School Community Council Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

2:45 pm, Staff Room (near front office)

In attendance:

Audra Armstrong, Alisa Didenhover, Heather Shay, Yvette White, Nick Hansen, Becky Dall, Robyn Jackson, HolliePelch, Karen Randolph, Darrell Robinson

Minutes taken by: Robyn Jackson

Agenda Items:

  • Introductions

New members is attendance

-Karen Randolph; children in 5th and 3rd along with an adult child

  • Discuss Roles & Responsibilities – job description and training videos

can be found at:

  • Overview of & BCEs SCC page

BCE website has:

Meeting dates and agendas

SCC members and contact information

November 24 meeting date has been changed to November 17 at 2:45

  • Elect a Chair and Co-Chair for the Committee

Nominated and accepted:

Heather – Chair

Hollie- Co-Chair

general public can come to council discussions but can not vote

13 members on council

Majority vote passes issue purposed

  • School Mission, Motto, Collective Commitments, Goals

Mission Statement:Bobcats LEAD (Learning Daily, Empowering Leadership, Achieving Goals, Discovering Potential)

Motto:Whatever It Takes!





Homework (Discussion came up about the guidelines about time amount of homework per class. Most were pleased with limits)

Model and Teach Leadership

  • Review Current Land Trust Plan & Progress towards School Goals

3 goals were outlined and will be discussed at a later time if needed

  1. 87% of students in each grade will be on/above grade level by March of 2016.
  2. Each student will reach a proficiency of at least 87% on their district math benchmark
  3. Students in 1st-3rd grades will walk/run a total of 50 miles by the end of the year through participation in Walk Across Utah program

Most of Land Trust $s go to personnel to help students progress towards goals

  • Tutoring program

Ideas needed to provide extra support/tutoring for children

-before or after school

-teacher volunteers

-parent volunteers

-enrichment programs (8 weeks “workshops”)

-student/student development program (early release/late start from high school)

Limits on number of student may need to be set because of funds and time

?s: how to refer students, how to avoid becoming a daycare.

Ideas need to be added to a Google Doc

Proposal will be written up before sending out to community for interest survey

  • School Grade

Last year’s score for BCE was a B

This year BCE received an A


  • Community Input
  • People have asked for additional sidewalks painted on streets surrounding the school.
  • Celebrations
  • Questions/Concerns