Existing TRA Registration Pack

Existing TRAs need to provide the council with up to date information each year following their Annual General Meeting (AGM). Please complete this page and forms to tell us if there have been any changes to your TRA and to apply for a grant towards the running of it.

Please read through this pack and complete the checklist, questions asked below and the relevant forms.


TRA name……………………………………………………………………………………

1.Have you enclosed a copy of the following documents:

(i)AGM Minutes?Yes / No

(ii)Audited accounts?Yes / No

Your TRA accounts will need to be audited on an annual basis. The council provide a free TRA account auditing service. Please contact or call 0208 753 6652 for further information.

(iii)Insurance certificate for the TRA hall?Yes / No

(iv)The TRA Constitution if it has changed? Yes / No / N/A

2. Have any changes been made to the TRA committee or

how you want us to communicate with you?Yes / No

(Committee positions of Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary or Treasurer)

If yes, please complete Form 1 in this pack

3. Are you applying for a grant on behalf of the TRA?Yes / No

If yes, please confirm the amount of grant the TRA is applying for


A guide to the payment and use of annual TRA grants can be found in Appendix 1.For further information on funding opportunitiesplease contact or call 0208 753 6652.

A TRA grant needs to be paid in to the TRA bank account.

Has this bank account changed in the last 12 months?Yes / No

If yes, please complete Form 2.

Please note: We strongly recommend that your TRA completes and returns the grant application (Form 1) at the time of registration, but if necessary the grant application form can be sent separately to this registration pack. This may be necessary if you are in the process of changing your bank account.

Do you intend to send Form 2separately? Yes / No

Your name and position on the TRA committee………………………………..

Your signature ……………………………………………………………………..

Date …………………………..

When you have completed page one and the relevant forms, please forward the whole pack to: Daniel Miller, 3rd Floor, Hammersmith Town Hall Extension, King Street London W6 9JU in the pre-paid envelope.

Should you have any questions or would like more information, please contact or call 0208 753 6652.

The Council is committed to abiding by the Data Protection Act and treats your private information with respect. It is kept securely and only staff and service providers who are entitled to see the information have access to it and they may only use it for making contact with TRAs. Committee member contact details will only be sent to TPAS if your association members have confirmed that they wish to be included on the TPAS recognised TRA list.

Form 1. Informing the council of changes in Committee Members and/or how you want us to contact you

Please provide the new details in this form.

Changes in TRA committee members

Chair/ Vice Chair/ Secretary/ Treasurer
Please print
By signing the committee member agrees to abide by the standards set out in the constitution that has been agreed for the TRA.
Home address
Daytime tel. no.
Email address
Chair/ Vice Chair/ Secretary/ Treasurer
Print name
By signing the committee member agrees to abide by the standards set out in the constitution that has been agreed for the TRA.
Home address
Daytime tel. no.
Email address
Chair/ Vice Chair/ Secretary/ Treasurer
Please print
By signing the committee member agrees to abide by the standards set out in the constitution that has been agreed for the TRA.
Home address
Daytime tel. no.
Email address
Chair/ Vice Chair/ Secretary/ Treasurer
Please print
By signing the committee member agrees to abide by the standards set out in the constitution that has been agreed for the TRA.
Home address
Daytime tel. no.
Email address

Please provide details of your TRA email address

(if applicable)


For help with setting up a group email address please contact Daniel Miller on 0208 753 6652 or email

Would your TRA like to join the TRA Mentoring Group to help and support new TRAs?

Have there been any changes for the TRA hall keyholder?

Please tick this box if your TRA does not have a TRA Hall or meeting room

Where does your TRA hold it’s meetings if you do not have access to a hall?


If there have been changes, please tell us below:

TRA Hall keyholder
(please print)
Daytime tel.no.
Email address

Form 2. TRA Grant application

Inform us of any change in bank account details in the table below

Name of Account
Name of Bank
Sort Code
Account Number

Your change in back account details need to be countersigned with signatures from three of the recognised bank signatories to confirm the information that has been supplied is correct. Please return a copy of your bank statement along with the completed form.This can be completed seperately and returned at a later date to the Application Pack, if necessary.

  1. I confirm that the TRA bank account details given above are correct


(please print)

Position on TRA committee……………………………………......


  1. I confirm that the TRA bank account details given above are correct


(please print)

Position on TRA committee……………………………………......


  1. I confirm that the TRA bank account details given above are correct


(please print)

Position on TRA committee……………………………………......


Appendix 1

A Guide to the Payment of Annual Tenant & Resident Associations Grants


Registered TRAs with a minimum of 10 properties are entitled to receive a grant towards their running costs.

Approved grants will be paid on the following basis:

  • The minimum grant of £400 is paid to TRAs that represent an area covering up to 285 properties
  • TRAs with more than 285 properties are entitled to a larger grant calculated at £400 plus £1.40 for each additional property.

Please contact Daniel Miller on 0208 753 6652 if you are unsure of how many properties are located in the area that your TRA covers.

The funding can be used by TRAs for:

  • Revenue costs such as gas, electricity and insurance for the TRA hall
  • Stationery and other administrative items such as postage
  • Equipment costs (filing cabinet, kettle, etc…)
  • Publicity and printing
  • Organising social events

Please keep all receipts and invoices relating to items that are paid for using this grant. You will be required to show how it has been spent at the end of the financial year

Assessment Criteria for Approving an Annual TRA Grant

Table 1

No. / Criteria
1 / Has the TRA signed up to the Model Constitution, or a revised version of the constitution?
2 / Has an annual general meeting taken place where the audited general accounts have been approved?
3 / Has a copy of the audited accounts been provided? TRA accounts need to be audited on an annual basis. Please contact or call 0208 753 6652 for further information
4 / Has a copy of the AGM minutes been supplied?
5 / If the TRA is already registered with the council, has a confirmation of committee member details been supplied following their AGM?
6 / Does the TRA have an active Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer?

Submission of Annual TRA Grant Application

TRA Grants are paid each financial year.Only one grant application can be made per financial year. The financial year for grant applications will run from 1st April to 31st March in the following year. Applications for annual TRA grants should be made following the TRA Annual General Meeting (AGM).

We use the grant application assessment criteria listed in table 1 above.

If you have any questions or would like further information please contact Daniel at or call 0208 753 6652.


Acknowledgement that an annual grant application and supporting documents have been received will be sent to TRAs within 5 working days. We will check within those 5 days that it is a valid application and advise TRAs accordingly in our response letter.

Should a TRA application not be approved they will be informed of the reason for this and be given an opportunity to submit a revised grant application.


Payment will be made by BACS to the TRA bank/ building account provided to the council. If there have been any changes to the account you need to provide these in form 3 in this pack. Payment is not permitted to individual association member’s accounts.