January 16, 2012

Supervisor Rapp called the regular meeting of the Eckford Township Board to order at 7:30 p.m. Others in attendance were Treasurer Baylis, Clerk Hinkley, Trustee Lawrence, Trustee Cornell, R. Buskirk, R. & L. Dunn, R. De Jong, M. Farmer and A. & L. Blight.


Supervisor Rapp led the group in the pledge and K. Hinkley gave the invocation.


A motion was made by Trustee Cornell to accept the regular minutes of the December 19, 2011 with corrections. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion. CARRIED


T. Baylis, Treasurer gave the financial statement for December with

RECEIPTS $ 26,639.35


BILLS TO PAY $ 7,673.46

Trustee Lawrence made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report and pay the bills. Trustee Cornell seconded the motion. CARRIED


Given by Supervisor Rapp, there will be no money coming back to the different townships after they use the surplus to pay for wage increases, repairs and matching funds. Teresa Hayes is supposed to be coming to the next meeting to explain how the line items work. The old truck will be listed on eBay to be sold. The DNR grant will be for $3500 and the HFD will pay $1750 for their 50/50 match. The Homer Community Foundation has given the HFD $2431.80 for training. This will provide money for the dept. since they will be able to train other dept. and make money using the new equipment. Eckford Township ended up with 21 runs for 2011.


Given by A. Blight, Chief Capt., he gave us the year end report for Eckford Township. We only had 1 fire for the year and the rest were either accidents or first responder calls.


Given by Trustee Cornell, the January meeting is coming up on Thursday. They have received 10 bids to build the new building. There will be a special meeting on January 17, 2012 to look at the bids. Chemical Bank has committed to funding the balance of the loan in a an amount of $800,000 with a 4.75% rate for 15 years. Eckford Township had 3 runs in Nov. and 15 in Dec.


Given by R. Buskirk, as of January 16, 2012 there were no building permit issued this month.

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Given by M. Farmer,

Building Complaints:

J. Drive S. Gene Ellenwood property--pending

Brace Creek Farms at Homer Road--pending

Newman property at 21492 F. Drive S. for a pool that was erected--pending

Complaints: Robert Farmer property 110 Ogden St.—pending

Jason Blackburn property, J. Drive S.—pending

A copy of the full report is on file.

Discussion was held about the Robert Farmer property and the direction the township should proceed in this matter. COE M. Farmer had suggested that the township ask R. Farmer to board up the house. This would take the liability from the township and R. Farmer would maybe understand that he can not live there and be a good compromise. COE M. Farmer does not feel R. Farmer is competent to stand before a judge or that he fully understands what is going on with this whole process. Eckford Township does have a Dangerous Buildings Ordinance and we should have our building inspector officially condemn the building and then have R. Farmer to have the home boarded up.

Mr. J. Blackburn is using semi trailers as storage which is not allowed in our ordinance and Mr. J. Blackburn is not returning COE M. Farmer calls. He needs to have a ticket issued and proceed with our ordinances.

The Brace Creek Farms, COE M. Farmer will be meeting with Brace Creek Farms and looking at their shooting area. But it looks like there is nothing that is within the townships ability to correct this problem.


Given by R. De Jong, the PC is reworking how they do business and they are trying to get organized for the new year. They are hoping to have some changes for the ZO by the summer to the township board. Prien and Newhoff will hopefully be able to do the maps for the township for about $1600.


Given by L. Dunn, there will be an E-reader class and the library has free downloads for them as well. February they will be having a drawing for every 4 books you read/listen to. The library has over 100 Magazines and access to over 1500 magazines and newspapers.


B. Rapp shared about the County Maps cost that he would like to get for the township. Our Assessor, Dan Brunner, paid for these from the County and they cost about $580. We have looked to have them copied from somewhere else and we can get them copied but not the binder for them. B. Rapp will check with the County again and see if they can make a deal to get a copy for the township. R. Dunn suggested he check with Russ Wicklund to see if he can get the maps at a lower cost.

There was also a complaint to the Calhoun County Road Commission that an Eckford Township resident had their basketball hoop hit and busted by a road grader. It seems it was in the road, possibly at lake area and it will not be paid for since it was in the road area. Chris Vreeland from the CCRC board wanted our township board to be aware of this situation.



R. Farmer taken care of under Code Enforcement Report

City of Marshall Franchise Agreement, the third (3rd) point of the agreement, the City of Marshall will pay for the publication of the franchise for the paper. The Eckford Township board does feel the agreement is to our satisfaction. Treasurer Baylis made a motion to accept the City of Marshall Franchise Agreement. Trustee Lawrence seconded the motion. CARRIED


Supervisor Rapp shared that the Fredonia Twp. Fire Dept. wil be burning the barn of John Bidwell on January 28. And that the Fredonia Township Fire Dept. will be having a Millage request on the February 28, 2012 ballot for fire apparatus and fire truck funds.

Treasurer Baylis asked that we have Kevin Henning from the CCRC come to our February meeting to talk about some roads to be done this year.


Trustee Lawrence made a motion to adjourn at 8:36 p.m. Clerk Hinkley seconded the motion.

Respectfully submitted by,

Kimberly Hinkley Bruce Rapp

Eckford Township Clerk Eckford Township Supervisor