MPTS PTA General Membership Meeting May 11, 2015

  1. Balanced Literacy Update – Mr. Price. Mr. Price discussed the progress our teachers have made in implementing balanced literacy in our classrooms. He discussed the present and future use of a consultant who is assisting teachers with their tr5aining in balanced literacy. Implementation of balanced literacy and professional development opportunities for teachers in this area will continue next year. Mr. Price also said that Reading 3D/MCLASS testing is wrapping up and that MAP scores are looking good for the school at all levels.
  2. Approval of minutes from 3/10/15 meeting – minutes from the last general membership meeting were presented and approved.
  3. Presentation of 2015-16 Executive Board– Fran Saunders introduced the slate of the Executive Board for next year.
  4. Highlight of open committees – Taryn Mecia discussed current committee openings and progress in filling some spots.
  5. Budget Update/Treasurer’s Report – The treasurer’s report was presented and the success of several recent events including the Spring Carnival and the Father/Daughter Dance was discussed.
  6. Parent Communication Updates: The PTA is looking at MySchoolAnywhere software, which would allow the PTA to generate a contact database that can also be used for an online or printable directory. It also includes PTA membership tracking.
  7. School supplies can be ordered online from The website is taking orders through June 15 and a portion of the proceeds will revert to the school.
  8. The gavel was passed to incoming president Melissa Self and Executive Vice President Beth Livingston.
  9. Upcoming Dates:

Tues, May 12, 9:30Volunteer Brunch

Wed, May 13 8:45Muffins with Moms Book Fair event

Lunch and shop with K and 2nd

Thurs, May 14 8:45Donuts with Dad/Book Fair event

Lunch and shop with 1st and 4th

Fri, May 15Lunch and shop with 3rd and 5th

Fri, May 15, 6:00 pmKnights game (sold out) – if you have ordered tickets for this event, they should be sent home with your child this week. If you do not receive them contact Leslie Mueller.

Thurs, May 21EOGs begin – proctors needed

Thurs, June 4 4-7pmParent Social at Libretto’s Pizza

Attendance: Taryn Mecia, Fran Saunders, Beth Livingston, Melissa Self, Jodie Ayres, Tony Mecia, Kelly Cutaia, Ms. McNamara, Meg Cox, Denise Pineno, Cathy & Chris Moore, Jennifer Seabrook, Jennifer Norris, Jenny Earnhardt, Kelly Coley, Lesley Shull, Allison Barry, Robert Thompson, Bryan Skelton, Heather Skelton, Lisa Hathaway, Dr. Regina Brown, Emily Trznadel, Angela Campbell, Jeff Livingston

Handouts: PTA Meeting Agenda, MPTS PTA General Meeting minutes 3/10/15, MPTS Treasurer’s Report – PTA Meeting May 11, 2015, MPTS Executive Board 2015-16