Austin FFA Officer Guidelines
The following rules and guidelines pertain to all officers in the Austin FFA program regardless of position. In all situations the guideline referenced is while serving in the current term of office. This document must be signed and returned before an officer will be allowed to run for office.
1. Officers will remain a member in good standing (i.e. enrolling in a district approved Agriculture Science class, paying their FFA dues and other fees by the appropriate deadlines, and remain active in accordance with approved guidelines).
2. Each officer will organize a personal planner (notebook) listing the dates and times for FFA events by the assigned date given by the FFA advisor (This is to be brought to all meetings).
3. Officers will represent the FFA program in a professional manner at all times (FFA Convention, Officer Camp, Dawg Camp, community service activities, Club progress show, meetings, school, Social Media, etc.) and are expected to speak positively on its behalf (Personal conflict and issues will not be tolerated, and can result in immediate removal if not resolved).
4. Officers are expected to know all of their official ceremonies, and are to complete all required duties of their officer station, in the time frame allotted.
5. Officers must participate in at least 1 LDE or 1 CDE per school year (unless otherwise approved by advisor).
6. Officers are expected to lead by example and actively participate (Must meet all minimum requirements) in ALL fundraisers throughout the year, (10/5 item rule).
7. Each officer will pay $200.00 towards the cost of officer pins, book, officer t-shirts, official officer shirts, FFA dues, club shirt, and official FFA jackets. This must be paid before school lets out for summer break (This is subject to change.).
8. Officers will attend all monthly FFA Officer and club meetings and are only allowed to have one excused absence. Unexcused absences will not be tolerated, and will result in removal from office (Unless otherwise approved by advisor).
Excused absence = Is defined as an absence with a prior written excuse at least 24 hours before scheduled meeting time. In cases of illness, the officer should contact the Ag. office (281-634-2044) as soon as possible. If no one answers, leave a message, and then provide a written excuse upon return to school. Not following this procedure will result in an unexcused absence.
9. Officers will arrive on time to all FFA Officer and club meetings. After the third documented tardy, it will be considered an unexcused absence and the officer will be removed from office.
Tardy = a tardy is constituted as 5 minutes or more after the scheduled start time.
10. Officers should be in official dress (As outlined in the official FFA Manual.) at FFA meetings and other official events as requested by the FFA Advisor. Official dress is an integral part of the FFA. Refusal to wear official dress will not only exclude the officer from participation in the activity, but can result in removal from office.
11. Newly elected officers are required to actively participate in a leadership book study.
12. Officers will wear official dress or required attire to school the day of all FFA meetings (unless otherwise directed by an advisor).
13. Officers are expected to go above beyond the mode of student dress established in the FBISD Student Handbook (Failure to do so can result in immediate dismal from office).
14. Officers are expected to comply with FBISD Student Handbook guidelines at all times.
15. Officers are required to obtain a $150.00 donation for the chapter before July 1st. These donations will be used to benefit the chapter, and help offset cost of annual activities.
16. Officers will be required to obtain two Auction Items for the end of the year banquet.
17. Officers will be academically eligible by UIL standards.
Consequence = an officer who is ineligible for one eligibility reports will be placed on probation. If the officer becomes ineligible for a second time the officer will be removed.
18. Officers will maintain excellent conduct.
Consequence =an officer who receives an unacceptable conduct grade for two grading
periods will be removed from office (anything under an S).
19. Inappropriate behavior of an officer can result in immediate removal from office at the discretion of the FFA Advisor after consultation with the appropriate campus administrator(s). The FFA Advisors decision is final.
Any time an officers is not in compliance with one or more of the above guidelines or responsibilities of their office they can be removed from office at the discretion of the FFA Advisor with the exception of those guidelines with specific consequences listed. In the event an officer is removed from his/her official position all paid fees, payments, and/or donations are forfeited and will not be reimbursed by the chapter.
Consequence (Unless specifically stated above.):
1st offense- will result in a written warning.
2nd offense- will result in a written warning, and a meeting with the officer in question.,
- Principal will be informed.
3rd offense- will result in removal from office.
I have read and understand the above guidelines and agree to follow them at all times.
Signature of officer: Date:
Signature of Parent / Guardian: Date:
*Turn this page in with behind officer ranking Pg. four*