MEETING February 10, 2014


I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call

IV. Minutes

A. Move to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2014 Board meeting.

V. Presentations/Reports

(For information only --- No action to be taken)

A. Mrs. Melissa Swift, Elementary Art Teacher and

Ms. Mea Mohr, Student Award Winner

VI. Student Representative Reports

VII. Public Comment (3 min. each / 30 min. max)

VIII. Consent Agenda:

Background: The following routine operational matters are presented for action by the Board of School Directors. Items that require special attention may be removed from the consent agenda upon request of a Board member.

Budget A. Move to approve the addition of Ms. Katelyn Heist to the 2013-2014 bus driver list. Nancy Herring is the contractor.

Personnel B. Move to approve the addition of Ms. Lucia Bard, French, to the Professional Substitute List.

IX. Other Action Items:

A. PSBA Standards and Code

Motion: Move to approve the attached resolution adopting the PSBA Standards and Code.

B. Real Estate Purchase

Motion: Move to approve a reply of “no interest at this time” to a land owner’s offer to sell real estate to the School District.

X. Other Discussion Items:

(No action to be taken)

A. 2013-2014 District Calendar

B. 2014-2015 Draft District Calendar

The calendar attempts to follow all other Adams County School District Calendars. We all have the same start date and nearly the same ending date. There are differences from District to District in lengths of vacations and snow day placements.

What's new in the Draft Calendar?

·  An early start, August. 20th for students, Why?

With the requirement ofproficiency on theKeystone Assessments for student graduation we need toorganize a calendar that affords studentsthe best possible conditions forsuccess. The State graduation requirement begins with the class of 2017. (Sophomores next year) Consequences for students that don't testproficient on the first Keystone attempt include remediation, retesting, andeventual assignment to aKeystone project activity. All the consequences influence the students’ ability to participate in elective/vocational course work, impact student progression toward graduation,teacher staffing, and our District budget. PDE hasset the2015 Spring Keystone testing windowat May 13-27.

Additionally and secondarily,PDE has created an evaluation system that measures student academic achievement and annual growthbased on PSSAand Keystone assessments.The systeminfluences school and employee ratings byincorporating a School PerformanceProfile score based, in part,on student success on high stakes testing.

·  An early graduation/last day of school to coincidewith the early start day,as early as May 29

·  fewer Act 80 days,I think fewer than the last 7 years

XI. Adjournment

Informational items:

A. Next Board Meeting dates:

The Board will meet in regular session on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the District Board Room.

January 27, 2014

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The Fairfield Area School Board met on Monday evening, January 27, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in the District board room with these members in attendance: Mr. Mark Greathouse, presiding; Mrs. Pamela Mikesell, Mrs. Agatha Foscato, Mr. Bruce Lefeber, Mr. Brad Rigler, Mr. Mickey Barlow, Mr. Chuck Hatter, Mr. Lonny Whitcomb, Jr., and Mrs. Marcy Van Metre. Also present were Mr. William Chain, Superintendent; Mrs. Patricia Weber, MS Principal; Mr. Brian McDowell, HS Principal; Ms. Caroline Dean, Business Manager and Board Recording Secretary; Ms. Brooke Say, Solicitor; and Mr. Austin Ford, Student Representative. There was an Executive Session prior to the regular Board meeting.

Minutes Approved

The Board unanimously approved the minutes of the January 13, 2014 meeting on a motion made by Mrs. Mikesell and seconded by Mrs. Foscato.


Mr. Jim Cramer, Director of the Adams County Tech Prep for nine years, presented a power point to the Board highlighting the activities and accomplishments of the Adams County Tech Prep. The school began operations in 1995 and added programs as time progressed and now has a total of ten program offerings. Students are able to attain the skills necessary to enter the workforce immediately after graduation or pursue the college credit opportunities and continue in a post secondary educational program.

Public Comment

Ms. Stacey Whitmore thanked Mr. Lefeber for his efforts in reinstituting a Science Club at the district. Ms. Catherine Mentzer has taken on the role of advisor and we hope to see great things from this club.

Ms. Whitmore also stated that she did not think the board’s attire was offensive and wanted them to put their efforts into insuring the best possible education for our children.

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Student Representative Reports:

Mr. Ford informed the Board that the first semester is officially over and students are happy to have finals completed. The Charity Bowl sponsored by the National Honor Society and Student Council has started.

Consent Agenda:

Mr. Lefeber requested that Item I be removed from the Consent Agenda and Mr. Hatter requested that Item L be removed, both for further discussion. On a motion by Mrs. Van Metre and seconded by Mr. Hatter the remaining items on the Consent Agenda were approved. A roll call vote was taken and Mr. Mark Greathouse, Mrs. Pamela Mikesell, Mrs. Agatha Foscato, Mr. Bruce Lefeber, Mr. Brad Rigler, Mr. Mickey Barlow, Mr. Chuck Hatter, and Mr. Lonny Whitcomb, Jr., and Mrs. Marcy Van Metre all cast assenting votes. The minutes should reflect that after the vote was taken, Mr. Barlow expressed his desire to abstain from voting on Item F. The items approved with this action are as follows:


Actions A. Ratified approval of a Use of Facilities Request from Liberty Mountain Resort to use the school parking lots, if needed, January 18, 19 & 20, 2014 & selected weekends in February 2014 for employee parking. Approximately 200 employees will park at school and be shuttled to Liberty Mountain via their bus service.

Background: No fee will be charged in return cooperation for Liberty Mountain’s financial support for FASD projects.

B. Approved a field trip request from the FFA and Ms. Jen Fleener to travel to the (ACES) Agricultural Cooperation Establishes Success Leadership Conference in Harrisburg, PA, on February 8-9, 2014.

Budget C. Approved the general fund bill list in the amount of $186,184.70.

D. Approved the food service fund bill list in the amount of $12,559.85.

E. Approved the journal entries and budget adjustments as presented.

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F. Approved revised transportation contracts for fiscal years ending June 30, 2014 and 2015.

Background: The primary transportation contract between the district and James F. Herring requires revision due to the death of Mr. Herring and his family's pursuant decision to split the bus portion of the contract from the van portion. Mrs. Nancy M. Herring will continue to provide van transportation for the district with no change to the previous contract language regarding vans. Jacoby Transportation will now provide the bus portion of the transportation, which was previously provided by Herring,under a contract with the district in his company name. Originally it was approved that Mr. Kyle Flook was purchasing this contract but that is no longer the case. There is no change in this contract from the original bus portion previously approved by the board. As per Brooke E. D. Say, Solicitor, we are not required to bid this service and our contract does allow us to work this out with a successor in interest such as Jacoby Transportation, who provides similar transportation for other districts in Adams County.

G. Approved the addition of Mr. David Williams to the bus driver’s list for the 2013-2014 school year. School Express, Inc. is the contractor.

Personnel H. Accepted the resignation for retirement of Mr. Michael Rupp, Sr., as the high school art teacher effective August 15, 2014. Mr. Rupp has served the District for 21 years.

J. Approved Mr. William Posner as an extended term substitute 8th grade social studies teacher effective February 10, 2014 through May 5, 2014 during Mrs. Yost’s childbearing leave.

Background: As an extended term substitute teacher, Mr. Posner will be paid $127.50 per diem with no extension of benefits except retirement.

K. Approved Ms. Colleen Glenn as an extended term substitute elementary music teacher effective February 3, 2014 through March 17, 2014 during Mrs. Reinecker’s childbearing leave.

Background: As an extended term substitute teacher, Ms. Glenn will be paid $127.50 per diem with no extension of benefits except retirement.

M. Approved the addition of Mrs. Patricia Strayer to the 2013-2014 Support Staff Sub list.

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Policies N. Approved the revisions to Policy 4230, Support Staff Compensation Administrative Procedure, on a first reading.

Background: Administrative Procedures only require one reading.

O. Approved the revisions to Policy 1520, Duties of Education Committee, on a first reading.

There was some discussion, regarding Item I, during which Mr. Chain explained that we have only one High School Art teacher and Mr. Lefeber discussed enrollment numbers and his concerns about the local economy and industry that will be outsourcing to Mexico resulting in the loss of local jobs. Regarding Item L, Mr. Chain explained that this is a yearly stipend position and the elementary play is slated for the spring. On a motion by Mr. Lefeber and seconded by Mrs. Van Metre, Items I and L were approved. A roll call vote was taken and Mr. Mark Greathouse, Mrs. Pamela Mikesell, Mrs. Agatha Foscato, Mr. Bruce Lefeber, Mr. Brad Rigler, Mr. Mickey Barlow, Mr. Chuck Hatter, and Mr. Lonny Whitcomb, Jr., and Mrs. Marcy Van Metre all cast assenting votes.

I. Granted permission for the administration to advertise and recommend for hire an Art teacher for the 2014-2015 school year.

L. Ratified the Superintendent’s acceptance of Mr. Peter Riley’s resignation as Elementary Assistant Drama Director effective immediately and grant permission to advertise and recommend for hire an Elementary Assistant Drama Director for the 2013-2014 school year.

Other Action Items:

On a motion by Mrs. Mikesell and seconded by Mrs. Van Metre, the LIU Operating Budget for 2014-2015 was approved. A roll call vote was taken and Mr. Mark Greathouse, Mrs. Pamela Mikesell, Mrs. Agatha Foscato, Mr. Bruce Lefeber, Mr. Brad Rigler, Mr. Mickey Barlow, Mr. Chuck Hatter, and Mr. Lonny Whitcomb, Jr., and Mrs. Marcy Van Metre all cast assenting votes.

A. Approved the LIU General Operating Budget for the 2014-2015 school year.

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Other Discussion Items:

A. PSBA Code of Conduct

Standards for Effective School Governance and Code of Conduct for members of Pennsylvania School Boards Association. Mr. Chain spoke to the Board about PSBA policies and a Code of Conduct adoption.

B. Kiwanis Club

Mr. Rigler told the Board that our district was the only district to reply to the Kiwanis Club request for students to participate in a talent competition.

C. Property Committee

Mr. Barlow reported on the Property Committee meeting with attendance and the agenda items such as the roof, a chiller, track repairs, parking lot issues, bleacher issues, painting needs and other concerns. The Committee will meet on future advertised dates to discuss ideas and costs.

D. Budget Committee

Mr. Lefeber reported that the Budget Committee had met which was very disconcerting to Mrs. Van Metre, a member of the committee, who was not asked to attend. Mr. Chain explained that the committee could not have actually formally met since the meeting dates are already advertised, as per school code, and must follow the procedures for attendance and minutes. Mr. Chain, with the solicitor in agreement, expressed the legal need to meet within the requirements of school code and the Sunshine Law. Mr. Lefeber explained he met with Mr. Rigler and Mr. Hatter to explain accounting codes and budget requirements.

On a motion made by Mrs. Van Metre, seconded by Mr. Barlow, and unanimously approved by the Board, the meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

Mr. Mark Greathouse Ms. Caroline Dean, Business Manager

Board President Board Recording Secretary