Young Life Camp Malibu

June 23-July 2, 2015

Cost: $900 per person ($100 non-refundable deposit + Consent Form holds your spot)

What is Malibu?

Malibu is a young Life resort like camp 100 miles NW of Vancouver British Columbia on the Princess Louisa Inlet and is accessible only by boat or seaplane.

Where is Malibu and how long does it take to get there?

The bus will take you from Spearfish, SD to Vancouver British Columbia; take the BC Ferry from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale, then up the Sunshine Coast to Egmont, BC. There you will join with campers from other areas for a three-hour cruise on the Malibu Princess (Young Life’s own yacht). The whole adventure takes about 27 hours (Wahoo)

Departure and Return:

We will be DEPARTING for Camp Malibu on Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 11:59 PM from Mountain View Baptist Church Parking Lot. (Show up at 11:59 and get picked up around 1AM on the 24th.)

We will be RETURNING from Camp Malibu on Thursday, July 2, 2015 between 10-11 P.M. at Central High School. If return time is later or earlier someone will call you to let you know!

How can I contact my camper in case of emergency?

The Malibu office in Egmont will be in contact with Malibu on a daily basis. (Contact between the mainland and Malibu is via satellite phone only. There are no direct phone lines in or out of Malibu, and there is no cell phone service in Malibu.) During office hours (8 am-4 pm PST, Monday thru Friday), you may call the Egmont office at (604) 883-2582. They will transmit your emergency message to your camper. During off hours, follow the directions on the Malibu answering machine at Egmont: (604) 883-2582. The Malibu fax at Egmont is (604) 883-2082.


·  Picture ID: Drivers license or School ID or Passport (bring to the bus)

·  Birth certificate (Photo copy is acceptable)

·  Signed Forms:

1.  Camping Health, Consent & Release Form

2.  Consent for Medical Treatment in Canada Form

3.  Border Crossing Consent Form

What to bring:

Limit your baggage to one (1) suitcase and one (1) carry on. You will not have access to your main bag after it is loaded until we get to Malibu. Since we will be spending basically 2 nights on the buss before having access to your main luggage, you may want to bring hygiene products, toiletries and a change of clothes with you in your carry-on bag. Also, a blanket and pillow are recommended for the buss ride. While at camp, Malibu provides all the sheets, blankets, bath towel, wash clothes, & pillows.

* Pillow & blanket

* Brush & Flush Stuff

* Extra Towel

* Rain Coat

* Swim Suit

* MP3 for bus (unavailable at camp)

* Sunscreen

* Beach Towel

* Closed toed shoes

* Camera & Film (Disposable preferred)

* Clothes that can get messy

* Clothes both warn & cold weather

* Spending Money (see below)

* One nice outfit

What not to bring:

These are non- negotiable: (if caught with any of the following you will be sent home)

·  Drugs or Alcohol. Any prescription drugs must be in prescription containers.

·  Weapons of any kind


You won’t need a lot of money while at camp because everything you do is included in the price. You will need spending money for meals on the way out and back. Figure 3 meals each way ($75-$100). There is a camp store that sells Young Life apparel and other stuff. There is also a snack bar that sells milkshakes, candy, nachos and such for your sugar fix. It is also advisable to keep any excess cash locked up in the office vault. US money is accepted. A sealed envelope with Return Money inside & Name on outside is strongly suggested. Turn it in at the bus and we will give it to the camper on the return trip.


The dinning experience at Malibu is Awesome! The Dinning has a beautiful ocean view and all meals are served family style. The food is plentiful so you will not go hungry while at camp, and therefore do not need money for food unless you would like to eat at the snack bar or have ice cream.

How do I send mail to campers?

Letters take 10-14 days to reach Malibu and require 72 cents postage for the first ounce. Check with the post office regarding packages. Address letters to: Your Camper, Malibu Club, P.O. Box 49, 6545 Maple Road, Egmont, BC V0N 1N0. If you are sending a care package ensure that you write “GIFT” on any customs documentation. If this is not done your camper will have to pay duty on their package before it will be pick up from the post office for them.


There are 2 Doctors that stay the entire week at Malibu with the campers. They are on call throughout the week for emergencies or at the “Medicine man” ½ hour after breakfast and dinner. They are also at every event throughout the week should they be needed.


All electronics will be collected before we get to Camp Malibu. We will collect them and return them before and after crossing the border. There will be outlets on the buss for everyone to charge their devices before turning them in. It is recommended to TURN OFF your devices before turning them in as well so that they will have a full charge when returned and you don’t run the risk of any international charges while in Canada.

Important Phone Numbers:

Micah Schiller – 605-645-9589

Camp Malibu – 778-331-7944 (Emergency number only)

Before Camp:

·  Parent/Camper Meeting- Monday, May 4th 7-8:30pm.


o  Turn in all Forms.

o  Ask questions and go over itinerary.

After Camp:

·  Campaigners every night the week after camp from 6:30-8 p.m. Food will be provided.

- July 6, 7, 8, 9, & 10 LOCATION- TBD

·  Parents/Committee Night - Monday, July 13, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Food will be provided!

o  Location- TBD

·  Camp Reunion- Monday August 17, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Food will be provided!

o  Location- TBD