Language Acquisition Dept.

Buist Academy for Advanced Studies

103 Calhoun St. ∙ Charleston, SC ∙ 29401 ∙ (843) 724-7750

To: Language Students

From: LAQ Teachers

Jennifer Bunn – French 1, 3, 4, 5

Robin Polasek– Spanish K, 6, 7, 8

Kimberly Soto– Spanish 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Barbara McKeithan – French K, 2, 6, 7, 8

To help your child practice for his/her language class, the department has researched and compiled a list of available resources.

Online resources to help you practice elementary Spanish:

Rockalingua - Sing songs, play games and complete worksheets in Spanish to practice your vocabulary using a communicative approach.

123 Teach Me - Includes a variety of Spanish learning resources, games, verb conjugations, and more! - Many Spanish websites to choose from.

BBC Languages - A variety of games, videos, and listening activities to learn Spanish.

Online resources to help you practice elementary French:

Monde des petits - Sing songs, play games, listen to stories in French. This site is great for vocabulary learning and practice.

Poisson rouge - Games, activities, interactive encyclopedia, music videos

BBC Languages -

Muzzy -

Print resources and media to help you practice :

Spanish for Kids and French for Kids, Standard DeviantsSpanish 1 or French 1.

We also encourage you to check out books and DVD’s in French or Spanish from the public library. Spanish students can also watch children’s programs, such as Plaza Sesamo (Sesame Street), on the Spanish channel.

Each new student will be assigned an experienced partner to help him/her during class. New students receive a grade of Pass or Fail for the first quarter. This will not be a factor in determining honor roll or the 85 average needed to remain at Buist Academy. Starting in the second quarter, they will receive a numerical grade.