Hall & Woodhouse Ltd - CIMA Higher Accounting Apprenticeship application

Complete all fields highlighted in grey please, details on how to submit your application can be found at the base of the form

Contact Details –

Full Name (Christian and Surname) / Click here to enter text.
E-mail address at which you can be contacted / Click here to enter text.
Address Line - 1 / Click here to enter text.
Address Line - 2 / Click here to enter text.
Address Line - 3 / Click here to enter text.
Town & Postcode / Click here to enter text.
Contact Telephone number / Click here to enter text.

Education – GCSE’s –

School/College Establishment - / Click here to enter text.
GCSE Subject / Grade
GCSE Subject-3
GCSE Subject-4
GCSE Subject-5

Education – A Level/BTEC –

School/College Establishment - / Click here to enter text.
Enter Subject Details below / Exam Status / Forecast/Actual Grade
Enter A Level/BTEC/Other / Select
Enter A Level/BTEC/Other / Select
Enter A Level/BTEC/Other / Select

Provide details why you wish to pursue a career in Finance
Click here to enter text.

What attracts you to this apprenticeship versus attending University and the challenges this study route will have?
Click here to enter text.

Summarise the experiences, skills or qualities you possess that make you a great candidate for this role
Click here to enter text.

Summarise what you know about Hall & Woodhouse Ltd and the business challenges it faces in the current economic climate
Click here to enter text.

Provide details of your hobbies & interests
Click here to enter text.

If your application is successful confirm your travel arrangements from home to our offices at Blandford St. Mary
Click here to enter text.

Thank-you for taking the time to complete this application form, ensure it is submitted by the 30th June, any applications received after this date will not be processed.Completed applications forms should be e-mailed to – and title the e-mail “Accounts Apprentice Application”.If you have any queries please contact our Great Place to Work team on 01258 452141