Study Abroad - Senegal

FAMU Office of International Education & Development Earth Rights Eco-Village Institute

305 North Perry-Paige Route de l’aeroport

Tallahassee, Florida32307 Yoff-Dakar

Phone: 850.599.3295 Phone: +221 33 820 5484

Fax: 850.561.2520 Fax: +221 33 820 49 65

Thank you for your interest in the Sustainable Community Development study abroad program with the Earth Rights Eco-Village Institute.

This innovative summer program brings American and Senegalese university students together to focus on theories and practices of sustainable development for 10 weeks in Dakar, Senegal. It assembles students, faculty, and the civil society in order to engage in a participatory service-learning process that will benefit a network of eco-villages. Students will totally immerse themselves within the community, while carrying out action research and implementing projects. They will learn and apply theories and practical knowledge of sustainable development thereby creating viable community development programs. Eco-villages are the most important classrooms and learning laboratories, as they provide participants, the conceptual framework and hands-on activities for effective sustainable development. EREV Institute’s rigorous courses will cover fundamentals of sustainable development, research methods, program design and development, and language classes. This module’s courses, academic seminars, and field study employ a people-centered approach and dialogue-based exploration of the dynamics of sustainable development in Senegal through experiential learning.

With full support and access to Earth Rights Eco-Village Institute, (EREV Institute) network of academics and professionals, students will learn cross cultural communication skills they will put into practice while following their passions and intellectual pursuits with a four-week service-learning project.


- Be in good academic standings

- Have no pending disciplinary case or record

Summer Application Instructions

The application process is a very important part of your study-abroad journey as it allows you to share your profile with us and ground your vision and goals through our interviews. Submit your application to FloridaAMUniversity’s Office of International Education & Development in person, by fax, or by mail. A complete application requires the following checklist:

__Application form completely filled outand signed

__Signed homestay letter

__Unofficial Transcript

__Two academic references (References must come from professor or academic advisors. They can be sent via email).

__Approval of participation by study-abroad coordinator or advisor

__Parent/guardian letter for students under the age of 18 by time of application.

NB: Only signed applications will be processed.

The deadline for the application is Friday, April 1, 2011. Applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis therefore we suggest you apply well before the deadline.

Mail or fax your application to:

FAMU Office of International Education & Development

305 North Perry-Paige

Tallahassee, Florida32307

Phone: 850.599.3295

Fax: 850.561.2520

What Happens Then...

You will be contacted for interview in person (by a program representative) or by Skype. You will be notified of your acceptance into the program by email 48 hrs after interviews are completed. Your participation may be denied if your conduct before departure raises doubts as to your suitability for participation.

If admitted into the program, you will receive your welcome packet via email. To confirm your admission into the program, you must sign and return the forms included in the welcome packet to FAMU Office of International Education and Development by the end of April or you may lose your space in the program. You will receive all predeparture in your Welcome Packet.

Please visit to find out more information about the program.

If you have questions about the application or the program please contact

Ashley Milton via email at , phone 707.208.6068


Study Abroad - Senegal

Last Name ______First Name______M.I._____

Student ID#______Date of Birth______Gender : __Male __Female

Country of Birth______Country(ies) of Citizenship______

Cell Phone:______Home Phone______Work Phone______

E-mail: ______Fax #______

Current Mailing Address: Street______


Permanent Address: Street______


Major(s): ______Minor(s)______

Current Overall GPA: ______Expected Date of Graduation: ______

Grade Level (check one): __First Year __Sophomore __Junior __Senior __Graduate

Are you in good academic standings with the university? __Yes __No

Name of study abroad program:______

Semester/Year of program:______

Do you have a passport valid at least six (6) months after program ends? __Yes ___No


Please list two different contacts that should be notified in case of an emergency

Name:______Relationship to you: ______

Home phone:______Work phone:______

Cell phone:______E-mail (if applicable): ______

Name: ______Relationship to you: ______

Home phone: ______Work phone: ______

Cell phone: ______E-mail (if applicable): ______


Please list the name, telephone number and e-mail of two references who may be contacted regarding your participation. (Do NOT list friends or family members)

Name: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

Name: ______

Phone: ______E-mail: ______

How did you learn about EREV at FAMU? (check all that apply)

␣ Study Abroad Office␣ Residence Hall ␣ Department/College

␣ Web ␣Faculty Member ␣ State News

␣ Study Abroad Fair ␣ Other ␣ Friend

␣ Former Participant ␣ Class

Which of the following most influenced your decision to apply for this particular program? (select one only)

␣ Faculty member ␣ Foreign language study ␣ Affordability ␣ Academic challenge

␣ Educational goals ␣ Degree requirements ␣ Career enhancement Personal growth

Have you ever traveled abroad?␣Yes No

If yes, where? Canada Mexico ␣ Continental Europe ␣ Africa ␣ Asia

␣ Oceania ␣ UK/Ireland ␣ Middle/Near East ␣ Latin America/Caribbean

Personal and Academic Background:

  1. What are your career plans?
  2. List extra-curricular activities you are involved in:


- Include your name, the name of your program and its location

- Be sure to answer both questions

- Type all answers in short essay form(No more than 500 words)

  1. Why do you want to participate in EREV at FAMU study-abroad program? Be sure to demonstrate how your personal and academic interests/strengths connect with the program’s theme.
  1. Please describe a major cross-cutural experience, issue, or theme and how it helped shape your views. How is it going to affect your participation in the program?

Note: Essaysshould be attached to your application form and be submitted together by the appropriate dead­line.


During the course of your participation in a study abroad program, the Office of Study Abroad may wish to provide relevant information from your educational records to your parents, guardians, or other third parties. Depending on the circumstances, information to be released might include your student account information, information about the program in which you are enrolled, or non-emergency information related to your health or safety.

Please choose one:

I authorize the Office of International Education and Development to provide relevant information from my educational records as described above.

␣ I do not authorize the Office of Study Abroad to provide relevant information from my educational as described above.

I also authorize the Office of Study Abroad to release my information to the following individuals:______


The statements below refer to the FAMU Study Abroad Policies and Procedures. Please check each statement after you have read and understood each item.

__ I have read and understand the FAMU Study Abroad Policies and Procedures.

__ I undersand I will be notified of my acceptance by an email and must respond promptly. I also understand my aceptance letter will inculde the required forms that I must return by the appropriate deadline or I will be withdrawn from the program.

__ I understand that if I will be under the age of 18 at the time of participation I will be required to carry a Travel Permission for Minors Forms available from the Office of Study Abroad. I understand it is my responsibility to complete this form and if not, I may be denied access to the board the aircraft or enter the country.

__ I understand the Office of Study Abroad may contact my emergency contact listed on the application in case of an emergency that affects me or my program.

__ I understand that the Study Abroad Student Handbook contains important information related to my study abroad experrience. I further understand that it is my responsibility to read the handbook and to follow the procedures as outlined.


Parent/Guardian Signature (for participant under age 18):______


Study Abroad in Senegal Summer 2011

Cost of Attendance:

Tuition: $4000

Fees: $200

Room and Board: $700

Books and Supplies: $100

Transportation: $100

Total: $5,300

Number of Credits: 12

Dates on Enrollment: June 3 – August 12


Flights: Est $1500

Passport: $120

Anti Malaria Pills

Yellow Fever

Suggested Shots:

Update Polio

Hep A & B
