Scottish Fire & Rescue / Morag Bannigan and Colin Henderson gave a presentation about fire risks and being aware of housing safety. They discussed how we can increase referrals to them, especially for the more vulnerable and at risk. They support and link to other services ie deaf services and telecare. The home safety visit can include encouraging people to think about their options, lifestyle discussion and identify risk and can supply smoke alarms. They encouraged us to complete when appropriate and with the persons consent the referral form (sent out to mailing list, and available direct from Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and from HTSI). As a sector can we promote this service and refer people to them (with the persons consent), they are happy to come to organisations and speak to staff/volunteers about things to be aware of as high risk. The group asked if stats are available on the effectiveness of having smoke alarms. / For further information / training contact or
Adult Services Commissioning / Gwen Harrison introduced herself as new in post as adult services commissioning support worker (third sector), and discussed this role as developing and promoting the link between 3rd sector organisations and the NHS. She introduced what points that have been highlighted so far. The groups discussed this role in detail in brief:
Referral pathways - issues regarding receiving referrals and what orgs do to keep health & social care staff informed of their service and actively making referrals to them. The discussion seemed to suggest no clear route, dependant on individual staff member and their knowledge and experience, this in effect was creating unequal access to support. Gwen highlighted that this is something she will be working with and there was discussion around how this could be developed, with clearer pathways and keeping staff informed being key.
Transport discussion – a series of events are planned to get people to work together to look at developing a transport network as well as an action plan which will sit under the older persons improvement group for monitoring.
Engaging with statutory services – a concern voiced by the group has been touched on within referral conversation but the group felt it went further and more opportunity to meet with statutory services would be beneficial. / Contact details: Gwen Harrison Adult Services Commissioning support worker (3rdsector)
Future development of adult health and wellbeing forum / The group looked at the role of the forum and its purposes and whether these were being met. Also the role of the HTSI in making sure the sector is represented and information is communicated well. There was a general feeling that this happens well. We then discussed who would be appropriate to have at future forums.
Adam Palmer, who sits on the NHSH board and was present at the meeting discussed the possibility of having a discussion at future forum on the highland quality approach, the group agreed this would be useful.
Other topics and speakers the group requested were:
Health improvement team
Voluntary Health Scotland
Discussion from HLH about how the preventative approach is supporting better outcomes
Community empowerment act (specifically as guidance emerges)
Patient advice and support service / Gwen will look to arrange these requests for future forums
Training requests / Adult mental health first aid / The following courses arescheduled for Highland this year:
Fort William 24th & 25th May 2016
Inverness 9th & 16th June 2016
Wick 14th & 15th September 2016
Inverness 19th & 20th October 2016
for an application form, stating which course you are interested in. As the courses are usually oversubscribed, we will let you know one month before hand (at the latest)if you have a place on the course.
AOCB / Highland Third Sector Interface conference 8th April – 01349 864289 or email
The Spark young people mental health first aid -
Update from highland funding 3rd sector event: Here is link to a summary of the day along with some of the feedback
This is also a link to all the great presentations from the day
WEA employers awareness wellbeing workshops – free
Highland Learning Partnership - a day of inspiration for adult learners and people who work with adult learners – Fri 1st April inverness college UHI Campus – free but booking essential - 01463 251277 or
Future meeting dates for 2016 / wed 8th June,
wed 14th Sept,
wed 7th Dec
all at Smithton Church 12-4 / Book a place by contacting
HTSI on 01349 864289 or email events@highland
Future agenda items / Please let us know if you would like any topics added to future agendas, speaker suggestions or have training requests

Adult health and wellbeing 3rd sector forum – minutes 1/3/16 GH