Sevastopol City

Public Organisation

Youth Centre

for Women’s Initiatives

Press Release

For Immediate Distribution Contact person:

December 09, 2004 Anna Chernolychenko,

1 page Resource Centre Manager

Tel.: (8 0692) 557390


Press conference on Sevastopol Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS Issues opening is to be on December 9, 2004 at the training hall of the Centre located at Molodist club. The address is: 2, Kosareva St., Sevastopol city. The main objective of the City Resource Centre is implementing education and information activities targeted at HIV/AIDS prevention in Sevastopol city.

The following people are invited to participate:

Viktor I. Polohov – Health Department of Sevastopol City State Administration, Deputy Head

Mykola I. Cherbadzhi – Education and Sciences Department of Sevastopol City State Administration, Head

Zhanna V. Slyusar – Education and Sciences Department of Sevastopol City State Administration, Leading Fellow

Olena V. Matveyeva – Public Institution Association of Children and Teenager Clubs of Sevastopol City, Deputy Director for Education and Training

Iryna A. Potapova –Sevastopol City Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS Issues, Project Coordinator, Chairwoman Sevastopol City Public Organisation Youth Centre for Women’s Initiatives, Chairwoman of the Council

Sevastopol City Resource Centre is established with financial support from the International Charitable Foundation The International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine in the framework of the Programme Overcoming HIV/AIDS Epidemics in Ukraine supported by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The main function of the Centre is organizing information and education work in cooperation with Department of Education and Sciences, Department of Health, Department for Youth, Children, and Family Affairs of Sevastopol City State Administration, regional mass media, and other establishments.

The following activities are to be organized within the Centre:

  • Piloting educational programmes with the aim of their further implementation within city education institutions;
  • Lobbying HIV/AIDS prevention programmes on city level;
  • Information and training work with regional mass media representatives;
  • Technical and methodological assistance to both, government and non-government organisations working at HIV/AIDS prevention sphere.

The activity of Sevastopol City Resource Centre will facilitate uniting efforts of government and non-government organizations directed at response to HIV/AIDS epidemics, prevention programmes’ effectiveness increasing, implementing new relevant strategies of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment.

For more detailed information, please contact:

Iryna Potapova, Sevastopol City Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS Issues, Project Co-ordinator;

Anna Chernolychenko, Sevastopol Resource Centre on HIV/AIDS Issues, Manager

Tel./fax: (8 0692) 557390, e-mail:

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