An Garda Síochána


Re: Junior Certificate Disco, Queens Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare on Wednesday 09th

September 2015.

Dear Principal,

As you are aware the Junior Certificate results are to be released on Wednesday 09th September 2015. As is the norm, Junior Certificate Discos will be held in many locations countrywide. One such disco will be held at The Queens Hotel, Ennis, Co. Clare from 7:30pm to 10:30pm. The venue has a capacity to cater for 1950 teenagers and we expect this limit to be reached if not exceeded on this occasion.

An Garda Siochana at Ennis have for some years now initiated a Policing Plan to cater specifically for all discos at this venue. The plan involves co operation from a number of agencies including management and staff of the Queens Hotel, Civil Defence (a qualified EMTP is on site for the duration), teachers and parents from many local and not so local schools, transportation companies as well as ourselves.

An Garda Siochana are aware that many students travel from neighbouring counties to attend this disco. We are aware that children from Limerick, Galway and Tipperary as well as from Clare are planning to attend. Last year we estimate that approximately 600 teenagers from Limerick Schools attended the Junior Certificate Disco. In the past a number of students have had to be referred under the Juvenile Diversion Programme owing to their involvement in anti-social behaviour prior to or during the event and/or consumption of alcohol prior to the event. Alcohol is a major factor in these circumstances. Alcohol is not served during Teenage Discos.

The purpose of implementing a joint initiative during this event is to ensure that all children arrive home safely having had an enjoyable experience in celebrating their exam results. To that end I would like to suggest the following to all parents of children attending:

·  Ensure your child arrives early.

·  Ensure that your child queues for the disco and does not wonder around the town. Some young people are determined to drink and do so just after drop off. A ‘drop-off’ point is available outside the Hotel on Abbey Street for this purpose. An Garda Siochana will be in attendance and will endeavour to ensure the safety of those present.

·  If your child is travelling by bus, it is suggested that a set of parents accompany them on the journey. Gardai encounter a large number of children that have availed of alcoholic drink on the journey to the disco and whilst bus companies have been proactive in deterring this activity, a bus driver cannot be expected to control/supervise all children on the bus. Parents travelling can avail of tea/coffee in the hotel for the duration of the disco.

·  Parking for buses will be made available in a car park adjacent to the hotel. Children travelling by bus should be informed that their transport can be found in this car park after the disco. Children will be directed to these locations after the disco.

·  Parents colleting children should have a pre designated pick up location identified with their child(children). Please park sensibly.

I would appreciate it if this information could be disseminated to as many parents as possible. The information contained above would assist in making the event a safe and memorable one for all of the children celebrating their results. Indeed if any teacher or parent of any child intending to travel to Ennis on the night would like to assist in the event or has any questions with respect to the event I would encourage them to contact Sergeant Paul Slattery @ 0872367293 or Garda Juvenile Liaison Officer Therese Flannery @0870601832 who will be only too happy to assist with any queries.

Your co-operation in making the above event safe and enjoyable for all involved is appreciated.


[Paul Slattery]

Ag obair le Pobail chun iad a chosaint agus chun freastal orthu / Working with Communities to Protect and Serve