Library use termsandconditions

North Ayrshire Council is the provider of the North Ayrshire Library and Information Service, which offers you access to the service and its materials only under the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement

I agree to:

•Produce a membership card to borrow library materials or use a computer;

Tell the library if I change my name, address, email address or telephone number;

•Be considerateto other libraryusersandtolibrarystaff;

•Handle booksandotherlibrarymaterialswithcaresinceanydamagemay incuracharge;

•Switch off my mobile phone orsettosilentmodeinthelibrary andgo outside ifIneed tomakeorreceive a call;

•Not bringhotfoodinto the library;

•Refrain from smoking or bringingalcoholanddrugs(unlessformedicalpurposes)into the library, as this is not permitted;

•Keep my personalbelongingswith meatalltimes, as unattendedbelongingsare leftatmy own risk and may be removed if there are security concerns;

•Not bring animalsotherthan assistance dogsintothelibrary as this is not allowed;

•Leavethepremisesimmediatelyonhearingthefirealarmorwhen requestedtodoso bylibrarystaff;

•Take responsibility for the behaviour and safetyof anychildren I bring along with me when in the library;

•Accept the Acceptable Computer Use Policy if I wantuse the People’s Network computers.

I understand that borrowing entitlements may be suspended if I have overdue items or money for fines/hire charges is owed.

I understand that behaviour which makes library users or staff feel uncomfortable or threatened is unacceptable and that anybody behaving in this manner will be asked to leave.

I agree abide by these terms & conditions which may updated. The latest version ofthisdocumentwill alwaysbe availableinlibrariesand online at:
