Sutton District High School Library Information Centre


Sutton District High School Library Information Centre

Documentation for the ideas and information in a research paper or project involves the use of parenthetical or embedded citations, accompanied by a list of Work Cited. Citing parenthetically identifies a source in parentheses immediately following the sentence or paragraph containing the information. The parenthetical reference provides only enough information for the reader to find the full listing of the source on the Work Cited page.

Works Cited

Document the sources used in preparing your essay at the end of the paper.


  1. The materials must be arranged in alphabetical order according to the surname of the author, and by the title if there is no author.
  2. The first line of the entry begins at the margin, but indent all subsequent lines of the entry five spaces.
  3. Each entry must be double spaced.
  4. Double space between entry.

Index to various kinds of entries is on the back page.

  1. A book by one author

James, P.D. Children of Men. Toronto: Penguin, 1993. Print.

Goto, Hiromi. Half World. Toronto: Puffin, 2009. Print

  1. A book by two or more authors. If there are more than three authors you may name only the first followed by et al. (“and others”)

Bibby, Reginald W. and Donald C. Poterski. Teen Trends: A Nation in Motion.

Toronto: Stoddart, 1992. Print.

Willmott, H.P., Robin Cross and Charles Messenger. World War II. New York:

Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2004. Print.

Baldwin, Richard et al. Economic Geography and Public Policy. Princeton: Princeton

UP, 2003. Print.

  1. Book edited by one person.

Abate, Corinne S., ed. Privacy, Domesticity, and Women in Early Modern England.

Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2003. Print.

  1. Book edited by two or more persons.

Griffith, John W. and Charles H. Frey, eds. Classics of Children’s Literature. New

York: Macmillan, 1981. Print.

  1. A book published in a 2nd or subsequent edition.

Novak, Mark. Aging & Society: A Canadian Perspective. 2nd ed. Scarborough: Nelson,

1993. Print.

  1. A book with no author or editor

Foods That Harm Foods That Heal: An A to Z Guide to Safe and Healthy Eating.

Montreal: Reader’s Digest 1997. Print.

  1. An introduction or preface by an editor or another author.

Landsberg, Michelle. Introduction. In the Name of the Father: The Story Behind

Child Custody. By Susan Crean. Toronto: Amanita, 1988. v-xi. Print.

  1. An article,essay,chapter, story or poem in a collection.

Naremore, James. "Hitchcock at the Margins of Noir." Alfred Hitchcock: Centenary

Essays. Ed. Richard Allen and S. Ishii- Gonzalès. London: BFI, 1999. 263-77. Print.

Magazine Articles: Give the full date of the issue, abbreviating the names of the months except May, June, July. Do not include the volume and issue number even if they are given.

  1. A magazine articlewith an author.

Guilli, Cathy and Michael Friscolanti. “Swine flu screw-up: can canada’s vaccination

plan be fixed before it’s too late?” Maclean’s 23 Nov. 2009:20-25. Print

  1. A magazine article with no author.

"Laptop Computers: What to Buy?" Weekly Computer Buying Guide 14 Jan.1998: 38-

43. Print.

  1. A newspaper articlewith an author

Semenak, Susan. "Feeling Right at Home: Government Residence Eschews

Traditional Rules."Montreal Gazette 28 Dec. 1995, Final Ed.: A4. Print.

  1. A newspaper article with no author

"Stock Market free fall."Toronto Star 14 Oct. 1994: B1. Print.

  1. An Editorial. If no author is given, begin with the title.

“Death of a Writer.” Editorial. New York Times. 20 Apr. 1994: A18. Print

  1. A signed articlein an encyclopaedia.

Guignon, Charles B. "Existentialism." Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed.

Edward Craig. 10 vols. London: Routledge, 1998. Print.

  1. An unsignedarticle in an encyclopaedia.

"Mummifaction." Man, Myth & Magic: Encyclopedia of Mythology, Religion

and the Unknown. Ed. Edward Craig. 8 vols. London: Routledge, 1995. Print.

  1. An entire website

Linder, Douglas O. Famous Trials. Univ. of Missouri Kansas-City Law School, 2009.

Web. 29 Apr. 2009.

* you do not need to include the url unless people will not be able to find your information otherwise

  1. A pagefrom a website.

Cassidy, Penny. "You Can't Read That." NBC New York. NBC Universal, 18

Apr. 2009. Web. 29 Apr. 2009.

  1. An interviewon the radio or on television.

Rice, Anne. Interview. Great Books. Learning Channel. 31 Oct. 1994.

  1. An interviewthat you conducted yourself.

Williams, John. Personal interview. 21 Oct. 2009

  1. A radioor television programme.

“Final Mission.” Star Trek: The Next Generation. Fox. WUTV, Buffalo. 24 Nov.


  1. A Movie

Title, director and original date of movie release, the name of the director, distributor and the date of the version you watched. You can include the name of the actors and the screenplay.

Like Water for Chocolate (Como agua para chocolate). Screenplay by Laura Esquivel. Dir. Alfonso Arau. Perf. Lumi Cavazos, Marco Lombardi, and Regina Torne. 1993. Miraxax, 2002. DVD.

  1. A Performance

King Lear. By William Shakespear. Dir. R. Monet. Perf. William Hutt. Festival

Theatre, Stratford. 4 Aug. 1996.

  1. A lecture or a speech.

Following the speaker’s name and title of presentation, include meeting, sponsoring organization, location and date.

Atwood, Margaret. “Silencing the Scream.” Boundaries of the Imagination Forum.

MLA Convention. Royal York Theatre, Toronto. 29 Dec. 1996.

  1. A Cartoon

Trudeau, Garry. “Doonesbury.” Cartoon. Toronto Star. 2 Dec. 2009. E12

  1. A map or a chart. In general, treat a map or chart as an anonymous book.

Washington, DC. Map. Chicago: Rand, 2005.

Setting up a Works Cited page: Important Information

Missing Information

If a place of publication, publisher’s name, date or page number is unavailable, use the following letters to indicate this:

n.p. “no place”

n.p. “no publisher”

n.d. “no date”

n.pag“no page number”

Abreviations: Time designations

Abbreviate all months, except for May, June, July

Newspaper or magazine article not on consecutive pages

Write only the first page number and a plus sign, leaving no intervening space:

Ex. 6+

More than one book by the same author

If you have used more than one book by the same author, substitute a line of three hyphens for the author’s name in the second and any additional entries. Arrange works by the same author alphabetically by title.

Buehr, Walter. Chivalry and the mailed knight. New York: Putman, 1963. Print

---. Warrior’s Weapons. New York: Crowell, 1963. Print.