Ceramics: Digital Art Portfolio Presentation Name:______Due:

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 / Teacher Score
The submitted Digital Portfolio shows:
Images /
  • All project photos are included
  • All photos show completed art work
  • All photos are free of distracting backgrounds/cropping leaves even negative space around the edge of the object
  • All photos showcase the work from the most interesting view point(s)
  • All photos have been taken using ample light (all details can be seen)
  • Majority of project photos are included (missing 1-2)
  • Majority of photos show completed art work
  • Majority of photos are free of distracting backgrounds/most cropping is done accurately
  • Majority of photos showcase the work from the most interesting view point(s)
  • Majority of photos have been taken using ample light (some details are hard to see)
  • Many of project photos are missing
  • Many photos show art work that in unfinished
  • Many of photos have distracting backgrounds/cropping has cut off image(s)
  • Many photos not taken from interesting point(s) of view
  • Many photos lack ample light (details are very hard to see)

Presentation /
  • Student could be heard clearly from all areas of the room
  • Student made eye contact with audience
  • All photos included an accurate credit line
  • Student followed presentation outline accurately
  • Student elaborated on information written on slides (did not read directly from slides)
  • Student could be heard clearly the majority of his/her presentation (asked to repeat/speak louder 1-2 times)
  • Student made eye contact with the audience most of the time
  • Most photos included an accurate credit line (1-2 were incomplete)
  • Presentation outline was followed somewhat accurately
  • Student elaborated on some information (sometimes read directly from slides)
  • Student was very hard to hear (asked to repeat/speak louder several times)
  • Student did not make eye contact with audience
  • Many photos did not include an accurate credit line
  • Presentation outline was not followed accurately
  • Student read directly from slides and did not elaborate

Total Project Score / Comments: / /18

Presentation Outline:

  • Arrange your photos in order of how they were completed (including the one you chose not to have graded)

(Clay Signature Stamp, Inspired Vessel, week 1-2, week 3-4, week 5-6, week 7-8)

  • Use a black or white background for your PowerPoint presentation and legible font of contrasting color with the background
  • Every photo needs a credit line below it, like the following:

Title (name of artwork), Year the work was completed, Media (material) ApproximateSize (length, height, width)

Example of an accurate credit line: “Not a Canoe”, 2015, Clay Sculpture, 22” X 18”x10”

  • If possible, includeanswers for each of the following questions & picture(s) of the project on the same slide. (USE BULLET POINTS! You will be explaining your answers to the class – you don’t need to write a paragraph for each answer. Just write enough to help you remember what you’d like to say):

What did you enjoy most about this?

What was the most challenging part about this project?

Did you revise any areas of this work, or change your plan? (If yes, why?)

What is your best advice for a student who will do this project next year?

If you could start it over again (or if you remade it!) what would/did you change and what would/did you keep the same?

  • On the last slide of your presentation, include short bullet points to explain your answers to the following questions:

Do you feel your skills improved during this class? Why/Why not?

What were three things you learned during this class?

How was this class different from your previous art classes?

Your presentation should include photos of each project completely finished.

* (If you have a photo of the project you chose not to have graded, please also include that on it’s own slide. If the project did not survive the firing, please explain that on the slide for that project)**If your work is unfinished, still include a photo, but know that your presentation score will be affected*

  • Clay Signature Stamp
  • Inspired Vessel
  • Three pieces made on the pottery wheel
  • Two molded platter/bowls
  • Slab Anti-box
  • Coil Pot

Professional Artist Slides: CeramicsName: ______

You must complete a total of six slides showing work from two different artists. These slides will be added to the end of your Digital Art Portfolio Google slide show. At least one of the artists must be contemporary (has to have produced work within the last 30 years.) Each artist must primarily work in clay. (Can choose an artist who also incorporates other materials into their clay sculptures!) Create three slides for each artist, for a total of SIX slides. You will also present these slides at the end of your Digital Art Portfolio presentation.

First slide must include: (for each artist)

  • The artist’s name
  • Where they are from & where they live/lived
  • Birth date & death date (if applicable)
  • What they are best known for in the art world, their signature style/theme, or their mission (goal)
  • A picture of the artist (if you can’t find one, substitute a picture of one of their works)

Second slide must include: (for each artist)

  • Two pictures of two different works of art made by this artist
  • An accurate credit line for each work of art, which includes:
  • Title, year made, material/medium used, size
  • Citations (list the websites, videos or other references you used to find the information & images)

Third slide must include:(for each artist)

  • The same two image of the artist’s work from slide #2
  • Explain what caught your attention about these works, and why you chose to research this artist
  • Explain how you will use what you learned about this artist in the future (Will seeing this work affect your style? Did their work make you think of something new? Etc)

5 4 3 2 1 / Score
Research Information
Artist #1 / -All information from outline (above) has been included and addressed in detail
-Information presented is accurate
-Images are clear and can be easily seen
-Student cited resource information / -Most information from outline (above) has been addressed
-Information presented is somewhat accurate
-Images are somewhat fuzzy or hard to see
-Student did not accurately cite information / -Most information from outline (above) has been not been addressed
-Information presented is not accurate
-Images are hard to see
-Student did not cite information
-Slides were partially completed
Research Information
Artist #2 / -All information from outline (above) has been included and addressed in detail
-Information presented is accurate
-Images are clear and can be easily seen
-Student cited resource information / -Most information from outline (above) has been addressed
-Information presented is somewhat accurate
-Images are somewhat fuzzy or hard to see
-Student did not accurately cite information / -Most information from outline (above) has been not been addressed
-Information presented is not accurate
-Images are hard to see
-Student did not cite information
-Slides were partially completed

Digital Portfolio & Artist Research Slides Presentation Date: ______