Colby Elementary Schoolwide Plan

2013 - 2018

**Items in Bold are included in ESEA plan

Last updated April 2015

Area: Student Achievement

Goal: To improve student achievement in reading and math

Objective / Activities/Strategies / Timeline / Evaluation / Responsibility
1.  Review and update the reading/ language arts and math curriculum. / 1A. Ensure curriculum reflects new Common Core State Standards.
1B. Review current K-5 curriculum and check for grade level alignment to new CCSS.
1C. Provide time for grade level teachers and TEAM members to review grade level curriculum and assessments.
·  Complete ELA and math curriculum maps for all grades / Ongoing
2011- 2013
2013 - 2015 / Adoption of Reading/Language Arts curriculum
Creation of K-5
Curriculum in BYOC / Reading Specialist
Title 1
Grade level teachers
2. Revise grade level standards and the current assessment matrix to include reliable benchmarks in meeting local and state standards. / 2A. Establish grade level learning targets.
·  Display in classrooms
·  Create Learning Targets in BYOC
2B. Link grade level assessments with learning targets.
2B. Review grade level assessments in reading, writing, and math and identify common assessments K-5 / 2015 - 2016
2013 – 2014 and ongoing / Teacher feedback
Classroom observations
Assessment Matrix
Assessment Matrix / Grade level teachers
Grade level teachers
Reading specialist
Title 1
3. Dedicate a portion of whole classroom instruction to explicitly teach comprehension strategies. / 3A. Classroom teachers integrate strategies into content
·  Work in cooperation with Title I and DRA
·  Daily 5 / Ongoing / Evaluate and continue annually as appropriate. / DRS
Grade level teachers
4. Group students for daily guided reading instruction. / 4A. Continue guided reading in grades K-4.
4B. Maintain a book room and use new Reading Wonders series materials to provide leveled texts for students. Include leveled texts from A-Z books, and fiction/non-fiction books. / Ongoing
Ongoing-reorganized summer 2009
RW implemented 2014 - 2015 / Running Records, teacher observation/feedback
Common district assessments
Book room
Reading Wonders Leveled Readers / Grade level teachers
Title 1 staff
Grade Level teachers
5. Study and implement additional vocabulary words/strategies/programs as necessary; evaluate annually. / Consider vocabulary in adoption of new materials. / 2013-2014 / Evaluation of current practices, Classroom observation, state/local assessments / Principal
Grade level teachers
Title I
6. Provide support to meet the needs of all students. / 6A. Utilize PBIS to provide a system of support for student behavior.
1.  Review data for patterns
2.  Use data to provide additional support to students and teachers
6B. Continue/expand extended learning-including before/after school study time and summer school.
6C. Utilize technology as a tool to help meet individual needs.
1.  Review the use of laptops, IPADS, netbooks, projectors, and microphone system in each classroom to ensure learning for each child.
2.  Evaluate usefulness of the mobile lab in accordance with the new CCSS and Badger Assessments.
6D. Utilize Professional Learning Communities at each grade level.
1. Schedule Weekly grade level collaboration meetings so that classroom staff can plan instructional groupings and strategies that maximize success for all students.
2. Continue RTI progress monitoring meetings regularly throughout the year for individual grade level teachers to review growth, evaluate students, and determine alternatives and interventions to increase success.
3. Provide one day every month for grade level collaboration with reading specialist to review classroom practices, groupings, materials, and assessment procedure.
6E. Utilize efficient screening measures that identify children at risk for reading and math failure. (DRA/Benchmark assessment, Everyday Math, PALS) / Ongoing
2013 -2014
2014 - 2015
Ongoing / PBIS data
RtI files
Building level records
ESEA/Technology Plan
Multimedia library records
Staff discussion/survey
Tech committee
District minutes
records, PDP’s
RtI forms, schedules
Title I Needs Assessment
Student records / PBIS committee
Title I
Grade level teachers
Title I
Grade Level teachers
Technology committee
Title 1
Administration, Staff
Classroom teachers, principal
Classroom teachers, school psych, specialists as needed, Title I
Classroom teachers, Title I staff
7. Provide early and appropriate intervention programming to students who are not meeting academic standards. / 7A. Increase classroom teachers’ knowledge of universal interventions for classroom staff through in-class modeling, guided practice, application and monitoring of new learning.
7B. Create and distribute a resource file of practical universal interventions.
7C. Implement additional research-based programs for students who are not meeting grade level standards after core programming and universal intervention. (System 44, Read About, Math Addvantage, LLI systems)
7D. Utilize assessment data to monitor and provide intervention to students who are below level.
7E. . Provide additional assistance to ELL students who are at risk of not meeting academic standards, including targeted and intensive support based on assessment data.
7F. Define referral expectations and identify procedures for progress monitoring. / As needed
Summer 2009 and ongoing
Fall 2010 and ongoing
Ongoing / State assessment data, needs assessments, reliable intervention assessments, student reflection log
RtI File
WKCE results, needs assessments, reliable intervention assessment, student reflection log
RtI files
Individualized Student Plan for ELL
ESEA plan
Access student data Individualized Student Record Plan for ELL
SPED referrals
RtI forms / Principals
ELL coordinator
Title I
Title I staff
School Psychologist
School Psychologist
Title I
ELL coordinator
Title I
Grade Level teachers
District Administrator
ELL coordinator
ELL Staff
Title I
School Psych
SPED teachers
Title I
8. Conduct an annual review of student achievement in reading and math using a variety of indicators. / 8A. Review/analyze: State and local test scores, and grade level assessments. (district assessment notebook/matrix)
8B. Meet as a Schoolwide Committee each year to review the schoolwide plan and make revisions.
8C. Conduct an annual review to determine math and reading needs and resources available.
8D. Develop a consistent “assessment system” between grade levels that would physically show the levels that each child is currently at and record progress over time. System would be updated every trimester. / Yearly
2013 -2015 / School and District reports, Completion/
Revision of plan to address issues
Updated Schoolwide plan
Needs Assessment/
Assessment System / Schoolwide committee
ESEA committee
Title 1
Schoolwide committee
Title I staff
Grade Level Teachers
Title I Staff

Area: Family Involvement

Goal: To involve families and community in the educational process.

Objective / Activities/Strategies / Timeline / Evaluation / Responsibility
1. Improve communication between home and school. / 1A. Agendas or Weekly classroom sheets
1B. Parent curriculum
1C. Parent surveys / ongoing
2014 – 2015 (Every third year) / Parent/teacher feedback
Parent/teacher feedback
Parent feedback / Classroom teachers
Secretarial Staff
Title 1
Classroom teachers
Title I
2. Clarify grade level expectations/homework
guidelines for families. / 2A.Continue a homework policy with clear guidelines.
2B. Send home parent
curriculum guides.
2C. Grade level homework expectations go home more often. / Annually
2014 - 2015
Every trimester / Completed guidelines
Completed curriculum guides
Homework guidelines / Schoolwide committee, teachers
Title I
Classroom teachers
Teachers/ school office
(Take home T-Day)
3. Hold an Open House at the beginning of each school year.
/ 3A. Utilize the Open House to explain the Schoolwide Title I program
3B. Review and make changes in the School-Parent compacts that describe the school’s responsibility for providing a high-quality curriculum and ways in which parents will support their child’s learning.
1.Utilize back to school day for face to face meeting for compacts
2. Include PBIS, goal setting, and interventions in compact. / Fall 2014 and ongoing
Revised 2013 - 2014
Fall 2014
2013 - 2014 / Parent feedback
Parent/teacher feedback
Elem. Compact / Schoolwide committee
Parents, staff, Title I, and PBIS committee
Title I and PBIS
4. Review current methods of reporting student growth to parents and make changes as needed to reflect grade level standards/assessments. / 4A. Continue to provide parent teacher conferences
4B. Continue to revise/rework current report card to align with current curriculum and assessment. / 2009 and ongoing
Ongoing / Parent/teacher feedback
Parent, teachers survey / Colby School District
Report Card committee, principal
5. Provide families with specific information and resources to engage in learning at home. / 5A. Provide Summer learning packet for at risk students in kindergarten and first grade with ideas for what to do over the summer.
5B. Provide at-home resources for parents during the school year, including pamphlets, speakers, and notes.
5C. Distribute appropriate books and/or materials to support emergent literacy to future kindergarteners. / Ongoing
Ongoing / Parent feedback
Take Home T-day
District records / Parents and School
All Staff
Title I staff
Little Stars Staff
6. Provide opportunities for families to participate in school activities. / 6A. Continue to promote family involvement in building events such as: Book-It, concerts, Book Fairs, Math Nights, author visits, assemblies….
6B. Continue family nights for K-4 students and their families
6C. Include parental involvement in the planning, review, and improvement of the schoolwide plan / Ongoing
2009- ongoing
Ongoing / Parent/teacher feedback
Parent/teacher feedback and attendance
Title I Evaluation / Parents and School
Title I, classroom teachers, SW committee
Title I Staff
BLT committee
Parent Reps
7. Provide opportunities for community members to participate in school activities. / 7A. Continue to promote community participation in school activities such as Girl Scouts, STEP, foster grandparents,sports
7B. Celebrate student accomplishments in literacy for families and the community / Ongoing
Ongoing / Community/ school feedback
Student surveys, newspaper articles / Community and School

Area: Professional Development

Goal: Ensure that all teachers are highly qualified and that research-

based, professional development is in place.

Objective / Activities/Strategies / Timeline / Evaluation / Responsibility
1. Provide professional development that is incorporated into the teaching and learning process and aligned with the state teacher standards. / 1A. Provide information to staff on the ESEA plan, PI-34 initiatives, WINNS website, CESA workshop opportunities, and any other relevant professional development opportunities.
1B. Utilize in-service time to address selected topics.
1C. Provide appropriate paraprofessional/ foster grandparent training options via local, regional, UW site, and CESA 10
1D. Identify and establish student and teacher learning communities addressing a variety of themes.
1E. Participate in Title II-D consortium to receive ongoing professional development in preparing technology
leaders, integrating internet resources, supporting writing, and student projects.
1F. Participate in Professional Development consortia (II-A & V-A) to receive ongoing professional development including balanced literacy, mathematics, mentoring, science, technology integration, school improvements, and PI-34.
1G. Provide ongoing professional development in the implementation of “best practices.”
(Monthly PLCs, After School Specials, DL and Prof. Book Studies, CESA workshops, RtI Network
1H. Provide professional development in regards to RTI.
1I. Provide ongoing training and development with new reading program. / Ongoing
(Contingent upon District ESEA and Professional Development plans)
Spring 2014 – ongoing / ESEA Evaluation and End of Year Reports
Staff input
RtI sheets
Staff / Administration
Reading Specialist
School Psych,
Title I,
Reading Specialist
ELA Team
Grade level teachers
Title I, SPED
2. Implement strategies to attract and retain highly qualified teachers. / 2A. Provide mentors for new teachers. / Yearly / Mentor feedback sheets / Administration
3. Provide building level professional development to strengthen community, respect, and understanding / 3A. Provide information on selected topics to interested staff to increase professional knowledge.
3B. Continue implementation of PBIS through the use of morning meetings and rollouts. / Ongoing
Ongoing / Staying up to date on current research.
PBIS data / Entire Staff
Entire Staff

Area: Transition

Goal: Develop transition activities for Kindergarten/4th grade students.

Objective / Activities/Strategies / Timeline / Evaluation / Responsibility
1. To help students make a smooth transition from grade to grade or school to school. / 1A. Record intervention and assessment data in order to pass on to the next year’s staff.
1B. Continue spring visits to new school for 4K/headstart and 4th grade students
1C. Sponsor Child Development days to screen students for services.
1D. Coordinate services for ELL students.
1E. Collaborate with Headstart to identify and provide services for students. / Ongoing
Ongoing / Student Files
Screening Results
School Records
School Records / Staff and Title 1
Staff and Administration
Little Stars Preschool/ School Psych
ELL coordinator
SPED, School Psych, Little Stars Preschool

Area: Positive Relations

Goal: To build positive relationships between faculty, students, parents,

and community.

Objective / Activities/Strategies / Timeline / Evaluation / Responsibility
1. To build positive relationships between faculty, students, parents
and community. / 1A. Provide a visually pleasing and welcoming atmosphere in our school.
1B. Build relationships with families by hosting at least 2 family nights during the year.
1C. Develop a 5-year rotational recognition system to promote good choices at school (Caught being good, PBIS)
1D. Hold school assemblies throughout the year. (Guest speakers, pep assemblies…)
1G. Put events in the local newspaper, school website, and district newsletter. / Ongoing
Ongoing / Completion of projects
Parent/staff survey
Teacher and parent feedback
PBIS records
Parent feedback
Staff/student/ parent feedback / Staff
All Staff
Classroom teachers and/or administration will contact paper at least one time each year to highlight an educational event.