Algoa Bay Darts District

Affiliated to :EasterCape Darts Council

Darts South Africa

The first round of trials will be played on Sunday 16 March(& Sunday 23 March if necessary) the second round on 30 March 2014. Please take note of the following and make sure you are able to meet the criteria as penalties are stiff.


Trials are open to any player. All players, including those that fall into the category in the following paragraph must enter and fill in an indemnity form.

Players who last year achieved a minimum SDA of 20.00 at the end of the season and those players selected represent the district last year will advance to the 2nd round of 16.

On the completion of the first round players will be reduced to make up the balance of 16 to compete in the 2nd round.

All matches will be 3 legs 501. 1pt for a win and 0 pts for a loss. Should 2 or more players end with the same log points then legs won will determine the final positions. Should the players still be level the match results between those players will determine the final positions.


Ladies have a open entry and will play a double round on 16 and 30 March.

Both rounds will be 3 legs 501. 1pt for a win and 0 pts for a loss. Should 2 or more players end with the same log points then legs won will determine the final positions. Should the players still be level the match results between those players will determine the final positions.


Entries close on Thursday 6 March 2014.

All players must sign and accept the attached conditions prior to playing trials.

No late or unsigned entries will be accepted.

Entry fees must be paid prior to playing.

Any player who is unable to complete the trials or withdraws for any reason will be subject to a R200.00 fine and suspended from the District till it is paid.

Work commitments will not be accepted as an excuse and withdrawing due to illness must be stipulated in writing accompanied by a doctor’s letter within in seven days.Algoa Bay Darts District will supply letters to all players who have a problem with leave.

Drunk or disorderly behaviour will not be tolerated.

Algoa Bay Darts District

Affiliated to :Eastern Province Darts Council

Darts South Africa

We the ______Darts Club wish to enter the following players in the District trials.R50.00 PER PLAYER. Closing date 6 March 2014.

Chairman:Pieter Seaman, Vice Chairman: Deon Oliver, Secretary: Sheree Swart,

Treasurer:Martie Klopper, Co-ordinator: PeterSimson., Development KarelVan Der Berg





















Chairman:Pieter Seaman, Vice Chairman: Deon Oliver, Secretary: Sheree Swart,

Treasurer:Martie Klopper, Co-ordinator: PeterSimson., Development KarelVan Der Berg



Algoa Bay Darts District

Affiliated to: Eastern Province Darts Council

Darts South Africa

Shop 2, KorstenPlaza

Cottrell Street


Port Elizabeth


I, ______, if selected to represent Algoa Bay Darts District (A.B.D.D.) at the National Darts Tournament to be held 6-11 July 2014, agree to and understand the following:

1. A.B.D.D. will supply suitable accommodation to players and officials for the duration of the tournament.

i. Such accommodation is for the use of players and officials only and may not be used by any other persons.

ii. Players shall at all times during the tournament make use only of that accommodation supplied by the District.

2. The players / team will be responsible to supply all meals for the duration of the tournament.

3. The players / team will be responsible for all transport costs for the duration of the tournament.

4. Selected players will be required to pay a deposit of R800.00, failure to do so by the stipulated date will result in the player being withdrawn.

5. A.B.D.D. shall not be held liable for any damages to, or loss of, private property whilst representing A.B.D.D.

6. A.B.D.D. shall not be held liable for any injuries received, or health matters arising, whilst representing A.B.D.D.

7. Players representing A.B.D.D. shall at all times conduct themselves in such a manner so as not to bring the name of Algoa Bay Darts District or the game of darts into disrepute.

8. Players shall represent the District team that they are selected for until such time that a new team is officially announced.

9. Failure to abide by the above shall result in A.B.D.D. reclaiming all costs spent on the player or official whilst representing A.B.D.D. Such player or official shall remain suspended from the organisation, with immediate effect, until these costs have been recovered. Such a player or official shall not represent A.B.D.D. for a minimum period of 12 months.




Chairman:Pieter Seaman, Vice Chairman: Deon Oliver, Secretary: Sheree Swart,

Treasurer:Martie Klopper, Co-ordinator: PeterSimson., Development KarelVan Der Berg