POST HELD: Assistant Head Teacher FTE: 1.0
SALARY: £40,150 – £43,232
The education and welfare of Wrens Class in accordance with the requirements of the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document (2014) and The Professional Standards for Teachers, issued by the DFE. In addition, as Assistant Head Teacher you are required to carry out the duties set out in the same document. For this you will be paid according to the leadership pay scale for Heads and Deputies at a point agreed by the governing body. Your specific responsibilities are set out in sections 2,3 & 4 below having due regard to the requirements of the Early Years foundation Stage curriculum and the National Curriculum, the school’s Church of England ethos, aims, objectives and schemes of work, and any policies of the Governing Body. To share in the corporate responsibility for the well being and discipline of all pupils.
1. As Assistant Head Teacher in consultation and co-operation with the Head Teacher:
a) To assist the Head Teacher in managing the school.
b) To undertake any professional duty of the Head Teacher which may be delegated by the Head Teacher.
c) Lead learning and staff in the Early Years [Fledglings Nursery] and Foundation Stage [Wrens class].
d) In the absence of the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher to undertake the professional duties of the Head Teacher.
e) To deputise for the Head Teacher in the absence of the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher in all aspects of the management, control and discipline of the school.
f) To ensure that a high standard of physical and emotional care for all children is maintained.
g) To ensure good conduct and behaviour of children in school.
h) To ensure compliance of staff with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act.
i) To foster good relationships with all staff – teaching and non-teaching staff – in the school.
j) To provide advice and support to parents about their child’s development.
k) To ensure every effort is made to develop and maintain good relationships with parents and the local community.
l) To develop links with governors, LA, neighbouring schools and any outside agencies linked to the school.
m) To participate regularly in the teaching programme of the school and, by example, to provide an outstanding professional model as a classroom practitioner.
n) To ensure that a high standard of education is maintained at all times for all children and that suitable educational programmes are developed and kept under review.
o) To provide guidance and support to other members of staff in implementing schemes of work both by consultation and by example.
p) To be involved in target setting through monitoring standards achieved within the school.
q) To keep up to date with the philosophy, teaching methods and resources available by liaising with outside agencies, in-service courses, visits and personal study; reporting and discussing with other staff.
2. As a member of The Senior Leadership Team, to play a major part in agreeing the roles and responsibilities within the SLT, the purpose of which will be:
a) Promoting the Christian ethos of the school.
b) Formulating the aims and objectives of the school.
c) Establishing the policies through which they are achieved.
d) Managing staff and resources to that end.
e) Monitoring progress towards the achievement of the aims and objectives of the school.
f) Reviewing the performance management process within the school.
g) Be an exemplar of good and outstanding teaching.
3. As Leader of Early Years Foundation Stage to be responsible for:
a) Promoting a collaborative and supportive working environment within the Early Years and Foundation Stage.
b) Pastoral duties relating to children in the Key Stage.
c) Oversee consistency of planning, delivery and recording of the progression in all activities of all classes in Early Years and Foundation Stage.
d) Establishing and maintaining clear lines of communication with staff in Early Years and Foundation Stage through regular meetings and liaison with the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher.
e) Performance management of certain members of the academic staff (2 maximum) as directed by the Head Teacher.
f) Performance management of support staff in EYFS.
4. As subject co-ordinator for [TBC]:
a) Be responsible for the leadership, management and organisation of the subject throughout the school.
b) Promote whole-school approach to subject areas.
c) Be informed of developments and inform staff accordingly.
d) Update policy in consultation with staff, Head Teacher and Link Governor.
e) Lead staff development and monitoring standards workshop as appropriate.
f) Monitor planning, delivery, recording and assessment of subject areas.
This job description may be amended at any time after discussion with you. However, it will be reviewed before [TBC.]
SIGNED: (Head Teacher)
H:staff/teachers/appointments/14 15/aht