Date: 20th October 2008 / Venue:Conference Room 2, Erlas / Time:1:00-4:00

Attendeesor 

Name / / / / / /
Yvonne Harding (Chair) /  / Jan Jones / Apols / Patrick Howells / 
Sue Willis (Chair) / Apols / Jeanette Shenton /  / Pauline Preston / Apols
Angela Roberts) / Apols / Jerry O’Keefe /  / Vicky Barlow / 
Alex Carson /  / Jo Hesketh / Apols / Vicky Jones / Apols
Carol Gardner / Apols / Julie Wilkins /  / Viv Davies / Apols
Dawn Cooper / Apols / Karen Allen / Apols / Economic Devel. / TBA
Donna Dickenson /  / Kathryn Uche /  / NPHS / TBA
Gillian Cowan / Apols / Kathy Weigh /  / Police / TBA
Graham Edwards / Apols / Ken Danskin /  / Guests:
Graham Minniss /  / Margaret Southall / Apols


Agenda Item and Details / Actions/Who
  1. Apologies, Introductions & Pre-Agenda Issues
YH took the Chair in SW’s absence and welcomed the group. Introductions were made for the benefit of new attendees.
  1. Minutes and matters arising not on the agenda

  • The minutes of meeting on 21April 2008 were confirmed as anaccurate representation of the meeting.
Matters Arising:
  • Page 2, Breastfeeding Strategy: JO’K reported that the group met last week. There were concerns regarding a lack of strategic representation on the group, they will aim to recruit new people at a strategic level. Funding for Fiona Lee’s post was also discussed. This post is currently funded through Cymorth but there is a need to make this a sustainable post.
  • Page 6, Item 3.6, Public Health Commissioning Group: All identified leads within the “Priorities Document” have been contacted and have been asked to provide details as to whether they are “on”, or “off” track and a half year position statement by the first week of November when they are due to meet. This information will be collated and then reviewed, prior to presentation at the HSCWB Partnership Event, on the 16 December 2008.
  • The Performance Assurance Manager will be supported by a member of WCBC’s Performance Unit for two-days per week from mid November. This work will initially look at the development of more detailed outcomes, targets and baselines for Key Aim 1, in respect of the reduction of CHD (Coronary Heart Disease). The use of the Local Authority’s Performance Management tool “Ffynnon”, will also be explored.
  • ACTION: JS to ask GC to tie all this together for the next SCoG.
  • YH informed of two pieces of work, both sent from WAG, regarding screening children’s height and weight. The indication is that some children are not active.
  • AGENDA ITEM: YH stated that it is important to keep this on the agenda as there is a lot of work coming that we will have to do ourselves which plans are already being made for.
  • JO’K informed that a presentation will take place at GlyndwrUniversity, on Friday, regarding taking measurements of our children. The outcome has not been good but this will be reported, on Friday (24.10.08) by Dr Sue Taylor.
  • ACTION: JO’K will e-mail the details to YH.
  • Page 7, Local Authority Partnership Agreement (LAPA): KD reported that they have been working with as many partners as possible.
The funding through LAPA is an additional resource and they are looking for targeted interventions from groups delivering services to YP. KD informed that they are open to suggestions e.g. a group of YP who would like to be more active.
  • YH informed of the first cohort (MEND) programme and suggested that KD could link in with this.
  • ACTION: KD to forward the Management Group minutes to JS, to be put on the website as well as quarterly updates on the LAPA.
  • Page 8, Item 5, Re-Integration of CYP who Have Been Absent from School: YH reported that The Trust has received this protocol and have re-formatted it to meet Trust guidance.
  1. Standing items: Group/Board updates

PH reported that the last EHWBC meeting took place in June but is due to meet again in the next few weeks. The items included were, Review of YJS and Terry Garner attended for the LSB Action Plan.
PH informed that the Local Service Board (LSB – the over-arching board), has identified CAMHS as one of the priorities. Two actions have been decided, the first being the development of a leaflet that explains the language and terms used in CAMHS. This is to be developed with TG and then circulated to all agencies. Other issues are training and transitional issues.
The Regional CAMHS Network (set up for all of north Wales) meeting has taken place. The main items discussed were; the recommendation for a new, North Wales Adolescence Unit, as the current unit in ColwynBay is unable to take YP with specific behavioural problems, or certain other issues. It is hoped that this service will be re-commissioned and in the new building by summer 2009.
  • Suicide Prevention Strategy Update: Some requirements have already been met, such as training at Accident and Emergency departments
  • Update on Wrexham Anti-Bullying Scheme: A part-time Educational Psychologist has been employed to take this scheme forward with the CAMHS training strategy.
  • Name Change: NCH will be known as Action for Children from the 1st November 2008.
3.1.1 E Mars Report (circulated with agenda): PH went through the report briefly, for the benefit of the group.
  • The prototype is being developed and a small scale project has been undertaken in order to check reliability, although there was some confusion around the remit and scope of the trial.
  • Initially the system was thought to be running with 70% accuracy but on a close inspection, problems were found that reduced accuracy to around 50%. After further inspection, it was found that some cases had been referred to the wrong service, which then reduced the accuracy again.
  • Further programming has been carried out to amend this and Tier 1 people are being asked to record referrals on this system (as well as through the current referral process) in order to find out if the amendments have improved the system.
  • They are aiming for around 90% accuracy before running the system for real.
3.1.2 Primary Mental Health Workers in Education:
  • There have been pilot schemes in St Joseph’s, Morgan Llwyd and Penley. Feedback has been that a good job is being done and that the service is appreciated by the schools.

3.2 Integrated Children’s Disability Service (ICDS) Update[YH]
Final Platform Report
  • Jo Hesketh [JH] is the newly appointed manager of the service. JH will be attending this group but has had to send her apologies to this meeting. JH will be producing reports for this group, in the future and working through the Project Plan.
  • JH has proactively been getting people to talk to each other and had been collecting dates for the Multi-Agency Panel (information to be circulated in future).
  • The voluntary sector are asking for suggestions on what services they can bring together to make a better one stop shop.
  • Capital monies have been earmarked for the re-provision of Women’s and Children’s Health Services, presently located on the Maelor hospital site. Close links with Dynamic and other developments need to be maintained to ensure a joined up approach to this.
  • YH reported that all of North Wales’ LHBs and Trusts will be merged into one combined organisation. Edwina Heart (Minister) has listened to the “localism” argument and stated that good working relationships with partner organisations should be maintained and where good working relationships with partners has not been achieved, these should be built.
  • YH stated that Wrexham is in a very good position with the NHS re-organisation.
  • MEND [Mind, Exercise, Nutrition and Do-it!]: KD reported that one of the instructors went to enrol in the November “Physical Exercise Aspects” training but found that they should have done their theory training first. Consequently they are looking to find when the next training event is scheduled. This project is due to be rolled-out in Plas Madoc and Gwesyllt in the New Year.
  • YH stated that where the project is located is vital and success will depend on how easy the sites are to get to and from. The sites will be rotated but transport issues will need to be picked up on.

3.3 Young Carers / MS
JS reported on behalf of MS, that there have been no meetings since the last SCoG. A meeting was due to take place about two-weeks ago but there were issues with supporting the young people, so the meeting was cancelled.
  • Thenext meeting is due to take place on Wednesday 10th December 2008.

3.4 CYP Substance Misuse
  • This group has met on two occasions. There has been a lot of discussion on the Terms of Reference [ToR] these will be finalised in December.
/ DD
3.5Young Person Focussed Sexual Health Project - Update
  • The Sexual Health Planning and Co-ordination Group met again recently for an update. Jonathan Miller and DD met with PSE co-ordinators to discuss the provision of Sex and Relationship Education and a consensus was reached on the type of programme that needs to be delivered in schools and the wider young people sector. The costs of implementing this are currently being considered as part of a wider business case that is being prepared.
  • The LHB Briefing Group has developed a business case looking at the info shop opening on Saturdays – but there is a need to be specific regarding how much is required (including all elements) as a priority.
  • The CYPFWP Board have not yet agreed this as a priority but it will be presented before the LHB Board in December with finalised breakdown of costings looking at what is currently funded and the excess required. SRE figures are not in yet.
  • VB informed that BSF funding has a designated section for funding sexual health initiatives.
  • DD asked that key people involved in the development of this report, meet to finalise the costings, before the paper goes before the LHB Board.
  • DD stated that the LHB want to know priorities but for the recommended Option 2, everything is a priority. Option 2 has an estimated funding requirement of £200,000.
  • ACTION: DD to obtain costings from Conwy and Denbighshire and bring the group back together.
  • AGENDA ITEM: DD hopes to report more on this after December.
/ DD
3.6Public Health Commissioning Group- Update
JO’K updated in GC’s absence:
  • Number of planning groups: Sexual Health; Obesity; Respiratory Health; Alcohol, nutrition, physical exercise.
  • Ben Carter has been appointed as the new Performance Manager and he will be responsible for managing the outcomes from the planning groups.
  • ACTION: This group to ask GC to produce a summary plan, for the next meeting of this group, which describes who does what and where everything links in.
  • YH stated the importance of this as the biggest reason that funding applications are turned down is due to lack of evidence.
/ GC
3.7Speech and Language – no progress to report
  • ASD TF group – final draft of the Wrexham ASDFramework to be amended and circulated. P-MAP to be developed.
  • WAG has set aside £35,000,000 per year for children and adults (of all ages) North Wales, investing to save in health care.
  • Current trends are leaning toward keeping children local and about improving local services in order to keep children in their families. Better services and support are required to achieve this.
  • Many children with behavioural problems do not meet CAMHS criteria and so are left out. However, Bryn Tirion, Caergwrle is opening a 52-week per year placement for boys with behavioural issues.
  • KU reported that Barnardo’s provide an open door service for any WCBC Care Leaver, however the service that they can provide, is limited if they are from outside the area. These young people cannot have their own advisor or financial assistance as Barnardo’s only have a minimum (open door) contract.

  1. Other items tabled
/ BS
4.1 Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-11 (verbal feedback)
  • The FINAL versions of the Children and Young People’s Plan 2008-11 and the Children and Young People’s Plan – Summary are now on the website:
4.2 Continuing Care Funding (verbal feedback)
  • WAG is making more money available for the provision of continuing health care funding, which will include children.


4.3 Barnardo’s Development (verbal update)
  • ACTION: KU and YH to meet to discuss this
  • AOF 13: Services are being restructured to meet this standard which will be managed across Flintshire and Wrexham by YH. The standard provides extra support targeted at vulnerable groups.
  • AGENDA ITEM: To be kept on the agenda for further discussion.


4.4NPHS Representation (verbal update)
  • AR suggested getting people from above to update on priorities and feed into the plan.
  • ACTION: JS to invite Louise Woodfine – National Public Health Service, to join this group.


  1. AOB

Occupational Therapies
  • JW stated that she is please to report that they have managed to get on some of the sub-groups and will be able to contribute through these.

  1. Date and time of next meeting

  • Monday19 January 2009 @ Erlas1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Future Meetings
  • TBA