Flinthills Site Council Minutes

January 23, 2008

6:00 p.m.

Cassoday, KS

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by Patty Baker with the following also in attendance: Geana Eisenbarth, Sue Harsh, Sarah Hinde, Marie Masterson, Ryan Rose, Myron Wilhite, and Dr. Beth Wittenberg.

Principal’s Reports: It was reported that the testing schedule was finalized.

VE2 Advisory Committee Report: Ryan Rose told the site council that the district was in need of an advisory committee. He then explained the VE II funding process and passed around the curriculum for both the woods and drafting classes. Mr. Rose informed site council about current enrollment numbers, the current condition of the shop and supplies, as well as future plans for the VE II program. Site Council agreed to help Mr. Rose fulfill all the state requirements in order to qualify for the VE II funding.

Internet Safety / Cyber Bullying Program Report: Marie reported that the Internet Safety Committee met the week after Christmas break and finalized a flyer as well as discussed ways to advertise. The January 31st date was changed to February 21st, with the middle/high school program from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. and the parent / community presentation at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium. Flyers that advertise the event will potentially be handed out at the February 5th and 18th basketball games. An ad will be placed in the Shopper’s Guide, the El Dorado Times, the Flinthills Flyer, and on USD 492’s Website. Thank you, Mr. Gawith, Michal Austin and committee for all your hard work. Council members choose which parent information sheets to have available as handouts and viewed video clips that could possibly be posted on the school website.

Athletic Banners Report: Patty Baker passed out the preliminary list for site council to look over. Site council decided to list 1970 “regional runner-up” as “sub-state runner-up” because the names have changed. The list included all teams from 1968 to 2006 who qualified as regional champions, league champions or sub-state runner-up. Site council agreed to limit the list to teams who got one game away from state, and suggested organizing the years into “school years”, i.e.… 1970-1971 and listing the teams by seasons. Thank you, Patty!

Misc.: Dr. Beth Wittenberg reported on the first Health and Wellness Committee meeting which was held January 10th, at 6:00p.m. in Mrs. Willard’s room. Dr. Beth was encouraged with the diversity of ideas discussed. At this first meeting the committee decided to send healthy snacks to the monthly BOE meetings. The committee will be meeting once a month. The next meeting will be at Rosalia on February 7th, at 6:00p.m.in the library. The committee will go over the district’s H&W policy a piece at a time, and brainstorming ideas.

Sarah Hinde reported that the intermediate school received a power panther grant.

Marie Masterson will represent site council at the February 11th BOE meeting at Rosalia, and Geana Eisenbarth is tentatively down to represent SC at the March 10th BOE meeting at Cassoday. Site council’s next meeting is March 26th, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. at Rosalia.

Sue Harsh talked about the possibility of displaying team pictures in the school hallways.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by Patty Baker at 7:46p.m.