

TEXT:Chemistry, Matter & Change - Glencoe/ McGraw Hill


- Spiral bound 3 or 5 subject notebook with folders

- Loose leaf paper

- Pencils and erasers

- Pens (blue/black)

- Lab notebook

- Scientific Calculator (graphing calculators ARE NOT ALLOWED on Exams)

OPTIONAL- (1) Box of non-latex gloves OR (1) box of tissues OR (1) container of disinfecting wipes

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Chemistry isthe central science covering topics such as the organization of matter, stoichiometry, gases, solutions, equilibrium and redox reactions will be covered. This course is a lab-based course, which will include demonstrations and both virtual and hands on lab experiments following the scientific method.Students are required to read the text, take notes, participate in class discussions, give written and oral answers to questions, and write reports on experiments. In addition, students will develop problem-solving skills that will aid them at the University level.

EVALUATION: Grades at the end of each semester are based on exam scores, homework / classwork assignments, class participation and lab work. Approximate grade breakdown is as follows:



Lab work / Projects20%


Class Participation / Behavior10%

HOMEWORK: Assignments may be assigned several times per week. Homework may be a reading assignment, a worksheet, review questions, a take home activity or unfinished classwork.

LATE / MAKEUP WORK: Late work for reduced credit will be accepted unless the assignment was graded in class or the answers were given out. Late work penalties:

Same day = - 10%

1-7days = - 30%

Over a week =- 50%

EXAMS:Chapter exams will be administered after every chapter. The Final exam is cumulative and may include all chapters covered in the semester. If you are absent the day of an exam, you will be responsible for setting up a time to take a makeup exam on the first day you return to class. If you do not arrange for a time to make up your exam, your semester final exam grade will count for that exam. If you miss more than (1) exam without a compelling reason, your exam score on your second and every exam after will be reduced by 10%.

CLASS PARTICIPATION / BEHAVIOR: Each student will receive 10 points per class day.

Behavior =2-10 points

Tardiness =2 points

Materials =2 points per item

Participation grades will be entered periodically. If a student is disruptive and has lost all possible points for the day, they could then lose points for the next day and if they are not behaved will receive a referral.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY:Any copied assignment will result in all parties receiving a zero for the assignment. That includes the student who may have done their work but allowed someone else to copy. Any cheating on exams will result in a zero for the exam and a referral.

Any information stated here may change per instructor discretion. Please sign & return as agreement to these terms.


Student Name______


Parent Name______



Tentative Schedule

CHAPTER 1: Matter and change

Chemistry is a physical science

Matter and its properties


CHAPTER 2: Measurements and calculations

Scientific method

Units of measurements

Using scientific measurements

CHAPTER 3: Atoms: The building blocks of matter

The atom

The structure of the atom

Counting atoms

CHAPTER 4: Arrangement of electrons in atoms

The development of a new atomic model

The quantum model of the atom

Electron configuration

CHAPTER 5: Periodic Law

History of the periodic table

Electron configuration and the periodic table

Electron configuration and periodic properties

CHAPTER 6: Chemical bonding

Introduction to chemical bonding

Covalent bonding and molecular compounds

Ionic bonding and ionic compounds

Metallic bonding

Molecular geometry

CHAPTER 7: Chemical formulas and chemical


Chemical names and formulas

Oxidation numbers

Using chemical formulas

Determining chemical formulas

CHAPTER 8: Chemical equations and reactions

Describing chemical reactions

Types of chemical reactions

Activity series of the elements

CHAPTER 9: Stoichiometry

Introduction to stoichiometry

Ideal stoichiometric calculations

Limiting reactants and percent yield

CHAPTER 10: Physical characteristics of gases

The kinetic-molecular theory of matter


The gas laws

CHAPTER 11: Molecular composition of gases

Volume-mass relationships of gases

The ideal gas law

Stoichiomtery of gases

CHAPTER 15: Acids and bases

Properties of acids and bases

Bronsted-Lowry acids and bases

Neutralization reactions