Resume Worksheet
Contact Information


Mailing Address:

Phone:( ) Email:

Objective *Answer this for yourself, but you may not need/want to include it in your actual resume

What are your goals – what do you want to do?

Educational Background *Reverse chronological

College: City: State:

Degree and Major: Graduation Date:


High School *if recently graduated:

Location: State: Graduation Date:

GPA: Special Honors:

Relevant Internships/Employment/ Volunteer Work *Reverse Chronological

Your Title: Organization:

City: State:

Beginning Date: Mo. Yr. End Date: Mo. Yr.

Supervisor: ______

Duties and Responsibilities:

Accomplishments: What did you achieve? What are you proud of?

Your Title: Organization:

City: State:

Beginning Date: Mo. Yr. End Date: Mo. Yr.

Supervisor: ______

Duties and Responsibilities:

Accomplishments: What did you achieve? What are you proud of?

Clubs, Groups, Professional Organizations & Associations


Offices Held: Dates:



Offices Held: Dates:


Skills and Qualifications

Why would an employer hire me? Why would a scholarship program find me a valuable investment?











This worksheet is not your resume. If there are important experiences you didn’t write here, jot them down. Depending on your individual experience, you may include sections like military service, specialized skills and certifications, workshops and conferences, etc. When you’ve gathered all your basic information, type it all up. Use this as your personal guide, a master resume, and update it at least once a year.

Now for the resume you give out to people: create a digital COPY of your master and remove the sections that you think are not so relevant/useful. Make this resume simple and crisp. Visually highlight your strengths using indentation, bulleting, and bold or italics if you need. I like to use tables to help me format the spacing better. Keep it to ONE PAGE. Look at other examples online and ask your mentors to review and help you make it SOLID. Then go for that job or internship.

If/when you don’t get accepted, be gracious and thank the company for their time. Learn what you can from the experience, and move on. It’s a tough job market, but if you keep pressing, you’ll end up where you want to be.

If you need guidance on your STEM-focused resume, stop by

The KCC STEM Center, Kokio 202

Aurora Kagawa ()

Pre-Engineering and ’IKE Support