OxfordTEFLTrinity DipTESOL
Lesson Plan Pro Forma
Teacher’s Name: Joe GreenwoodDate: 3rd August 2015
Level of class: B1
Estimated number of students: 10
Communicative objectives (speaking): To initiate constructive dialogue focused on offeringsuggestions to a given problem.
Language/Skills objectives and outcomes (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation):
To use the language of negotiation to solve a problem. For example:
•Why don’t we….
•How about…
•I think we should….
•We could try…
•We will focus on using this language in the correct context, using the correct register.
To use the above language with the correct intonation. The three aspects of intonation are:
All of these aspects need to be considered when using this language of negotiation.
Language/Skills analysis and anticipated language problems:
The lesson will aim to exploit emergent language, starting with a TBL exercise called Duncker’s candle. The learners are given:
- A wax candle
- A box of drawing pins
- A box of matches
The language I am trying to analyze is the learner’s understanding of the language of negotiation. I chose Duncker’s candle as it is a team exercise where the learners will have to work as a team to solve the problem. As a natural consequence of having a task to overcome, some target language will be produced by the learners. This is a marked advantage of TBL, as the learners are free from language control. During the lesson they must utilize all their own language resources to negotiate meaning, rather than just practicing language items pre-selected by the teacher. This allows the learners to expose each other to a wide variety of language. I anticipate there to be a wide variety of language that will arise from the learners needs. These will include:
- Lexical phrases
- Collocations
- Language patterns
- Grammatical forms
- Record the emergent language
- Present it on the board
- Enrich the language with my own suggestions and improvements
- Task the learners with reproducing the language in a communicative context
Timetable/programme fit:
1. How this lesson relates to previous lessons.
•In a previous lesson, my tutor fed back to me that I needed to take more risks with emergent language. I needed to find a way to use the emergent language to raise the level of all the learners. In previous lessons differentiation had mainly included asking the stronger learners to feedback and support the weaker learners. Whilst this was valuable experience for the weaker learners, it was not especially helpful to the stronger learners. I needed to find a way to make my lessons have a number of different ‘levels’ where the stronger learners could continually develop and improve alongside the weaker learners.
By exploiting emergent language I can let the learners set their own yardstick. The learners provide me with their level and then I offer suggestions of how to develop and improve it. This is a progression from the PPP approach of some of my previous lessons.
As this is a new group of learners this is also an appropriate task to set. I can analyze the emergent language to evaluate areas where the learners may need improvement.
Group profile:
See attached sheet
Stage 1 / Activity(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
5 minutes / Ss:Listen to the teachers instructions and ask any clarification questions.
T:Create interest in the task, give instructions and materials. I will then split the learners into groups of four or five (dependent on numbers), and set the learners off on the task. / Globally:To understand the nature of the task, Duncker’s candle.
Topic:Task based learning. / Interaction:Learner- teacher interaction. Learners have to listen to the teachers instructions on the task, and ask any clarification questions they may have.
Differentiation:I don’t expect there to be any differentiation in this task. However, any learners who are returning to my class, I will organize into separate groups. This is because I know all of the previous class were strong, so they can provide support to any new, weaker learners.
Flexibility:The task may take a little longer to explain if the learners are unclear on the objective.
Assessment & Feedback: There will be no assessment at this stage. Feedback will take the form of answering any queries the learners may have about the task.
Stage 2 / Activity
(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
15 minutes / Ss:To try to complete the TBL exercise, ‘Duncker’s Candle’. Communicating to complete the task only in English.
T:I will move amongst the groups noting down any emergent language. I will focus on the language of negotiation, as stipulated in my rationale. However I will also note down any emergent language where there are common errors, or any collocation I think the class might find particularly useful. / Globally:To negotiate a task using their existing language.
Task:This task is beneficial to both myself and the learners. During the task the learners will use their existing language resources. This will result in all of the learners hearing new language they haven’t heard before from each other.
- Wax candle
- Box of drawing pins
- Box of matches
I will be available for questions but mainly I will be moving amongst the groups listening and noting down emergent language.
Learners: I expect some learners to be more vocal and lead the group. Other learners may not say as much. For example Natalia is quite shy, so she may not offer suggestions on the task. I will move amongst the group and try to elicit suggestions to complete the tasks from all learners.
Differentiation:I will try to group the learners to have a mix of abilities and personalities in each group. However as many of the learners will be new this may not be very easy. I will just have to work with the returning learners.
Whilst I am monitoring I will try to encourage al learners to offer suggestions. That way, I will be able to analyze the new learner’s levels, as well as eliciting a wider variety of learner language from the class.
Flexibility:I need to consider the possibility of the learners completing the task too early, or not managing at all. In the case of the task finishing early, I can spend more time with the emergent language. Drilling, improving and extending the language.
If the learners haven’t completed the task after 15 minutes, I will assist the groups, offering suggestions, whilst still eliciting language to utilize in the remainder of the lesson.
Assessment & Feedback: This stage is a diagnostic phase. I am listening to the language the learners produce, in order to improve and add to it. As a result there will not be any assessment during this phase. I will be noting emergent language for common errors etc, and in the next stage feedback will be offered to develop and improve the emergent language.
Stage 3 / Activity
(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
10 minutes / Ss:To interact with the teacher to clarify and add to emergent language.
T:I will board emergent language, and also add some related phrases of my own. I will then elicit and explain the meaning behind each phrase to the learners. / Globally:To learn to recognize meanings behind some phrases of negotiation.
Task:This task is to expose and add to the emergent language. As these are B1 learners I am expecting some useful language to emerge from the task. I will then add to these to develop a varied lexicon. Some of the phrases I expect to emerge/will include if they don’t emerge are:
- Why don’t we…
- How about…
- Let’s try…
- That’s not going to work…
- We could…
Differentiation:Some learners may not be as clear on the emergent language as others. I will ask the class for clarification of the boarded language to check all learners have understood. This is important as in the next phase we will look to develop and improve the language.
Flexibility:I expect this phase to take ten minutes, however I will allow extra time in case some learners are struggling to understand the boarded language.
Assessment & Feedback: Feedback in this stage will consist of answering any questions that arise about the emergent language. We will look to modify and improve the boarded language, as well as drilling it, in the next phase, so I expect feedback in this phase to be quite brief.
Stage 4 / Activity
(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
10 minutes / Ss:To try and correct mistakes, and in pair suggest ways to modify and improve the boarded language. Also to suggest other contexts in which the TL could be used.
T:I will elicit ways to modify and improve the boarded language. Also I will teach the learners other contexts in which the language can be used. / Globally:To expand upon the provided lexicon from the task.
Task:This stage is designed to give the learners a better understanding of the TL. They need to learn other contexts in which the language can be used.
By expanding and offering other suggestions to use to TL, I will increase the learners understanding of the language. / Interaction:Pair work first, trying to identify mistakes and improve the language. Then teacher learner interaction when the learners suggest ideas.
Learners: Some quiet learners, such as Natalia and Alejandro, I will pair with more vocal learners. This is because I know Natalia and Alejandro are capable of the task, but can be hesitant to speak. By pairing them with a more vocal learner, I hope to achieve a good balance in the pair.
Differentiation:Some pairs will be more vocal and suggest more improvements to the language. To try and elicit a response from a wide variety of learners, I will specifically choose pairs to offer a suggestion.
Flexibility:This stage has to have some flexibility. Because I am asking for input from the learners, the timing of this task could vary. If many suggestions are made, it could last longer than if the learners are unsure.
Assessment & Feedback:
Stage 5 / Activity
(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
10 minutes / Ss:Offer suggestions as to how we pronounce and intone the TL. Participate in peer drilling exercises.
T:I will elicit suggestions from learners as to how we intone the TL. Learners who correctly identify an intonation pattern will then lead the group in a peer drill. / Globally:There are three main reasons for intonation. Grammar, discourse and attitude. In this instance, intonation is a necessary part of the discourse. As we are focusing on the language of suggestions, often the TL will have a rising intonation. E.g. ‘Why don’t we…?’ this is because the suggestions take the form of a question. I will try to elicit these answers from the learners, and provide them if they are struggling.
Task:A drilling exercise is vital in this instance in order to be able to correctly use the TL in context. The next stage will be a communicative activity using the language so learning the correct intonation is vital. / Interaction:Pair interaction, then offering suggestions. Some learners will lead a peer drill.
Learners:Some quiet learners, such as Natalia and Alejandro, I will pair with more vocal learners. This is because I know Natalia and Alejandro are capable of the task, but can be hesitant to speak. By pairing them with a more vocal learner, I hope to achieve a good balance in the pair. Also, I will ask a variety of learners to lead the peer drills. This will allow me good opportunity to listen to new learner’s pronunciation.
Differentiation:I want to use this exercise as time to listen to new learner’s pronunciation. Many of the learners in today’s class will be new, so I will use the peer drilling exercise as a time to listen and diagnose strengths and weaknesses amongst the learners.
Flexibility:I will extend the activity if I feel the drilling is proving both beneficial to the learners, and allowing me time to diagnose their pronunciation issues.
Assessment & Feedback: I will reactively correct any errors that arise from the drill. I will allow the learners to lead peer drilling, however I will support and correct errors as they arise. I am expecting a number of errors in:
- Pronunciation of singular words.
- Intonation.
- Word stress.
- Language context.
Stage 6 / Activity
(what students/you do) / Aim of activity (why you/they do it?)
Rationale (for topic/task/materials/aids/technology) / Interaction/Learners/Differentiation/Flexibility
10 minutes / Ss:Participate in a communicative activity. A mill drill, asking other learners to provide suggestions to their problems.
T:Set the task, (offering suggestions for problems if necessary) and then move amongst the learners offering support. I will also be noting common errors to correct later. / Globally:To use the target language in authentic communication.
Topic:Getting suggestions of how to solve their problems.
Task:This is the final activity of the class. The aim is for the learners to use the TL and correct intonation in a communicative activity. A mill activity ensures they will get plenty of practice using the language with a variety of other learners, and leaves me free to move around the class, micro-teaching and noting common errors. / Interaction:Mill activity. The learners will ask for suggested solutions to the problem on their card from a variety of learners.
Differentiation:Some learners may need more support than others. I will prioritize helping these learners first. Once these learners have begun the task all learners should be able to participate without difficulty.
Flexibility:Five minutes before the end of the lesson, I will stop the class in order to correct any common errors I have noted down. This time could be a little longer or shorter depending on how many common errors I have noted.
Assessment & Feedback: Feedback will take two forms:
- I will offer support and micro teach individual pairs whilst the activity is in progress.
- Common errors will be noted down and there will be a time allocated at the end of the lesson to correct these errors.
© Oxford Tefl 2015