Sauganash School PTA – Regular Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, October 19, 2016 – 6:30 p.m. Location: Art Room

I.  Call to Order at 6:30 pm.

II.  Approval of Agenda

A.  Sara Creviston motioned to accept. and Sara Datze seconded the motion.

III.  Introduction of Board Members

IV.  Approval of Minutes from previous meeting – September 14, 2016

A.  Deepak Bapj motioned to accept minutes, and Kate Rettel seconded the motion.

V.  Treasurer’s Reports – Kate Rettella.

A.  Balance as of 8/31/16: $98,129.74

Disbursements: $11,840.21

Balance at Hand: $89,701.01

Pending Transactions (not included in balance on hand): $5,611.90

B.  Motion to approve by Carrie Frieswyk, motion seconded by Jamie Vanecko

VI.  New Business:

A.  Approval of Budget – Deepak Bapu

a.  Total Expenses: $97,625.00

b.  Sara Creviston questioned why budget for Donation Drive $500, but actual was $3,000, why there was a discrepancy between the two. Deepak explained that he had put certain things under “Donation Drive” that didn’t fit neatly into a category (Poker Night, Daddy Daughter, etc).

c.  Sara Datz asked what the budget might be for the Spring Fling since last year this was not budgeted for. PTA will need to adjust this year so organizers won’t need to spend their own money out of pocket. Kate Retell recommended Sara Datz contact Josette Sondag, who co-organized the event last year, to see what those line items were that organizers covered last year.

d.  Sara Creviston and Sara Datz need to investigate specifics for Spring Flee before they officially approve budget of $10,000.

e.  Motion to approve budget, and if the Spring Fling goes over this, the PTA will do a budget amendment. Motion approved by Sara Creviston and Sara Datz.

B.  Annual Drive – Sarah Creviston

a.  Annual goal is $50,000 as well as to foster a sense of school community. The goal if for 100% participation. Want the Drive to be inclusive, to reach out to people, and to spread the message and communicate the importance of it.

b.  Campaign Message: Support our Children, Boost teacher impact, Expand Learning Through Enrichment Program

c.  Needs Help: Volunteers to do pick up socials weekly (can deliver it to a PTA member – coffee, lemonade, mints). Every Thursday during pick up. Carrie Frieswyk offered to coordinate on Thursdays for Right At School parents.

d.  Friday Fliers: Two of them have gone out already.

e.  Maureen and Sara took a video (9:30-noon) with kids about why they love Sauganash School for fundraising efforts.

f.  Goal: Themed Snack Party (NEED HELP WITH THIS. NEED SOMEONE TO ORGANIZE SNACK, CONFIRM DATES, AND COMMUNICATE WITH FAMILIES/KIDS). Want to do a Cubs themed party. Marilyn and Joe Chapman will come up with snacks and will volunteer at the party, but still need someone to take charge.

g.  Business outreach: Have reached out to local businesses (Language Stars, Amazing Minds, Right at School). If anyone has a business in mind, let Sara C. know and she will reach out to them. Businesses will get website presence, decal on door, on our website. Want to reach out specifically to realtors and the Sauganash Community Association. Would like to have our Donation Drive fliers distributed through the Sauganash Community Association’s distribution list. Recommended to look at the Sauganash Chamber of Commerce as well. Ms. Munns spoke of having a Realtor’s Open House (tour of the school with families), highlighting the SCR Perfect Score #1 Rating. Local Preschools and Parks that feed into our school, could put up fliers as well.

C.  Spring Benefit – Sarah Creviston

Co-Chairs: Sara D. and Malin Vasavanont

a.  Will meet after PTA meeting tonight for feedback and help.

D.  Membership Update – Marcia Shapiro or Tracy Mayer

a.  325 members total, 59 joined in October.

b.  Planning on doing 1 more Friday Folder in October.

c.  Working on a PTA Membership directory.

d.  They are up to date with the classroom recognition of participating families. Marilyn will follow up to make sure that there is 100% participation of staff. 35% of staff has joined. Issue with the online form. Any problems with website should contact PTA immediately so that it can be fixed.

E.  Whoo’s Reading – Sarah Creviston

a.  Originally planned on November, now thinking about February.

F.  Restaurant Fundraisers - Sarah Creviston

a.  Only about $100 from the Meatheads. A lot of work to do these, without as much return. Questioned whether it was worth the time, could focus efforts on other fundraisers. Chipolte is offering a 50%. Backyard Grill offered 25%. Normally they only give 10% return, may look into those two in the future.

G.  Sign Up Parties – Kate Rettell

a.  Anna Ihana: How can we include more people? A lot of the bilingual parents may feel excluded due to language. Need a bilingual flier. At Solomon School they do some fundraisers during the school day. For example, there are celebrations in school but kids pay $5 for that. Also, there is a need to branch out to people who host. Perhaps by expanding throughout the summer – people have more time and would be able to attend.

H.  Fall Fest - Marilyn Chapman or Josette Sondag

a.  Date has changed. Original was Oct. 27, changed because of uncertainty of the strike. It was then moved to November 17th, 5-7 pm, wanted to move it back, but the gym was already booked (the dentist is in the gym that week). We will still encourage kids to wear costumes. It will be dedicated to Kim Zalinski. For grades K-5.

I.  Schoola Clothing Drive - Catherine Okelman-Anderson or Gladys Gibson

a.  November 1 – 9

b.  Flier will come out in Friday folders.

c.  The original item must have cost $30 or more.

d.  Was a successful fundraiser last year, made over $2000 last year. Will do one now, and another in the spring.

J.  Holiday Shop – Marilyn Chapman

a.  President Chapman has been approached to do a Holiday Shop. Ms. Mackin says that the kids loved it when it was done in the past. President Chapman will look into it. Was done 2 years ago, was not done last year.

V.  Old Business

A.  Scholastic Book Fair Report – Martha Cruz

a.  Kate Rettel reported that we raised $393.52. Sold over $8,000. This offsets the cost of the magazines.

B.  Washington, D.C. Trip Report – Marilyn Chapman

a.  Twenty-nine 8th grade students and eleven chaperones visited Washington, D. C. on October 12-14. The group took in many sites, including the World War II Monument, Vietnam Memorial, Capitol Building, as well as the Air & Space Museum. The entire group was approved for a visit to the White House, which was very exciting. In addition, Sauganash was invited to participate in a wreath laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Four students were chosen to take part in the ceremony once the changing of the guard observance was completed.

C.  Bad Mom’s Spa Day Update – Jennifer Larson

a.  Only 3 in attendance.

D.  Family Fun Night – Marilyn Chapman

a.  Family Fun Night was well attended. Students played carnival games, mini-golf, and won prizes. Music was provided by James Ibardaloza at no cost to the PTA. The Washington, D.C. crew provided food items for sale.

b.  A huge thanks to all the volunteers, Mr. Ibardaloza, Chicago Fire Department, Chicago Police Department, and Chicago Bicycle Ambassadors for coming out to support the event.

VI. Principal’s Report

A.  State of School meeting is on November 15th at 6:30.

B.  Parent approached Ms. Munns to see if 3 women who work government can speak with students about how their majors in college led to their careers, and their careers in general. It will be an evening panel discussion. Inviting K-8, but having middle school kids will work on it in class, and are encouraged to attend.

VII.  Open Comment

A.  Communications – Candace Sukalski

Please submit “Shout Outs” and “Thank You’s” for eNews to communications committee by Wednesday evenings of each week.

B.  Upcoming Events

a.  The LSC meeting will be held on Monday, October 24th at 6:30 p.m.

b.  Barnes & Noble Book Fair - November 6, 2016 – Elissa Glover

1.  Village Crossing Store 5405 West Touhy

a.  Store Hours: 10:00 – 8:00

b.  Fun Activities: from 11:00 – 4:00

2.  There will be an online code that day, if you are in store wear your spirit wear and mention at checkout that you are from Sauganash school. Sales in café count too! Online, there is a huge selection that is not just books – will be great for holiday shopping.

3.  Will need volunteers to sign up. Many teachers are signed up to read aloud.

4.  Start your holiday shopping early. Buy books, gifts, gift cards, and grab a cheesecake for your Thanksgiving celebration. Come to the store that day and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the Sauganash School PTA. Please share with your friends and family all over the country, use our number (see Friday folder insert coming) at ANY Barnes and Noble that day and we benefit from the sale. Several teachers will be reading and there are fun activities for the kids to do including a mini maker fair plus a scavenger hunt and fun prizes. Wear your Sauganash spirit wear, enjoy lunch, cookies and hot chocolate with Ms. Raich and Ms. Vickie. Cafe purchases also count towards our goal; be sure to mention Sauganash school at check out.

c.  Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on November 9th from 11:00 – 6:00 p.m.

d.  No School – Veteran’s Day November 11, 2016

e.  PTA Fall Fest will be held on Wednesday, November 17, 2016 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Children are encouraged to dress up in costumes.

f.  Core Power Yoga has agreed to dedicate their Free Yoga Class on Thanksgiving Day to Sauganash PTA. It is a donation based class and all proceeds go to the PTA!

g.  Family Bingo Night and 50/50 Raffle will be held on Wednesday, January 26, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.

h.  Tentative Date of the Next Meeting Monday, November 8th at 6:30 p.m.