses out on the beginning of the day when we pray together as a community and announcements and lesson plans are discussed, or an important lesson has begun in which a key concept of a skill is being introduced. This often puts the tardy student at a disadvantage, starting the day off with having missed out on instruction. It is important that each student arrives on time. This helps to set a routine of responsibility that can only benefit student success, not only in school but also in life.

Home & School Dues

This year we will be asking families to pay $15.00 as dues to Home & School participation. The dues will be used to purchase insurance for the iPads and for the school directory.

Opening Liturgy

Our school Mass will take place on Friday, September 6 at 9:00 a.m. After Mass, the following students will be installed into Student Council: Mya Bellopede, Josh Hayes, Maggie Lord, Eileen O’Toole, Dylan Rooney, Tim Rogers.

New School Secretary

Mrs. Karen Buechele is our new school secretary. Mrs. Spinelli will help out during the first few weeks of school to help Mrs. Buechele transition from the rectory to the school.

Red Cross Recertification

Yesterday, 16 faculty members and I received recertification in CPR/AED/First Aid.

Important Message for Volunteers

All volunteers need a police clearance and

child abuse form on file in the rectory office. Forms can be obtained at the school and PREP offices. Those who volunteer on a regular basis also need to attend a Safe Environment class. Information for safe environment training can be found at