(This form to be completed in an online mode. Each student enrolled in an online section being evaluated will be sent a login to access the online evaluation system. The login will link to the specific class being evaluated and will allow only a onetime use.)


1. Course requirements and objectives are clearly explained in the online pages.

A.Completely clear.

B.Mostly clear.

C.Not completely clear.


E.Not available.

2.Online pages clearly describe how to submit assignments.

A.Completely clear.

B.Mostly clear.

C.Not completely clear.


E.Not available.

3.The course grading system is:

A.Completely clear.

B.Mostly clear.

C.Not completely clear.


E.Not available.

  1. Online pages clearly describe the calendar of topics, assignments, and tests.

A.Completely clear.

B.Mostly clear.

C.Not completely clear.


E.Not available.

  1. The discussion topics and/or posted materials are well organized, clear and professionally presented.

A.Completely clear.

B.Mostly clear.

C.Not completely clear.


6.The instructor’s presentation material:

A.Really captures my interest.

B.Is usually interesting.

C.Sparks my interest only occasionally.

D.Is very uninteresting to me.

7.The instructor’s knowledge of material is:

A.In-depth, broad, accurate and up to date.

B.More than adequate.

C.Acceptable, but limited.

D.Inadequate, inaccurate, incomplete, and/or out of date.

E.Unable to evaluate.

8.The instructor’s grading practices seem:

A.Completely fair.

B.Usually fair.

C.Often appears to be unfair.


9.The instructor provides feedback on exams and assigned work in a reasonable time:





E.Not applicable.

10.The instructor responds to student questions in a reasonable amount of time. (Via email, chat room, etc.):


B. Usually



E.Not applicable

11.The instructor includes helpful comments on returned assignments:


B. Usually



E.Not applicable

12.With consideration to age, gender, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religious preference and cultural background, the instructor is:

A.Open-minded and sensitive to all students.

B. Usually sensitive to most students.

C.Occasionally insensitive to students.

D.Openly disdainful or disrespectful to students.

E.Unable to evaluate.

13.Overall, this instructor will:

A.Be strongly recommended as one of the best.

B. Probably be recommended as good.

C.Might be recommended, but with reservations.

D.Not be recommended.

The following questions are for statistical purposes only:

14.I took this class in the online mode because:

A.I prefer online courses.

B.It was the only section available.

C. I thought it would be easier.

D.It was the only offering that would fit my work schedule.

E. I was curious to try an online course.

15.How does this experience compare with the effectiveness of a standard classroom?

A.More efficient.

B.About the same.

CLess efficient.

D.Much worse.

E.No opinion.


Student comments are very valuable to the classroom instructor. Please use this space to respond to the two given questions and to give any general or specific comments you wish. If you are commenting on a specific question from the other side, please indicate the question number that relates.

What do you consider this instructor’s strengths?
What specific improvements could this instructor make?
