5th Grade Theme 6 Reader’s Library

The Hyrax of Top-Knot Island

Selection Summary:

In The Hyrax of Top-Knot Island the author tells of her summer experiences on the African plains observing small animals called hyraxes that live on boulder “islands” (kopjes). She discusses the habits of these hard-to classify mammals and the other creatures in their habitat-rhinos, pygmy, mongooses, giraffe, impala, and one hungry leopard.

Key Vocabulary:

Top Knot: a knot of hair on top of the head

Boulders: large rounded rocks

Greenery: leaves of green plants

Nuzzle: rub or touch with nose

Fanned Out: spread out in a fan shape

Dens: cavelike homes of wild animals

Saving Sea Turtles

Selection Summary:

Saving Sea Turtles discusses sea turtles in general, all of which are endangered, and Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles in particular, which are near extinction. After discussing their life cycle and the dangers these turtles face from humans, the author talks of the efforts scientist and volunteers are making to save these sea creatures, who have been around since the days of the dinosaurs.

Key Vocabulary:

Habitat: natural place for an animal to live

Windswept: having winds blow across

Threatened: put in danger

Volunteer: someone doing a job for free

Nestling Site: spot where eggs are laid

Kat the Curious

Selection Summary:

Kat the Curious is the story of a young girl’s adventure in the wild. Kat tells of the day her parents dropped her off for a visit at her aunt’s cabin. Though a note from Aunt Helen indicates that she will return shortly, Kat decides not to wait for her. Curious and restless, Kat leaves a note and wanders off, sure she knows the way. She doesn’t-and ends up spending the night in the woods. A raccoon she names Bandit leads her back to her anxiously awaiting aunt.

Key Vocabulary:

Kerosene Lamps: lamps that are lit by burning kerosene oil

Ear Pollution: very loud noise(s)

Rustled: moved with a fluttering sound

Bluff: a high, steep cliff

Saplings: young slender trees